This database includes direct links to all full-text law journals on either Quicklaw/Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw, Westlaw Canada, Hein Online or the Internet as well as a list of the library's print holdings.
Users with Quicklaw/LexisNexis passwords cannot access journals on LexisNexis; Quicklaw/LexisNexis does not allow direct access to individual journals. Users with a WestlawNext password, can access journals on both WestlawNext and Westlaw.
Items marked (Full text through U of T Library Resources) are available only to the University of Toronto Community. Some databases include only selected coverage.
U of T acquires new resources constantly. This list is updated regularly but to ensure you have not missed any journals made available through the U of T library system, make sure you also search the library catalogue.
Los Angeles, [etc.] : School of International Relations.
Print Call Number: K2 .A437 from v.1 to 10 (1957-1966) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.10, dated 1966.
Bahir Dar University Journal of Law
Bahir Dar University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
Baku State University Law Review
Baku State University Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2015
Baltimore Law Transcript: A Journal of Law and General Intelligence
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1868-1879) All Published
Banaras Law Journal
Benares, India : Hindu University
Print Call Number: K2 .A627 from v.4 to 6 (1968-1970) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.6, dated 1970.
Bank of Canada Review. Revue de la Banque du Canada
Ottawa : Bank of Canada
Print Call Number: K2 .A6422 from 1975 to 1980 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with volume dated 1980.
Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi
Ankara Universitesi Cebeci Kampusu
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1961
Banking and Commercial Law Journal
Ankara Universitesi Cebeci Kampusu
Title varies: as Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1961
Banking and Finance Law Review
Agincourt, Ont. : Carswell Legal Publications
Westlaw BFLR-CAN from v.13, 1997-1998
Westlaw Canada BFLR-CAN from v.13, 1997-1998
Print Call Number: K2 .A6424 from v.1 to 27 (1986-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview, from v.28, 2012 onwards located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Banking and Financial Services Policy Report
Westlaw BNKFSPR from v.19, 2000
Westlaw Canada BNKFSPR from v.19, 2000
Banking Law Journal
Boston : Warren, Gorham & Lamont
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1889
Westlaw WGL-BLJ from v.104, 1987
Westlaw Canada WGL-BLJ from v.104, 1987
Print Call Number: K2 .A6446 from v.60 to 126 (1943-2009) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.126, no.10, dated November/December 2009.
Banking Law Journal Digest
Boston [etc.] : Warren, Gorham & Lamont
Print Call Number: K2 .A645 from 6th ed.: 1962, v.1 to 2; Cumulative Federal Supplement 1980 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with cumulative Federal Supplement, dated 1980.
Banking Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BANKLR 148671 from Varies by individual source
Banking Policy Report
Westlaw BNKPR from v.11, no.5, 1992
Westlaw Canada BNKPR from v.11, no.5, 1992
Bankruptcy Developments Journal
Atlanta, Ga. : Emory University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-20 (1984-2004) as Bankruptcy Developments Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1984
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BNKDEV from v.1, 1984
Westlaw BKRDEVJ from v.1, 1984
Westlaw Canada BKRDEVJ from v.1, 1984
Print Call Number: K2 .A6456 from v.1 to 19 (1984-2003), v.20, no.1 (2003:Autumn) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.20, no.1, dated 2003.
Bankruptcy Law: Case Administration - Examiners, Officers & Trustees Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVEX 398546 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Law: Case Administration - Professional Services Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVPS 398547 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Law: Case Administration - Stays Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVST 398398 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Law: Claims Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVCL 398548 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Law: Discharge & Dischargeability Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVDD 398549 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Law: Practice & Proceedings Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVPP 398552 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Law: Reorganization Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BLRVRO 398553 from Varies by individual source
Bankruptcy Service Current Awareness Alert
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BSALRT from January 1996
Bankruptcy Strategist Newsletter, The
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BKSTGY from March 1996
Westlaw BKRST from March 1995
Westlaw Canada BKRST from March 1995
Bankrutpcy Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BKRTLR 148672 from Varies by individual source
Bar Briefs
[Bismarck, N.D.] : State Bar Association of North Dakota
Title varies: Vols. 1-24, no.1 (1924-1948) as Bar Briefs; Vols. 24, no.2-26 (1948-1950) as North Dakota Briefs
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 24, no.1 (1924-1948)
Print Call Number: K2 .A72236 from v.22 to 23 (1945-1947) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.24, no.1, dated January 1948.
Bar Examination Annual (London)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1893 to 1894 All Published
Bar Examination Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1873-1892) All Published
Bar Examination Papers, Questions and Answers
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 11 (1901-1911) All Published
Bar Executive Key Handbook
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1965 to 1974
Bar Journals, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic BARJNL 154991 from 1994
Bar Leader
[Chicago, Ill., American Bar Association]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1975
Print Call Number: K2 .A7224 from v.4 to 17 (1978-1993), v.18, no.1-4 (1993:Mar./Apr.-Sept./Oct.) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.18, no.4, dated September/October 1993.
Montréal : Barreau du Québec
Print Call Number: K2 .A7732 from v.10 to 26 (1978-1994) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
London: Published by Knight and Lacey
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1824) All Published
Toronto : Canadian Legal Pub. Co. [etc.]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1894-1897) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .A774 from v.1 to 3 (1894-1897) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.3, dated December 1897.
Barrister (ABA)
[Chicago] Young Lawyers Section, American Bar Association.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 23 (1974-1996) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .A7742 from v.3 to 23 (1976-1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication cease with v.23, dated 1996.
Barry Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic BARRY 254558 from v.1, 2000
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BARRY from v.1, Summer 2000
Westlaw BARRYLR from v.33, 1981
Westlaw Canada BARRYLR from v.33, 1981
Baylor Law Review
[Waco, Tex.] Baylor University Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1948
LexisNexis Academic BAYLOR 138249 from v.45, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BAYLOR from v.45, 1993
Westlaw BLRLR from v.33, 1981
Westlaw Canada BLRLR from v.33, 1981
Print Call Number: K2 .A946 from v.1 to 65 (1948-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.65, no.3, dated Fall 2013.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law
New York, N.Y. : Van Nostrand Reinhold
Print Call Number: K2 .E4285 from v.1 (1983); v.4 to 11 (1986-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.11, no.4, dated Autumn 1993.
Beijing Law Review
Scientific Research
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
Belgian Review of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1965
Bell Journal of Economics
[New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Co.]
formerly The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science
Print Call Number: K2 .E442 from v.6 to 12 (1975-1981) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.12, no.2, dated Autumn 1981.
Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, The
[New York, American Telephone and Telegraph Co.]
continues as The Bell Journal of Economics
Print Call Number: K2 .E442 from v.1 to 5 (1970-1974) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.5, dated Autumn 1974.
Bell Yard: Journal of the Law Society's School of Law
[London] : Printed and published for the Law Society by the Solicitor's Law Stationery Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from no.1 to 22 (1927-1939) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .E443 from no.1 to 22 (1927-1939) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with no.22, dated May 1939.
Bellwether: The Seattle Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
Title varies: Vol. 1 (2009) as Bellwether: The Seattle Journal of Environmental Law & Policy; Vol. 1 (2010) as Seattle Environmental Law Journal, The Obama Effect
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (Spring 2009)
Belmont Criminal Law Journal
Belmont University College of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2018
Belmont Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2014
Bench and Bar
Montreal : Kingsland Co.
Old Series Vols. 1-28 (1905-1912); News Series Vols. 1-14, 43 (1912-1920)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 43 v. (1905-1920) All Published
Bench and Bar
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 o.s., v.1 to 2 n.s. (1869-1874) All Published
Bench and Bar of Minnesota
Westlaw BBMN from v.57, 2000
Westlaw Canada BBMN from v.57, 2000
Bench and Bar Review
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1 (1874) as Bench and Bar Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, no.1 (1874)
Bench and Bar: The National Legal Newspaper
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 15 (1931-1945) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .E623 from v.1 to v.15 (1931-1945) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.15, dated May 1945.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 5 (1983-1993) All Published
Bergin Hall Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1951 All Published
Berkeley Business Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2004
LexisNexis Academic BBLJRL 301735 from v.1, 2004
Westlaw BERKBLJ from 2004 (vol. 1, no. 1)
Westlaw Canada BERKBLJ from v.1, 2004
Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1994-2005) as African-American Law and Policy Report
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1994
LexisNexis Academic AFALPR 300467 from v.1, 1994
Westlaw BERKJAA from v. 8, (2006)
Westlaw Canada BERKJAA from v.8, 2006
Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (2000-2004) as California Criminal Law Review; Vols. 8-10 (2004-2005) as Boalt Journal of Criminal Law (Vols. 1-10 are external to HeinOnline)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic BJCLW 282775 from v.1, 2000
Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law
Berkeley, CA : University of California Press
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1976-1992) as Industrial Relations Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1976
LexisNexis Academic BJELL 248045 from v.14, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BJELL from v.22 no.1, 2001
Westlaw BERKJELL from 1984
Westlaw Canada BERKJELL from 1984
Print Call Number: K2 .E742 from v.14 to 31 (1993-2010), v.32, no.1 (2011); v.33 to 34 (2012-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.34, no.2, dated 2013.
Berkeley Journal of Entertainment and Sports Law
University of California, Berkeley School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012
Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice
Berkeley, CA : University of California
Title varies: Vols. 1-19 (1985-2004) as Berkeley Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1985
LexisNexis Academic BRKWOM 248074 from v.13, 1991
Westlaw BERKJGLJ from v.9, 1994
Westlaw Canada BERKJGLJ from v.9, 1994
Print Call Number: K2 .E7426 from v.20 to 28 (2005-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.28, no.2, dated Summer 2013.
Berkeley Journal of International Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1983-1996) as International Tax and Business Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1983
LexisNexis Academic BJILAW 165485 from v.14, 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BJILAW from v.14 no.1, 1996
Westlaw BERKJIL from 1983
Westlaw Canada BERKJIL from 1983
Print Call Number: K2 .E7428 from v.14 to 23 (1996-2005); v.24, no.2-3 (2006), v.25 to 31 (2007-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.31, no.2, dated 2013.
Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern & Islamic Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2008
LexisNexis Academic BERJIL 376114 from Spring 2009
Berkeley La Raza Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-12, no.1 (1983-2000) as La Raza Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1983
LexisNexis Academic LARAZA 222532 from v.8, 1995
Westlaw BERKLARLJ from v.12, 2001
Westlaw Canada BERKLARLJ from v.12, 2001
Berkeley Technology Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1986-1995) as High Technology Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1986
LexisNexis Academic BRKTLJ 168984 from v.13, 1998
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BRKTLJ from v.13 no.1, 1998
Westlaw BERKTLJ from 1986
Westlaw Canada BERKTLJ from 1986
Print Call Number: K2 .E743 from v.11 to 20 (1996-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.20, no.4, dated Fall 2005.
Berkeley Women's Law Journal
Lincoln, NE : Joe Christensen, Inc.
Title varies: Vols. 1-19 (1985-2004) as Berkeley Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 19 (1985-2004)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BRKWOM from v.13, 1998
Westlaw BERKWLJ from 1990
Westlaw Canada BERKWLJ from 1990
Print Call Number: K2 .E744 from v.1 to 19 (1985-2004) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.19, no.2, dated 2004.
Berlin Law Letter
Berlin, [Germany] : Ackermann & Schultze-Zeu
Print Call Number: K2 .E7455 from no.1-4 (February 1, 1990-July 15, 1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.4, dated July 15, 1990.
Best of ABA Sections: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section
General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1997-1998)
Print Call Number: K2 .E788 from v.1 (1997), v.2, no.1 (Spring 1998) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.2, no.1, dated Spring 1998.
Beverly Hills Bar Association Journal
Westlaw BEVHBAJ from v.25, 1991
Westlaw Canada BEVHBAJ from v.25, 1991
Beyond Law = Más allá del derecho
Bogotá, Colombia : Instituto Latinoamericano de Servicios Legales Alternativos
Print Call Number: K2 .E866 from v.5, no.14 (March 1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.5, no.14, dated March 1996.
Bibliography of Periodical Literature Relating to Irish Law
Belfast : Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
Print Call Number: K33 .O45 from main volume + Supplements no.1-2 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Bill of Rights Journal
New York : National Emergency Civil Liberties Union
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 29 (1968-1996) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .I436 from v.1 to 29 (1968-1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.29, dated December 1996.
Bill of Rights Review
Philadelphia : Bill of Rights Committee of the American Bar Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1940-1942) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .I438 from v.1 to 2 (1940/1941-1941/1942) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.2, no.4, dated Summer 1942.
Bi-Monthly Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1916-1918) as Law Review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit; Vol. 3 (1919-1920) as Bi-Monthly Law Review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit; Vols. 4-9 (1920-1926) as Bi-Monthly Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.4 to 9 (1920-1926)
Bi-Monthly Law Review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1916-1918) as Law Review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit; Vol. 3 (1919-1920) as Bi-Monthly Law Review of the Law Department of the University of Detroit; Vols. 4-9 (1920-1926) as Bi-Monthly Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.3 (1919-1920)
Bimonthly Review of Law Books
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 17 (1990-2006) All Published
Bio-Science Law Review
[Oxon, England] : Lawtext Publishing Ltd.
Print Call Number: K2 .I635 from v.4, no.1-2; 5-6 (2000/2001), v.5 (2001/2002); v.6, no.2-6 (2003/2004), v.7 (2004/2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.7, no.6, dated 2004/2005.
Bioethics Policy Studies
Ewha Institute for Biomedical Law & Ethics
Title varies: Vols. 1-9 (2007-2016) as Bioethics Policy Studies
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 9 (2007-2016)
Biotechnology Law Report
New York, N.Y. : M.A. Liebert
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BIOLAW from February 2003 through June 2005
Westlaw BIOTECHLR from v. 22, 2003
Westlaw Canada BIOTECHLR from v. 22, 2003
Print Call Number: K2 .I674 from v.1 to 6 (1982-1987); v.19 to 24 (2000-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.24, no.6, dated December 2005.
Birkbeck Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
Black Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-9 (1971-1984) as Black Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 9 (1971-1984)
Blackletter Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1984-1985) as Blackletter Journal; Vols. 3-10 (1986-1993) as Harvard Blackletter Journal; Vols. 11-25 (1994-2009) as Harvard Blackletter Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1984-1985)
Black's Papers on Energy Law and Regulated Industries
BNA Antitrust and Trade Regulation Report
Westlaw BNA-ATRR from January 1986
BNA Banking Daily
Westlaw BNA-BBD from September 1987
BNA Banking Report
Westlaw BNA-BNK from January 1986
BNA Bankruptcy Law Daily
Westlaw BNA-BLD from September 1989
BNA Chemical Regulation Daily
Westlaw BNA-CRD from October 1991
BNA Chemical Regulation Reporter
Westlaw BNA-CHEM from January 1986
BNA Corporate Law Daily
previously BNA's Corporate Counsel Daily
Westlaw BNA-CLD from June 1993
BNA Daily Environment Report
Westlaw BNA-DEN from July 1992
BNA Daily Labor Report
Westlaw BNA-DLR from January 1986
BNA Daily Tax Report
Westlaw BNA-DTR from January 1986
BNA Employment Policy and Law Daily
Westlaw BNA-EPLD from June 1983
BNA Environment Reporter
Westlaw BNA-ER from January 1986
BNA Federal Contracts Daily
Westlaw BNA-FCD from September 1988
BNA Federal Contracts Report
Westlaw BNA-FCR from January 1986
BNA Government Employee Relations Report
Westlaw BNA-GERR from January 1986
BNA Health Law Reporter
Westlaw BNA-HLR from September 1992
BNA International Trade Reporter
Westlaw BNA-ITR from January 1986
BNA Labor Relations Reporter: Analysis/News and Background Information
Westlaw LRR-NEWS from July 1991
BNA Labor Relations Reporter: Individual Employment rights Newsletter
Westlaw LRR-IERN from September 1986
BNA Labor Relations Reporter: Labor Arbitration Reports
Westlaw LRR-LA from 1979
BNA Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal
Westlaw BNA-PTCJ from January 1986
BNA Pensions and Benefits Daily
Westlaw BNA-PBD from March 1987
BNA Pensions and Benefits Reporter
Westlaw BNA-PEN from January 1986
BNA Products Liability Daily
Westlaw BNA-PLD from September 1989
BNA Securities Law Daily
Westlaw BNA-SLD from March 1987
BNA Securities Regulation and Law Report
Westlaw BNA-SRLR from 1986
BNA State Environment Daily
Westlaw BNA-SED from February 1988
BNA Toxics Law Daily
Westlaw BNA-TLD from September 1988
BNA United States Law Week - Supreme Court Reports
Westlaw BNA-USLWSCT from March 1987
BNA United States Law Week (U.S.L.W.)
Westlaw BNA-USLW from January 1986
Boalt Journal of Criminal Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (2000-2004) as California Criminal Law Review; Vols. 8-10 (2004-2005) as Boalt Journal of Criminal Law (Vols. 1-10 are external to HeinOnline)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.8 to 10 (2004-2005)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BJCLW from 2005
Bocconi Legal Papers
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1914
Boletim de Ciencias Economicas
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1952
Bona Fides
George Washington University Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1939
Bond Law Review
Bond University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1989
Boston Bar Journal
LexisNexis Academic BSTNBJ 156158 from v.39, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BSTNBJ from v.39, January 1995
Westlaw BBJ from v.27, 1983
Westlaw Canada BBJ from v.27, 1983
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review
Newton Centre, Mass. : Published by Environmental Affairs, Inc. of the Boston College Law School
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1971-1978) as Environmental Affairs
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1971
LexisNexis Academic ENVAFF 7400 from v.10, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis ENVAFF from v.10, Winter 1982
Westlaw BCEALR from v.10, 1983
Westlaw Canada BCEALR from v.10, 1983
Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review
Brighton, Mass. : Boston College Law School
Title varies: Vols. 1-18 (1959-1977) as Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 18 (1959-1977)
Boston College Intellectual Property and Technology Forum
External to HeinOnline
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1997
Boston College International and Comparative Law Journal
Newton Centre, Mass. : Boston College School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1977-1979) as Boston College International and Comparative Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1977-1979)
Print Call Number: K2 .O778 from v.1 (1977), v.2, no.1 (1978) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.2, no.1, dated 1978.
Boston College International and Comparative Law Review
Newton Centre, Mass. : Boston College School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1977-1979) as Boston College International and Comparative Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1977
LexisNexis Academic BSNTIC 156986 from v.19, no.2 Summer 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BSNTIC from v.19 no.2, Summer 1996
Westlaw BCICLR from v.5, 1982
Westlaw Canada BCICLR from v.5, 1982
Print Call Number: K2 .O778 from v.2, no.2 (1979), v.3 to 28 (1979-2005); v.29, no.2 (2006), v.30 to 35 (2007-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.35, no.2, dated Spring 2012.
Boston College Journal of Law and Social Justice
Title varies: Vols. 1-31 (1980-2011) as Boston College Third World Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1980
LexisNexis Academic BCTWLJ 156985 from v.16, 1996
Boston College Law Review
[Newton Centre, Mass.] : Boston College Law School
Title varies: Vols. 1-18 (1959-1977) as Boston College Industrial and Commercial Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1959
LexisNexis Academic BCLR 142668 from v.34, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BCLR from v.34, July 1993
Westlaw BCLR from v.24 no.3, 1983
Westlaw Canada BCLR from v.24 no.3, 1983
Boston College Third World Law Journal
Newton Centre, MA : Boston College Law School
Title varies: Vols. 1-31 (1980-2011) as Boston College Third World Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 31 (1980-2011)
LexisNexis Academic BCTWLJ 156985 from v.16, 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BCTWLJ from v.16 no.1, Winter 1996
Westlaw BCTWLJ from v.7, 1987
Westlaw Canada BCTWLJ from v.7, 1987
Print Call Number: K2 .O786 from v.1 to 25 (1980-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.25, no.2, dated Spring 2005.
Boston Law School Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1896-1897) All Published
Boston University International Law Journal
Boston, Mass. : Boston University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1982
LexisNexis Academic BUILJ 146212 from v.12, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUILJ from v.12, Spring 1994
Westlaw BUILJ from v.3, 1985
Westlaw Canada BUILJ from v.3, 1985
Print Call Number: K2 .O787 from v.1 to 31 (1982-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.31, no.2, dated Summer 2013.
Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1995
LexisNexis Academic BUJSTL 148851 from 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUJSTL from 1995
Westlaw BUJSTL from v.1, 1994
Westlaw Canada BUJSTL from v.1, 1994
Boston University Journal of Tax Law
Boston, Mass. : Boston University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 9 (1983-1991) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .O7872 from v.1 to 9 (1983-1991) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.9, dated November 1991.
Boston University Law Review
[Boston, Boston University School of Law]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1921
LexisNexis Academic BOSULR 7369 from v.62, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BOSULR from v.62, November 1982
Westlaw BULR from v.62 no.2, 1982
Westlaw Canada BULR from v.62 no.2, 1982
Print Call Number: K2 .O7874 from v.1 to 45 (1921-1965); v.47 to 83 (1967-2003); v.84, no.2-4 (2004), v.85 to 91 (2005-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.92, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Boston University Public Interest Law Journal
Boston, MA : Boston University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1991
LexisNexis Academic BUPILJ 143870 from v.3, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUPILJ from v.3, Fall 1993
Westlaw BUPILJ from v.4, 1994
Westlaw Canada BUPILJ from v.4, 1994
Print Call Number: K2 .O7876 from v.1 to 22 (1991-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.22, no.2, dated Summer 2013.
Bracton Law Journal
[Exeter, Eng., Bracton Law Society]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1965
Print Call Number: K2 .R1476 from v.12 to 43 (1978/1979-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.43, dated 2011.
Brainard's Legal Precedents in Land and Mining Cases
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (1883-1889) All Published
Brandeis Journal of Family Law
Louisville, Ky. : The School
Title varies: Vols. 1-30 (1961-1992) as Journal of Family Law; Vols. 31-35 (1993-1997) as University of Louisville Journal of Family Law; Vol. 36 (1997-1998) as Brandeis Journal of Family Law; Vols. 37-45 (1998-2007) as Brandeis Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.36 (1997-1998)
Print Call Number: K2 .R263 from v.36 (1997/1998) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.36, no.4, dated Fall 1997/1998.
Brandeis Law Journal
Louisville, Ky. : Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville
Title varies: Vols. 1-30 (1961-1992) as Journal of Family Law; Vols. 31-35 (1993-1997) as University of Louisville Journal of Family Law; Vol. 36 (1997-1998) as Brandeis Journal of Family Law; Vols. 37-45 (1998-2007) as Brandeis Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.37 to 45 (1998-2007)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BRNDLJ from v.31, Summer 1993
Westlaw BRANDLJ from v.32, 1993
Westlaw Canada BRANDLJ from v.32, 1993
Print Call Number: K2 .R264 from v.37 to 45 (1998-2007) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
Rede de Pesquisa Empirica em Direito
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2014
Brazilian Journal of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2004
Brazilian Journal of Public Policy
University Center of Brasilia (UNICEUB)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2011
Brazilian Journal of Public Policy - Spanish
LexisNexis Academic BRAJSP 416185 from July 2012
Brazilian Journal of Public Policy (Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas) - Portuguese
LexisNexis Academic BRAJPT 416183 from April 2011
BRICS Law Journal
BRICS, an acronym for an association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2014
Bridgeport Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-12, no.1 (1980-1991) as University of Bridgeport Law Review; Vols. 12, no.2-13 (1992-1993) as Bridgeport Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.12, no.2 to 13 (1992-1993)
Chicago : American Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 1, no.1-2 (1971) as The Brief; Vols. 1, no.3-9, no.2 (1972-1980) as the INCL Brief
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, no.1-2, 1971
Westlaw BRIEF from v.11, 1982
Westlaw Canada BRIEF from v.11, 1982
Print Call Number: K1 .M471589 from v.9, no.3 (May 1980), v.10 to 29 (1980-2000) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.29, no.4, dated Summer 2000.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)
from v.1 to 3 (1894-1895) All Published
Brief (Illinois)
Title varies: Vols. 1, no.1-2 (1971) as The Brief; Vols. 1, no.3-9, no.2 (1972-1980) as the INCL Brief
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1971
Brief (Phi Delta Phi)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 72 (1887-1978) All Published
Brief Case
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1926-1932) All Published
Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
Title varies: 1992 as Brigham Young University Journal of Law and Education
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1992
LexisNexis Academic BYUELJ 167098 from Spring 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BYUELJ from Spring 1996
Westlaw BYUELJ from 1983
Westlaw Canada BYUELJ from 1983
Brigham Young University International Law & Management Review
Title varies: as Brigham Young University International Law & Management Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.3, 2006
LexisNexis Academic ILAWMR 315597 from v.3, 2006
Brigham Young University Journal of Law and Education
Title varies: 1992 as Brigham Young University Journal of Law and Education
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1992
Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1986/1987
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BYUJPL from v.12 no.1, 1997
Westlaw BYUJPL from v.4, 1990
Westlaw Canada BYUJPL from v.4, 1990
Brigham Young University Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1975
LexisNexis Academic BYULR 142671 from 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BYULR from 1993
Westlaw BYULR from 1983
Westlaw Canada BYULR from 1983
Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012
Bristol Law Review
University of Bristol Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2013
British Columbia Law Notes
Victoria, B.C. : Munroe Miller, Printer and Bookbinder
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1894) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .R564 from v.1, no.1-2 (February-March 1894) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.1, no.2, dated March 1894.
British Journal of Administrative Law
S.l. : s.n.
Print Call Number: K2 .R572 from v.1 to 3 (1954-1958) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.3, no.4, dated Winter 1957/Spring 1958.
British Journal of American Legal Studies
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012
British Journal of Criminology
London : Stevens ; Chicago, Ill. : Quadrangle Books
Supercedes British Journal of Delinquency
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1960
Call Number: K2 .R573 from v.1 to 46 (1960-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.46, no.6, dated November 2006.
British Journal of Delinquency
Superceded by British Journal of Criminology
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1950-1960) All Published
British Journal of Law and Society
London : Professional Books
Title varies: Vols. 1-8 (1974-1982) as British Journal of Law and Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 8 (1974-1982)
Print Call Number: K2 .R575 from v.1 to 8 (1974-1981) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.8, dated 1981.
British Tax Review
London : Sweet & Maxwell
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1956
Print Call Number: K2 .R578 from 1956 to 1997; 2010 to 2014 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with 2014, no.5.
British Yearbook of International Law
London, New York, [etc.] : Oxford University Press [etc.]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 46 (1920-1973)
Print Call Number: K2 .R5784 from v.1 to v.84 (1920-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.84, dated 2013.
Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2006
LexisNexis Academic BJCFCL 315475 from v.1, 2006
Westlaw BKNJCFCL from v.1, (2006)
Westlaw Canada BKNJCFCL from v.1, (2006)
Brooklyn Journal of International Law
[Brooklyn, Brooklyn Law School]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1975
LexisNexis Academic BJINTL 153040 from v.21, no.2, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BJINTL from v.21 no.2, 1995
Westlaw BKNJIL from v.9, 1983
Westlaw Canada BKNJIL from v.9, 1983
Print Call Number: K2 .R664 from v.1 to 38 (1975-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.38, no.3, dated 2013.
Brooklyn Law Review
Brooklyn [Brooklyn Law School]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1932
LexisNexis Academic BRKLR 7328 from v.49, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BRKLR from v.49, Fall 1982
Westlaw BKNLR from v.48, 1982
Westlaw Canada BKNLR from v.48, 1982
Print Call Number: K2 .R665 from v.1 to 58 (1932-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.58, no.4, dated Winter 1993.
Brown Journal of Foreign Affairs
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1 (1993-1994) as Brown Journal of Foreign Affairs
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, no.1 (1993-1994)
Brown Journal of World Affairs
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1 (1993-1994) as Brown Journal of Foreign Affairs
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1993
Budapesti Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Allam es Jogtudomanyi Karanak Actai
Eotvos Lorand University, ELTE Law School
Title varies: Vols. 1-33 (1959-1992) as Budapesti Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Allam es Jogtudomanyi Karanak Actai
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 33 (1959-1992)
Buddhism, Law & Society
Getzville: William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2015/2016
Buffalo Criminal Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-9 (1997-2006) as Buffalo Criminal Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 9 (1997-2006)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUFCLR from v.1 no.1, 1997
Westlaw BFCRIMLR from 1997
Westlaw Canada BFCRIMLR from 1997
Buffalo Environmental Law Journal
Buffalo, NY : Hein & Co.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1993
LexisNexis Academic BENVLJ 165646 from v.3, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BENVLJ from v.3 no.1, Spring 1995
Westlaw BFELJ from v.1, 1994
Westlaw Canada BFELJ from v.1, 1994
Print Call Number: K2 .U324 from v.1 to 19 (1993-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.19, no.2, dated 2011/2012.
Buffalo Human Rights Law Review
Buffalo, NY : State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1994-1997) as Buffalo Journal of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1994
LexisNexis Academic BUFHR 165536 from v.2, no.2 1995-1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUFHR from v.2 no.2, Winter 1995-96
Westlaw BFHRLR from v.1, 1994
Westlaw Canada BFHRLR from v.1, 1994
Print Call Number: K2 .U326 from v.4 to v.7 (1998-2001); v.9 to 19 (2003-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.19, dated 2012/2013.
Buffalo Intellectual Property Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2001
LexisNexis Academic BUFIP 253131 from v.1, 2001
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUFIP from v.1 no.1, Summer 2001
Westlaw BFIPLJ from 2001
Westlaw Canada BFIPLJ from v.1, 2001
Buffalo Journal of Gender, Law and Social Policy
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1992-1998) as Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy; Vols. 7-16 (1999-2008) as Buffalo Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic BWLJ 158257 from v.1, 1992
Buffalo Journal of International Law
Buffalo, New York: State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1994-1997) as Buffalo Journal of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1994-1997)
Print Call Number: K2 .U327 from v.1 to 3 (1994-1997) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.3, no.2, dated Winter 1996/1997.
Buffalo Law Review
Buffalo, Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence, State University of New York at Buffalo
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1951
LexisNexis Academic BUFFLR 145267 from v.42, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUFFLR from v.42, 1994
Westlaw BFLR from v.41 no. 3, 1993
Westlaw Canada BFLR from v.41 no. 3, 1993
Print Call Number: K2 .U332 from v.1 to 52 (1951-2004) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.52, no.4, dated Fall 2004.
Buffalo Public Interest Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-16 (1980-1998) as In the Public Interest
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1980
LexisNexis Academic BPILJ 166692 from v.15, 1996-1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BPILJ from v.XV, 1996-97
Westlaw BFPILJ from v.12, 1992
Westlaw Canada BFPILJ from v.12, 1992
Buffalo Women's Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1992-1998) as Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy; Vols. 7-16 (1999-2008) as Buffalo Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.7 to 16 (1999-2008)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BWLJ from v.VIII, 1999
Westlaw BFWLJ from 2001
Westlaw Canada BFWLJ from 2001
[New York]: American Foreign Law Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1950-1951) All Published
Chicago, Ill : American Bar Association
International and Comparative Law Bulletin
Print Call Number: K1 .M4715 from v.1 to 9 (1957-1965); v.10, no.3 (July 1966) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.10, no.3, dated July 1966.
Title varies: Vols. 1-15 (1947-1962) as Bulletin; Vols. 16-20 (1962-1967) as Bulletin of the Section of Taxation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 15 (1947-1962)
Bulletin - Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Committee on State Legislation
[New York : The Association] ; (New York : Judicial Print. Co.).
Print Call Number: K1 .S766 from 1966 to 1979 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with volume dated 1979.
Bulletin - British Insurance Law Association
London : s.n.
Print Call Number: K2 .R568 from no.1 to 46 (July 1964-June 1980) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.46, dated June 1980.
Bulletin - International Commission of Jurists
Geneva : International Commission of Jurists
Print Call Number: K9 .N73552 from no.1 to 36 (1954-1968) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with no.36, dated 1968.
Bulletin - Law Club, University of Toronto
[Toronto]: s.n.
Print Call Number: K25 .N5994 from no.1 to 2 (1939) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Bulletin - Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada
Ottawa : The Institute
Print Call Number: K16 .A746 from Ser.7: v. 26 to 45 (1970-1977); Ser. 8: v.1 to 19 (1978-1983) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Bulletin - World Peace Through Law Center
Geneva : s.n.
Print Call Number: K27 .O762 from v.3, no.9-12 (September-December 1966), v.4 to 5 (1967-1968), v.6, no.1-8 (January-August 1969), v.7, no.1-6 (January-June 1970) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Bulletin de la société de législation comparée
Paris : The Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 69 (1869-1946) All Published
Print Call Number: K23 .O3526 from v.12 to 36 (1882-1907); v.38 to 71 (1908-1948) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Bulletin de l'Institut juridique international
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 42 (1919-1940) All Published
Bulletin for international fiscal documentation = Bulletin de documentation fiscale internationale
Amsterdam, International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation [etc.]
Print Call Number: K2 .U5544 from v.18 to 51 (1964-1997) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.51, no.2, dated 1997.
Bulletin hebdomadaire - Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec.
Montréal : La Commission
Print Call Number: K3 .O35814 from v.1 to 23 (1970-1992), v.24, no.1-10 (1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.24, no.10, dated 1993.
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations
Deventer, The Netherlands : Kluwer
Print Call Number: K2 .U5545 from no.7 (1976); no.9 to 60 (1978-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.60, dated 2006.
Bulletin of Legal Developments
London British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
Print Call Number: K2 .U5548 from 1966 to 2000 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.24, dated December 2000.
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1971
Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
[Pittsburgh] : American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Call Number: K2 .U556 from v.1 to 24 (1972-1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.24, no.4, dated 1996.
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy
Title varies: Vols. 1977-1983, 8-13 (1977-1989), Vols. 15-18 (1990-1993), Vol. 20 (1995) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy; Vol. 14 (1990) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Constancy and Change; Vol. 19 (1994) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Understanding Revolution
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1977 to 1983, v.8 to 13 (1977-1989), v.15 to 18 (1990-1993), v.20 (1995)
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Constancy and Change
Title varies: Vols. 1977-1983, 8-13 (1977-1989), Vols. 15-18 (1990-1993), Vol. 20 (1995) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy; Vol. 14 (1990) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Constancy and Change; Vol. 19 (1994) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Understanding Revolution
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.14 (1990)
Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Understanding Revolution
Title varies: Vols. 1977-1983, 8-13 (1977-1989), Vols. 15-18 (1990-1993), Vol. 20 (1995) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy; Vol. 14 (1990) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Constancy and Change; Vol. 19 (1994) as Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy/Understanding Revolution
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.19 (1994)
Bulletin of the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Texas
continues as Texas Journal of Business Law
Westlaw BBLSSBTX from March 1981
Westlaw Canada BBLSSBTX from March 1981
Bulletin of the Commercial Law League of America
Title varies: Vol. 6, no.1-5 (1902) as The League Bulletin; Vols. 6, no.6-27, no.7 (1902-1922) as Bulletin of the Commercial Law League of America; Vols. 27, no.8-28, no.8 (1922-1923) as Commercial Law League Bulletin; Vols. 28, no.9-35, no.7 (1923-1930) as Commercial Law League Journal. Merged with DePaul Business Law Journal to form DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.6, no.6 to 27, no.7 (1902-1922)
Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
New York : New York University Law Center
Title varies: Vols. 1-28 (1953-1981) as Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 28 (1953-1981)
Print Call Number: K2 .U5564 from v.1 to 28 (1953-1981) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.28, dated 1981.
Bulletin of the Harvard International Law Club
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1959-1960) as Bulletin of the Harvard International Law Club; Vol. 3 (1961-1962) as Harvard International Law Club Bulletin; Vols. 4-7 (1962-1966) as Harvard International Law Club Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1959-1960)
Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics
Washington: The Union
Title varies: October-November 1893 as Special Bulletin; Vols. 1-12, no.3 (1893-1902) as Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics; Vols. 12, no.4-26, no.3 (1902-1908) as Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics; Vols. 26, no.4-31, no.3 (1908-1910) as Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics; Vols. 31, no.4-82 (1910-1948) as Bulletin of the Pan American Union
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.26, no.4-31, no.3 (1908-1910)
Bulletin of the Judge Advocate General of the Army
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1942-1951) All Published
Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of MIA of Russia
Kazan Law Institute of MIA of Russia
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
Bulletin of the National Tax Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 33 (1916-1947) All Published
Bulletin of the Pan American Union
Washington: The Union
Title varies: October-November 1893 as Special Bulletin; Vols. 1-12, no.3 (1893-1902) as Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics; Vols. 12, no.4-26, no.3 (1902-1908) as Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics; Vols. 26, no.4-31, no.3 (1908-1910) as Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics; Vols. 31, no.4-82 (1910-1948) as Bulletin of the Pan American Union
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 82 (1893-1948) All Published
Bulletin of the Section of Taxation
Washington, D.C. : The Section
Title varies: Vols. 1-15 (1947-1962) as Bulletin; Vols. 16-20 (1962-1967) as Bulletin of the Section of Taxation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.16 to 20 (1962-1967)
Print Call Number: K1 .M4715862 from v.1 to 20 (1948-1967) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.20, dated July 1967.
Bulletin of the United States Trade-Mark Association
United States Trade-mark Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 35 (1904-1940) All Published
Bulletin on Current Research in Soviet and East European Law
University of Toronto Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 43 (1970-2012) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .U5663 from v.24 to 43 (1994-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.43, no.3, dated October 2012.
Bulletin Trimestriel
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1908-1914) as Revue de l'Institut de Droit Compare; Vols. 8-10 (1922-1924) as Bulletin Trimestriel
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.8 to 10 (1922-1924)
Business & Bankruptcy Law Journal
Texas Tech University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2014
Business & Finance Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2018
Business America
[Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce : [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor]
Print Call Number: K2 .U744 from v.1 to 5 (1978-1982); v.6 (June-December 1983), v.7 to 10 (1984-1987); v.109 to 113 (1988-1992), v.114 (January-September 1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.114, no.19, dated September 20, 1993.
Business and Human Rights Journal
Cambridge University Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
Business and the Law
Don Mills, Ont. : R. De Boo,
Print Call Number: K2 .U746 from v.1 to 10 (1984-1993); v.11, no.1-7 (November/December 1994) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.11, no.7, dated November/December 1994.
Business Entities (WGL)
formerly Journal of Partnership Taxation
Westlaw WGL-BUSENT from v.1, 1985
Westlaw Canada WGL-BUSENT from v.1, 1985
Business, Entrepreneurship & Tax Law Review
University of Missouri School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2017
Business Information Alert
Chicago, IL : Alert Publications
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 23 (1989-2011) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .U74614 from v.1 (1989), v.2, no.1-7 (January-July/August 1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.2, no.7, dated July/August 1990.
Business Law Brief
London : Financial Times
Westlaw BUSLAWB from July, 1991 to May, 1994
Westlaw Canada BUSLAWB from July, 1991 to May, 19
Print Call Number: K2 .U7463 from 1984 to 1987; 1989, 1990 (January-July) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with issue dated July 1990.
Business Law International
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1999 to 2003, v.5, 1999
Business Law International (IBA)
LexisNexis Academic IBABLI 390515 from January 2008
Business Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1990-1993) as Business Law Journal; Vols. 4-6 (1994-1996) as University of Miami Business Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1990-1993)
Business Law Journal
American Bar Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 19 (1923-1932) All Published
Business Law Journal, University of California, Davis
LexisNexis Academic BUSLJC 302130 from v.5, 2005
Business Law Memo
Chicago, Ill. : Section of Corporation, Banking, and Business Law, ABA
Title varies: Vols. 1-5, no.5 (1980-1985) as Business Law Memo
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 5, no.5 (1980-1985)
Print Call Number: K2 .U74635 from v.1 to 4 (1980/1981-1983/1984), v.5, no.1-5 (September/October 1984-May/June 1985) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.5, no.5, dated May/June 1985.
Business Law Reports (articles)
Westlaw BLR-ART from 1990
Westlaw Canada BLR-ART from 1990
Business Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-4 (2001-2005) as Florida State University Business Review; Vols. 5-7 (2005-2007) as Business Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.5 to 7 (2005-2007)
Business Law Review, A Journal of Commercial Law and Practice
Ipswich, Eng., Thames Bank Pub. Co.
Print Call Number: K2 .U7464 from v.1 to 5 (1954-1958) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.5, dated 1958.
Business Law Today
Chicago, Ill. : American Bar Association, Business Law Section
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1992
Westlaw BUSLT from v.4, 1994
Westlaw Canada BUSLT from v.4, 1994
Print Call Number: K2 .U7465 from v.1 to 10 (1992-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.10, no.6, dated July-August 2001.
Business Lawyer (ABA)
Chicago, Ill : Section of Corporation, Banking and Business Law, American Bar Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1946
LexisNexis Academic BUSLAW 3298 from November 1981
Quicklaw/LexisNexis BUSLAW from November 1981 to May 1994
Westlaw BUSLAW from v.37, 1982
Westlaw Canada BUSLAW from v.37, 1982
Print Call Number: K2 .U7466 from v.1 to 60 (1946-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.60, no.4, dated August 2005.
Business Lawyer Update
Chicago, Ill. : American Bar Association. Section of Corporation, Banking, and Business Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-5, no.5 (1980-1985) as Business Law Memo
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 12 (1980-1992) All Published
Print Call Number: K2 .U7467 from v.5, no.6 (July/August 1985), v.6 to 10 (1985/1986-1989/1990), v.11, no.1-5 (September/October 1990-May/June 1991), v.12, no.1-3 (September/October 1991-January/February 1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.12, no.3, dated January/February 1992.
Business Quarterly
London, Ont. : University of Western Ontario, School of Business
Print Call Number: K2 .U7468 from v.43 to 50 (1978-1986) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.50, no.4, dated March 1986.
Business Torts Litigation
American Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 19-20 (2011-2013) as Bussiness Torts Litigation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.19 to 20 (2011-2013)
Butterworth's Fortnightly Notes
Wellington, N.Z. : Butterworths
Print Call Number: K2 .U7744 from v.1 to 3 (1925-1928) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law
London : Butterworth & Co.
Print Call Number: K2 .U7747 from v.2 to 4 (1987-1989), v.5, no.1-6; 11-12 (January-June; November-December); v.6, no.2-12 (February-December 1991), v.7 (1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.7, no.12, dated December 1992.
Butterworths South African Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1954 to 1957 All Published
BYU Journal of Public Law
Brigham Young University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1986
LexisNexis Academic BYUJPL 167225 from v.12, 1997