This database includes direct links to all full-text law journals on either Quicklaw/Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw, Westlaw Canada, Hein Online or the Internet as well as a list of the library's print holdings.
Users with Quicklaw/LexisNexis passwords cannot access journals on LexisNexis; Quicklaw/LexisNexis does not allow direct access to individual journals. Users with a WestlawNext password, can access journals on both WestlawNext and Westlaw.
Items marked (Full text through U of T Library Resources) are available only to the University of Toronto Community. Some databases include only selected coverage.
U of T acquires new resources constantly. This list is updated regularly but to ensure you have not missed any journals made available through the U of T library system, make sure you also search the library catalogue.
CA Magazine
[Toronto, Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants]
Print Call Number: K3 .A3142 from v.104 to 116 (1974-1983), v.117, no.1-5 (January-May 1984) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.117, no.5, dated May 1984.
Cable TV and New Media Law and Finance
Westlaw CTVNMLF from 1995,
Westlaw Canada CTVNMLF from 1995,
Cahiers de Droit
Québec : Faculté de droit, Université Laval
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1954
Quicklaw/LexisNexis DROIT from 2003
Print Call Number: K3 .A4152 from v.1 to 52 (1954-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.53, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Cahiers de droit fiscal international. Schriften zum internationalen steuerrecht. Studies on international fiscal law
Amsterdam : International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation
Print Call Number: K3 .A4153 from v.55 to 88a (1970-2003) Al volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.88a, dated 2003.
Cahiers de l'IQAJ, Les : publication de l'Institut québécois d'administration judiciaire
Institut quebécois d'administration judiciaire : Sainte-Foy, Québec
Print Call Number: K3 .A4154 from v.1 (1984), v.2, no.1 (February 1985) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.2, no.1, dated February 1985.
Cahiers de propriete intellectuelle
Cowensville, Quebec: Les Editions Yvon Blais
Print Call Number: K3 .A4156 from v.7 to 23 (1994-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.24, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Caiete de Drept Penal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2005
Cal Law - Trends and Developments
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1967 to 1970 All Published
Calcutta Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 83 (1905-1949) All Published
California Bankruptcy Journal
Westlaw CABKRJ from v.19, 1991
Westlaw Canada CABKRJ from v.19, 1991
California Courts Review
External to HeinOnline
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2005 to 2009 All Published
California Criminal Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (2000-2004) as California Criminal Law Review; Vols. 8-10 (2004-2005) as Boalt Journal of Criminal Law (Vols. 1-10 are external to HeinOnline)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (2000-2004)
Westlaw CACRIMLR from v.1, (2000)
Westlaw Canada CACRIMLR from v.1, (2000)
California Law Journal
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1-9 (1862) as California Law Journal and Literary Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1862-1863) All Published
California Law Journal and Literary Review
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1-9 (1862) as California Law Journal and Literary Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, no.1 to 9 (1862)
California Law Review
Berkeley, Calif. : School of Jurisprudence of the University of California
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1912
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CALLR from v.70, July 1982
Westlaw CALR from v.70, 1982
Westlaw Canada CALR from v.70, 1982
Print Call Number: K3 .A4162 from v.1 to 101 (1912-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.101, no.6, dated December 2013.
California Law Review & the Circuit
LexisNexis Academic CALLR 7330 from v.70, 1982
California Law Reviews, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic CALRV 142691 from 1982
California Legal History
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2006
California Legal Record
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1878-1879) All Published
California Regulatory Law Reporter
University of San Diego School of Law; Center for Public Interest Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 17 (1981-2011) All Published
Westlaw CARLR from 1994 to 1995
Westlaw Canada CARLR from 1994 to 1995
California Supreme Court Historical Society Yearbook
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (1994-1999) All Published
California Western International Law Journal
[San Diego, Calif.] California Western School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1970
LexisNexis Academic CAWILJ 153311 from v.25, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CAWILJ from v.25, Fall 1994
Westlaw CAWILJ from v.18, 1987
Westlaw Canada CAWILJ from v.18, 1987
Print Call Number: K3 .A4166 from v.1 to 44 (1970-2014) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.44, no.2, dated Spring 2014.
California Western Law Review
San Diego, Calif. : School of Law, California Western University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1965
LexisNexis Academic CAWEST 152482 from v.30, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CANWEST from v.30 no.1, Fall 1993
Westlaw CAWLR from v.24, 1987,
Westlaw Canada CAWLR from v.24, 1987,
Print Call Number: K3 .A4168 from v.1 to 47 (1965-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.48, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Cambrian Law Review
Aberystwyth, Dept. of Law, University College of Wales
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1970
Print Call Number: K3 .A4182 from v.1 to 45 (1970-2014) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.45, dated 2014.
Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012
Cambridge Law Journal
London : Published by Stevens & Sons, for the Cambridge University Law Society, Cambridge, England
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1921
LexisNexis Academic UKCALJ 399896 from 1998
Print Call Number: K3 .A4184 from v.1 to 77 (1921-2018) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.77, no.3, dated November 2018.
Cambridge Law Review
University of Cambridge
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
Cambridge University Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1992
Cambridge Student Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
Oxford ; Portland, Ore. : Hart
Print Call Number: K3 .A4186 from v.1 to 16 (1998-2014) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.16, dated 2013/2014.
Campbell Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1979
LexisNexis Academic CAMPLR 143871 from v.16, 1993-1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CAMPLR from v.16, Winter 1994
Westlaw CAMPBLR from v.4, 1982
Westlaw Canada CAMPBLR from v.4, 1982
Canada and the United Nations
Ottawa, Dept. of External Affairs
Print Call Number: K3 .A4214 from 1946, no.3 to 1966 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canada Law Journal
Toronto : Canada Law Book Company
Old Series: Vols. 1-10 (1855-1864); New Series: Vols. 1-58 (1865-1922) All Published: Title varies: Vols. 1-10 Old Series (1855-1864) and Vols. 1-3 New Series (1865-1867) as Upper Canada Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from Old Series: v.1 to 10 (1855-1864); New Series: v.1 to 58 (1865-1922) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .A424 from New Series: v.4 to 58 (1868-1922) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canada Law Journal: A Magazine of Jurisprudence
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1865-1867) as Lower Canada Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (1865-1868) All Published
Canada Watch: Practical and Authoritative Analysis of Key National Issues
(A publication of the York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy and the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies of York University)
Internet online version from v. 5 n.6, October 1997
Canada-Taiwan Business Review : A Publication of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Ottawa : The Chamber
Print Call Number: K3 .A42416 from v.3, no.1-3 (1989), v.4, no.1-2 (1990), v.5, no.1-3 (1991) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canada-U.S. trade
Don Mills, Ont. : R. DeBoo
absorbed by Business & the Law
Print Call Number: K3 .A426 from v.1 to 4 (1988-1991), v.5, no.1-7 (January/February-September/October 1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canada-United States Law Journal
[Cleveland, Ohio] Canada-United States Law Institute
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1978
LexisNexis Academic CA03JI 281473 1352223666124 from v.20, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CUSLJ from 1994
Westlaw CUSLJ from v.6, 1983
Westlaw Canada CUSLJ from v.6, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .A425 from v.1 to 35 (1978-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.36, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canada-US Business Law Review
Agincourt, Ont. : Carswell
continues Review of International Business Law
Print Call Number: K3 .A4242 from v.4 (1990); v.5, no.3 (October 1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter-Bulletin
Title varies: Vols. 1970-14 (1970-1989) as Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter-Bulletin; Vols. 15-28 (1990-2003) as Canadian Law Libraries
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1970 to 1974, v.1 to 14 (1970-1989)
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports
(Articles only)
Westlaw CBR-ART from 1967
Westlaw Canada CBR-ART from 1967
Canadian Bankruptcy Reports (articles)
Westlaw Canada CBR-ART from 1960
Canadian Bar Bulletin
Ottawa : Canadian Bar Association
Print Call Number: K3 .A53254 from 1969 to 1973 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Bar Journal
Ottawa, Canadian Bar Association
Print Call Number: K3 .A53256 from v.1 to 12 (1958-1969) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Bar Review
Canadian Bar Foundation
Internet online version from v.1, 1923
Preceded by Canada Law Journal and Canadian Law Times
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1923
Print Call Number: K3 .A5326 from v.1 to 94 (1923-2016) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased in print from v.94, dated 2016.
Canadian Barrister
Ottawa : Jurisfax Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A5328 from v.1, no.1-6 (1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Business Law Journal
Revue Canadienne du Droit de Commerce
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1975
Print Call Number: K3 .A534 from v.1 to v.52 (1975-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.49, 2010; v.53, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library
Canadian Business Review, The
[Ottawa] : Conference Board of Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A5344 from v.16 to 20 (1989-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Cases on Employment Law (articles)
Westlaw Canada CCEL-ART from 1995
Westlaw CCEL-ART from 1995
Canadian Cases on the Law of Insurance (articles)
Westlaw CCLI-ART from 1991
Westlaw Canada CCLI-ART from 1991
Canadian Cases on the Law of Torts (articles)
Westlaw CCLT-ART from 1979
Westlaw Canada CCLT-ART from 1979
Canadian Chartered Accountant, The
Toronto : Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants
Print Call Number: K3 .A5352 from v.1 to 103 (1911-1973) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Class Action Review = La revue canadienne des recours collectifs
Toronto [Irwin Law]
Print Call Number: K3 .A5353 from v.1 to 2 (2004-2005), v.3, no.1 (2006); v.4 to 7 (2007-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.8, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Communications Law Review = La revue canadienne de droit des communications.
Toronto : Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
Print Call Number: K3 .A5354 from v.1 to 5 (1969-1973) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Community Law Journal = Revue canadienne de droit communautaire
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 9 (1977-1986) All Published; precedes Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues
Windsor, Ont., Community Law Program, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Print Call Number: K3 .A5356 from v.1 to 9 (1977-1986) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Competition Law Review
Canadian Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1980-1992) as Canadian Competition Policy Record; Vols. 14-23 (1993-2010) as Canadian Competition Record
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1980
Print Call Number: K3 .A536 from v.24 to 25 (2011-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.25, no.1-2, dated 2012.
Canadian Competition Policy Record
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1980-1992) as Canadian Competition Policy Record; Vols. 14-23 (1993-2010) as Canadian Competition Record
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 13 (1980-1992)
Print Call Number: K3 .A536 from v.1 to 3 (1980-1982); v.4, no.2; 4 (1983); v.5, no.2; 4 (1984), v.6 to 13 (1985-1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Competition Record
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1980-1992) as Canadian Competition Policy Record; Vols. 14-23 (1993-2010) as Canadian Competition Record
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.14 to 23 (1993-2010)
Print Call Number: K3 .A536 from v.14 to 23 (1993-2010) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Consumer
Ottawa, Consumers' Association of Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A53612 from 1979 to 1992 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with 1992, no.6, dated November/December 1992.
Canadian Criminal Law Review = Revue canadienne de droit pénal
Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell
Westlaw v.3, 1998
Westlaw Canada CANCRIMLR from v.3, 1998
Print Call Number: K3 .A536135 from v.1 to 16 (1996-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.17, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Criminology Forum = Le Forum canadien de criminologie
Toronto, Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto
Print Call Number: K3 .A53614 from v.2 to 8 (1979-1987); v.10, no.1 (1989) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.10, no.1, dated 1989.
Canadian Current Tax
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CCT from October 1994
Canadian Economic Observer = L'Observateur économique canadien
Ottawa : Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A53616 from 1989 (June-December), 1990 to 2001, 2002 (January-July; September-December), 2003 to 2011, 2012 (January-June); Statistical Summary from 1993 to 2011, 2012 (January-June) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with main volume and Statistical Summary dated June 2012.
Canadian Economic Observer. Historical statistical supplement = L'Observateur économique canadien. Supplèment statistique historique
Ottawa : Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A53617 from 1988 to 2011 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with volume dated 2010/2011.
Canadian Environmental Law Reports (articles)
Westlaw CELR-ART from 1989
Westlaw Canada CELR-ART from 1989
Canadian Family Law Quarterly
Agincourt, Ont. : Carswell
Westlaw CFLQ from v.14, 1996
Westlaw Canada CFLQ from v.14, 1996
Print Call Number: K3 .A53618 from v.1 to 31 (1986-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.32, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Forces JAG Journal
Ottawa, Ont. : Office of the Judge Advocate General, National Defence Headquarters
Print Call Number: K3 .A5362 from v.1 to 3 ([1985]-1989) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Foreign Policy
Ottawa : Canadian Foreign Policy Publishing Group
Print Call Number: K3 .A53623 from v.1 to 8 (1992-2001), v.9, no.1 (2001/2002); v.10, no.2-3 (2003), v.11 to 17 (2004-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.18, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Green Bag
Montréal : J. Lovell & Son
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1895) All Published
Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Newsletter
Canadian HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review
Internet online version from v.1, Fall 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CA03JR from 1994
Canadian Human Rights Advocate
Downsview, Ont. : K. Ruff
Print Call Number: K3 .A5363 from v.1 to 6 (1985-1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Human Rights Yearbook
Toronto : Carswell
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1983 to1992 All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .A5364 from 1983 to 1992 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with volume dated 1991/1992.
Canadian Insurance Law Review
Agincourt, Ont. : Carswell Legal Publications
Print Call Number: K3 .A53642 from v.1 to 6 (1989-1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.6, dated 1995/1996.
Canadian Intellectual Property Review = Revue canadienne de propriété intellectuelle
[Ottawa] : Patent and Trademark Institute of Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A53643 from v.1 to 27 (1984-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.28, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian International Lawyer
Toronto, Ont. : Canadian Bar Association-Ontario Branch
Print Call Number: K3 .A536434 from v.1 to 10 (1994-2015) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased in print with v.10, no.1-2, dated 2014/2015.
Canadian Journal of Accountancy, The
Toronto : Canadian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Print Call Number: K3 .A53644 from v.5 to 11 (1955-1962) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.11, dated 1961/1962.
Canadian Journal of Administrative Law and Practice
Agincourt, Ont. : Carswell Legal Publications
Westlaw CJALP from v.11, 1997-98
Westlaw Canada CJALP from v.11, 1997-98
Print Call Number: K3 .A53645 from v.1 to 25 (1987-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.26, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law
Thompson Rivers University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2015
Print Call Number: K3 .A5364514 from v.1, 2015 All volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Journal of Corrections
Ottawa : Canadian Welfare Council
Title varies: Vols. 1-12 (1958-1969) as Canadian Journal of Corrections; Vols. 13-19 (1970-1976) as Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections; Vols. 20-44 (1978-2002) as Canadian Journal of Criminology
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 12 (1958-1969)
Print Call Number: K3 .A536452 from v.1 to 12 (1959-1970) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Journal of Criminology = Revue canadienne de criminologie
Ottawa : Canadian Association for the Prevention of Crime
continues as Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Print Call Number: K3 .A53646 from v.20 to 35 (1978-1993), v.36, no.1-2; 4 (1994), v.37 to 38 (1995-1996), v.39, no.1; 3-4 (1997), v.40 to 44 (1998-2002) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections = Revue canadienne de criminologie
Ottawa, Canadian Criminology and Corrections Association
Print Call Number: K3 .A53646 from v.13 to 19 (1971-1977) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Title varies: Vols. 1-12 (1958-1969) as Canadian Journal of Corrections; Vols. 13-19 (1970-1976) as Canadian Journal of Criminology and Corrections; Vols. 20-44 (1978-2002) as Canadian Journal of Criminology
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1958
Print Call Number: K3 .A53646 from v. 45 to 60 (2003-2018) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased in print with v.60, no.4, dated October 2018.
Canadian Journal of Family Law
University of British Columbia
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1978
LexisNexis Academic CA03JY 281470 1352223666124 from v.6, 1987
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CANJFL from 1987
Westlaw CANJFL from v.10, 1991
Westlaw Canada CANJFL from v.10, 1991
Print Call Number: K3 .A53652 from v.1 to 26 (1978-2010) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.27, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Journal of Human Rights
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012
Canadian Journal of Insurance Law
Montreal : Jewel Publications
Quicklaw/LexisNexis NEWS (CJIL) from November 1994
Print Call Number: K3 .A53653 from v.7, no.3 (1989 May/June), v.8 to 30 (1990-2012), v.31, no.1-2 (2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.31, no.3, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Journal of Law & Society
Calgary, Alta. : Faculty of Social Sciences, Research Unit for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Calgary
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1986
Westlaw CANJLS from v.8, 1993
Westlaw Canada CANJLS from v.8, 1993
Print Call Number: K3 .A536584 from v.1 to 26 (1986-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.27, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
London, Ont. : Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario
Supersedes University of Western Ontario Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1988
LexisNexis Academic CA03JZ 281471 1352223666125 from v.5, 1992
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CANJLJ from 1992
Westlaw CANJLJUR from v.7 no.2, 1994
Westlaw Canada CANJLJUR from v.7 no.2, 1994
Print Call Number: K3 .A536582 from v.1 to 25 (1988-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.26, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Journal of Law and Technology
Toronto : CCH Canadian
Westlaw Canada CANJLT from v.7, 2009
Print Call Number: K3 .A536586 from v.2 to 3 (2003-2004), v.4, no.1; 3 (2005), v.5 to 6 (2006-2007) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Journal of Political Science
Toronto : Published for the Canadian Political Science Association by the University of Toronto Press
Print Call Number: K3.A53664 from v.1 to 52 (1968-2019) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.52, no.4, dated December 2019.
Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
Ottawa : Canadian Journal of Women and the Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1985
Print Call Number: K3 .A5368 from v.1 to 23 (1985-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.25, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal
Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1992-1994) as Canadian Labour Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic CA0R44 1422998728997 408075 from v.8, 2000
Print Call Number: K3 .A536814 from v.3 to 15 (1995-2010) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.16, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Labour Law Journal
Toronto : Butterworths-Lancaster House
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1992-1994) as Canadian Labour Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1992-1994)
Print Call Number: K3 .A536816 from v.1 to 2 (1992-1994) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Law Journals, Combined
Varies depending on the publication
LexisNexis Academic CANJNL 159446 from As received from the publisher
Canadian Law Libraries
Title varies: 1970-14 (1970-1989) as Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter-Bulletin; Vols. 15-28 (1990-2003) as Canadian Law Libraries
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.15 to 28 (1990-2003)
Canadian Law Library Review
Title varies: Vols. 1970-14 (1970-1989) as Canadian Association of Law Libraries Newsletter-Bulletin; Vols. 15-28 (1990-2003) as Canadian Law Libraries
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1970
Canadian Law Review
Toronto : Canadian Law Review Co.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1901-1907) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .A53682 from v.1 to 6 (1901-1907) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Law Reviews, Combined
Contains the full text of documents which are dedicated to the scholarly review of a variety of legal topics and developments
LexisNexis Academic ALLCAN 271173
Canadian Law Times
Toronto : Carswell & Co.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 42 (1881-1922) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .A53684 from v.1 to 42 (1881-1922) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Lawyer
Toronto : HP Publications
Digital edition available via
Print Call Number: K3 .A5369 from v.1 to 36 (1977-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.37, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Lawyer's Internet Guide - 3rd Edition
Canadian Legal Aid Bulletin
Montreal : National Legal Aid Research Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal
Print Call Number: K3 .A5372 from v.1 to 5 (1977-1982) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Legal Education Annual Review
Toronto : Carswell
Westlaw Canada CLEAR from v.6, 2011
Print Call Number: K3 .A53725 from 2008 All volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Legal Studies
Toronto : Butterworth's, for the Association of Canadian Law Teachers
Print Call Number: K3 .A5374 from v.1, no.1-5 (1964-1968) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Municipal Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1891-1892) All Published
Canadian Periodical Index
Ottawa, Canadian Library Association
Print Call Number: K33 .C326 from v.22 to 28 (1969-1975) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.28, dated 1975.
Canadian Privacy Law Review
Markham, Ont. : LexisNexis Butterworths
Print Call Number: K3 .A5382 from v.2 to 9 (2004-2012), v.10, no.1-4 (2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.10, no.5, 2013 onwards, available at Bora Laskin Law Library.
v.2, no.4, 2005 and up available via
Canadian Provincial Judges Journal, The
Clarenville, Nfld. : Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges
Print Call Number: K16 .R6782 from v.1 (1976) to v.2, no.1 (1978). Bound with: Provincial Judges Journal, v.3, no.1 to v.4, no.4, December 1980) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Public Administration = Administration publique du Canada
Toronto, Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Print Call Number: K3 .A5384 from v.1 to 62 (1958-2019) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.62, no.4, dated December 2019.
Canadian Public Policy = Analyse de politiques
Toronto : University of Toronto
Print Call Number: K3 .A5386 from v.1 to 45 (1975-2019) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.45, no.4, dated 2019.
Canadian Tax Journal
Toronto, Canadian Tax Foundation
Print Call Number: K3 .A53892 from v.1 to 53 (1953-2005), v.54:no.1; 3-4 (2006), v.55 to 59 (2007-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.60, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Taxation
Downsview, Ont. : Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1979-1981) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .A53896 from v.1 to v.3 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.3, no.4, dated Winter 1981.
Canadian Taxpayer, The
Toronto : Richard De Boo
Print Call Number: K3 .A5398 from v.6 to v.35, no.7 (1984-2013). All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.35, no.8, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Canadian Welfare
Ottawa, Canadian Council on Social Development
Print Call Number: K3 .A5437 from v.40 to v.53 (1964-1977) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press [etc.]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 43 (1963-2005)
Print Call Number: K3 .A544 from v.1 to 51 (1963-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.51, dated 2013.
Canadian-American Law Journal
Spokane, Wash. : Gonzaga University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (1982-1988) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .A532 from v.1 to v.4 (1982-1988) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canberra Law Review
Belconnen ACT: School of Law, Univ. of Canberra
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1994
Print Call Number: K3 .A563 from v.1 to 9 (1994-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Canterbury Law Review
Christchurch, N.Z. : Faculty of Law of the University of Canterbury
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.6, no.3, 1997
Print Call Number: K3 .A5746 from v.1 to 17 (1980-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.17, dated 2011.
Cape Law Journal
Grahamstown, [s.n.] Incorporated Law Society of the Cape of Good Hope
Title varies: Vols. 1-17 (1884-1900) as Cape Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 17 (1884-1900)
Print Call Number: K3 .A632 from v.1 to 17 (1884-1900) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cape Town Convention Journal
Hart Publishing
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012
Capital Defense Digest
Title varies: Vols. 1-8 (1988-1996) as Capital Defense Digest
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 8 (1988-1996)
Capital Defense Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-8 (1988-1996) as Capital Defense Digest
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 17 (1988-2005) All Published
LexisNexis Academic CAPDEF 221413 from v.11, 1998
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CAPDEF from v.11 no.1, Fall 1998
Westlaw CAPDEFJ from v.12, 1999
Westlaw Canada CAPDEFJ from v.12, 1999
Capital University Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1972
LexisNexis Academic CAPULR 151888 from v.22, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CAPULR from v.22, Fall 1993
Westlaw CAPULR from v.17, 1987
Westlaw Canada CAPULR from v.17, 1987
Carbon & Climate Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2007
Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal
New York, N.Y. : Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1982
LexisNexis Academic CAELJ 12488 from v.11, 1992
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CAELJ from v.11, 1992
Westlaw CDZAELJ from v.2, 1983
Westlaw Canada CDZAELJ from v.2, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .A736 from v.1 to 23 (1982-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.23, no.3, dated 2006.
Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution
Vols. 1-5, no.1 are external to HeinOnline
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1999
LexisNexis Academic COJCR 240995 from v.1, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CDZSLL from 1999
Westlaw CDZOJCR from v.1, 1997
Westlaw Canada CDZOJCR from v.1, 1997
Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law
New York, N.Y.: Benjamin N. Cardozo Schhol of Law, Yeshiva University
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1992-1994) as new Europe Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic CJICL 166568 from v.5, 1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CJICL from v.5 no.1, Spring 1997
Westlaw CDZJICL from v.3, 1995
Westlaw Canada CDZJICL from v.3, 1995
Print Call Number: K3 .A7375 from v.3 to 21 (1995-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cardozo Journal of Law & Gender
New York, N.Y. : Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
Title varies: Vols. 1-11 (1993-2005) as Cardozo Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1993
LexisNexis Academic CWLAWJ 155852 from v.3, 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CWLAWJ from v.3 no.1, 1996
Westlaw CDZWLJ from v.2, 1995
Westlaw Canada CDZWLJ from v.2, 1995
Print Call Number: K3 .A7377 from v.12 to 18 (2005-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.19, no.3, dated Spring 2013.
Cardozo Law Review
[New York, N.Y.] : Cardozo Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1979
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CDZOLR from v.14, April 1993
Westlaw CDZLR from v.5, 1984
Westlaw Canada CDZLR from v.5, 1984
Print Call Number: K3 .A738 from v.6 to 32 (1984-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.33, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Cardozo Law Review & de novo
LexisNexis Academic CDZOLR 12487 from v.23, 1993
Cardozo Law Review D-Novo
Yeshiva University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2013
Cardozo Online Journal of Conflict Resolution
continued by Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CDZSLL from v.1, 1999
Westlaw CDZOJCR from v.1, 1997
Westlaw Canada CDZOJCR from v.1, 1997
Cardozo Online Journal of Conflict Resolution
continued by Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v. 1, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CDZSLL from 1999
Westlaw CDZJCR from v.1,1997
Westlaw Canada CDZJCR from v.1,1997
Cardozo Public Law, Policy and Ethics Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2003
LexisNexis Academic CPLPEJ 292705 from v.2, 2004
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CPLPEJ from Volume 2, No. 1, (December 2004)
Westlaw CDZPLPEJ from v.1,2003
Westlaw Canada CDZPLPEJ from v.1,2003
Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature
New York, NY : Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Jacob Burns Institute for Advanced Legal Studies
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1989-2001) as Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 13 (1989-2001)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CDZSLL from v.9 no.2, Fall/Winter 1997
Westlaw CDZSLL from v.6, 1994
Westlaw Canada CDZSLL from v.6, 1994
Print Call Number: K3 .A7384 from v.1 to 13 (1989-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.13, no.2, dated Fall 2001.
Cardozo Women's Law Journal
New York, N.Y. : Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
Title varies: Vols. 1-11 (1993-2005) as Cardozo Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 11 (1993-2005)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CWLAWJ from v.3 no.1, 1996
Westlaw CDZWLJ from v.2, 1995a
Westlaw Canada CDZWLJ from CDZWLJ
Print Call Number: K3 .A7386 from v.1 to 11 (1993-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Caribbean Law and Business
Barbados, West Indies : Caribbean Law Institute
Print Call Number: K3 .A7416 from v.1, no.1-2 (April, August 1989) All volumes located offsite at Downsivew. Subscription cancelled with v.1, n.2, dated August 1989.
Caribbean Law Bulletin
Bridgetown, Barbados: Faculty of Law Library, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
Print Call Number: K3 .A7424 from v.1 to 8 (1996-2003) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.8, no.2, dated November 2003.
Caribbean Law Review
Barbados, West Indies: Faculty of Law, Univ. of the West Indies
Print Call Number: K3 .A7426 from v.1 to 11 (1991-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.11, no.2, dated December 2001.
Carolina Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1830-1831) All Published
Carswell Law Report Articles - All
Coverage varies by source
Westlaw Canada CLRA-ALL
Carswell's Practice Cases
(articles only)
Westlaw CPC-ART from 1990
Westlaw Canada CPC-ART from 1990
Case and Comment
Rochester, N.Y. : Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co.
Suspended from July 1918-October 1919.
Print Call Number: K3 .A744 from v.29 to 70 (1923-1965) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
Cleveland, Ohio : The students of Case Western Reserve School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1968
LexisNexis Academic CWRJIL 148375 from v.25, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CWRJIL from v.25, 1993
Westlaw CWRJIL from v.15, 1983
Westlaw Canada CWRJIL from v.15, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .A746 from v.1 to 36 (1968-2004) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.36, no.2-3, dated 2004.
Case Western Reserve Journal of Law, Technology & the Internet
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2009
Case Western Reserve Law Review
Cleveland : Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-18 (1949-1967) as Western Reserve Law Review. Supersedes Western Reserve Law Notes
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1949
LexisNexis Academic CASEWR 7408 from v.33, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CASEWR from v.33, 1982
Westlaw CWRLR from v.32, 1982
Westlaw Canada CWRLR from v.32, 1982
Print Call Number: K3 .A7484 from v.19 to 55 (1967-2005), v.56, no.1; 3-4 (2005/2006), v.57 to 61 (2006-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.62, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Catholic Lawyer
Jamaica, N.Y., etc., St. Thomas More Institute for Legal Research, St. John's University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-43 (1955-2004) as Catholic Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 43 (1955-2004)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CATLAW from v.36 no.1, 1995
Westlaw CATHLAW from v.30, 1986
Westlaw Canada CATHLAW from v.30, 1986
Print Call Number: K3 .A752 from v.1 to 40 (1955-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.40, no.4, dated Spring 2001.
Catholic University Law Review
Washington, D.C.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1950
LexisNexis Academic CATHLR 7331 from v.32, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CATHLR from v.32, Fall 1982
Westlaw CATHULR from v.31, 1981
Westlaw Canada CATHULR from v.31, 1981
Print Call Number: K3 .A7536 from v.20 to 42 (1970-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.42, no.4, dated Summer 1993.
Catholic University of America Law Review, The
Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press
Print Call Number: K3 .A754 from v.1 to 19 (1950-1970) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cato Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1981
Cato Papers on Public Policy
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2011
Cato Supreme Court Review
Washington, D.C. : Center for Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2001
LexisNexis Academic CATOSC 303545 from 2004-2005
Westlaw CATOSCTR from 2001/2002
Westlaw Canada CATOSCTR from 2001/2002
Print Call Number: K3 .A765 from 2001 to 2013 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with volumes dated 2012/2013.
Caveat Emptor
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1932) All Published
CBA Record
LexisNexis Academic CBAR 156720 from June 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CBAR from June 1996
Westlaw CBAR from 1983
Westlaw Canada CBAR from 1983
CELA Newsletter, The
Toronto : Canadian Environmental Law Association
Print Call Number: K3 .E5354 from v.1 to 10 (1976-1985) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Central Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 100 (1874-1927) All Published
CGI : Corporate Governance International
Hong Kong : Sweet & Maxwell Asia
Print Call Number: K3 .G522 from v.1 to 6 (1998-2003) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.7, no.4, dated December 2004.
LexisNexis Academic CHAMP 154153 from 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CHAMP from 1995
Westlaw CHAMP from v.20, November 1996
Westlaw Canada CHAMP from v.20, November 1996
Chancery Lane
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1909-1911) All Published
Chapman Journal of Criminal Justice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (2009-2011) All Published
Chapman Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2006
LexisNexis Academic CHALRV 222574 from v.1, 1998
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CHALRV from v.1 no.1, Spring 1998
Westlaw CHAPLR from v.1, 1998
Westlaw Canada CHAPLR from v.1, 1998
Charleston Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2006
LexisNexis Academic CHSCLR 399021 from v.4, 2009
Charlotte Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2008
LexisNexis Academic CHARLR 367835 from v.1, 2008
Chartered Secretary, The
London : Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
Print Call Number: K3 .H277 from v.1 to 11 (1961-1971) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Checklist of Human Rights Documents
Stanfordville, N.Y. [etc.] : E. M. Coleman Enterprises, Tarlton Law Library
Print Call Number: K33 .C54 from v.1 to 5 (1976-1980) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.5, dated January/April 1980.
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CHIDLB from May 1991
Westlaw CHIDLB from May 1991
Westlaw Canada CHIDLB from May 1991
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin: Technology Law Column
Internet online version from August 1, 1994 - May 14, 1998
Chicago Journal of International Law
Chicago, IL : University of Chicago Law School
Title Merged With: University of Chicago Law School Roundtable 1993, Vols. 2-9 (1993-2002), Title Remained: Chicago Journal of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic CHIJIL 237721 from v.1, 2000
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CHIJIL from v.1 no.1, Spring 2000
Westlaw CHIJIL from v.1 no.1, Spring 2000
Westlaw Canada CHIJIL from v.1 no.1, Spring 2000
Print Call Number: K3 .H388 from v.1 to 14 (2000-2014) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.14, no.2, dated Winter 2014.
Chicago Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1878-1879) All Published
Chicago Law Journal Weekly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1896) All Published
Chicago Law Times
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1887-1889) All Published
Chicago Lawyer
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CHILAW from April 1991
Westlaw CHIL from April 1991
Westlaw Canada CHIL from April 1991
Chicago Legal News
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 57 (1868-1925) All Published
Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property
LexisNexis Academic JIPROP 221052 from v.1, 1999
Westlaw CHIKJIP from 1999 (vol. 1)
Westlaw Canada CHIKJIP from 1999 (vol. 1)
Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law
ITT Chicago-Kent College of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2001
Chicago-Kent Law Review
[Chicago] Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-Kent College of Law [etc.]
Title varies: Vols. 1-16 (1923-1938) as Chicago-Kent Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1923
LexisNexis Academic CKLR 7421 from v.58, 1981
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CKLR from v.58, 1981
Westlaw CHIKLR from v.58, 1982
Westlaw Canada CHIKLR from v.58, 1982
Print Call Number: K3 .H422 from 24 to 87 (1945-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.87, no.3, dated 2012.
Chicago-Kent Police Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1968-1969) All Published
Chicago-Kent Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-16 (1923-1938) as Chicago-Kent Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 16 (1923-1938)
Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1972-1990) as Chicano Law Review; Vols. 11-25 (1991-2005) as Chicano-Latino Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1972
LexisNexis Academic CHILAT 156964 from v.17, 1995
Chicano Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1972-1990) as Chicano Law Review; Vols. 11-25 (1991-2005) as Chicano-Latino Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1972-1990)
Chicano-Latino Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1972-1990) as Chicano Law Review; Vols. 11-25 (1991-2005) as Chicano-Latino Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.11 to 25 (1991-2005)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CHILAT from 1995
Westlaw CHLLR from 1990
Westlaw Canada CHLLR from 1990
Child and Family Law Journal
Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Barry University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
Child and Family Law Quarterly
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1988-1991) as Journal of Child Law; Vols. 4-6 (1992-1994) as Tolley's Journal of Child Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1988
Quicklaw/LexisNexis GB03W8 from 1996
Child Law Practice
American Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-4 (1982-1984) as National Juvenile Law Reporter; Vols. 5-14 (1986-1996) as ABA Juvenile & Child Welfare Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1982
Children's Legal Rights Journal
Washington, D.C. : Children's Legal Rights Information and Training Program
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1979
Print Call Number: K3 .H442 from v.1 to 32 (1979-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased in print with v.31, no.4, dated Winter 2012.
China Business Review, The
Washington : National Council for US-China Trade
Print Call Number: K3 .H4532 from v.16 to 19 (1989-1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.19, no.6, dated November/December 1992.
China Current Laws
Hong Kong : Longman
Print Call Number: K3 .H4536 from v.1, no.6, Jan 1989 to v.3, 1992
China International Studies
Editorial Department of China International Studies
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
China Law and Practice
Hong Kong : China Law and Practice Ltd.
Print Call Number: K3 .H4564 from v.3 to v.6 (1989-1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.6, no.10, dated December 10, 1992.
China Law and Society Review
Brill Academic Publishers / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
(Through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
China Law Reporter
Chicago : Section of International Law of the American Bar Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 8 (1980-1999) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .H46 from v.1 to 8 (1980-1999) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.8, no.3/4, dated 1999.
China Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1922-1940) All Published
China Legal Developments Bulletin
Hong Kong : Baker & McKenzie
Print Call Number: K3 .H463 from v.1 to 6 (1994-1999) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.6, no.10, dated December 1999.
China Legal Science
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
China Mail
Singapore : TWL Publishing
Print Call Number: K3 .H4644 from v.5 to 7 (1992-1994) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.7, no.6, dated November/December 1994.
China Oceans Law Review
Xiamen University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2005
China Patents and Trademarks = Chung-kuo chuan li yhu shang piao
Hsiang-kang : [Palisades, N.Y. : distributing & advertising sole agent in the U.S. and Canada, Lin, Geiler, Fan & Associates, China Development Consultants]
Print Call Number: K3 .H844 from v.64 to 79 (2001-2004) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.79, no.4, dated 2004.
China Quarterly
London, etc. : Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1960
Print Call Number: K3 .H466 from no.85 to 100 (1981-1984) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.100, dated 1984.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (UK)
LexisNexis Academic UKCJCL 413616 from v.1, 2013
Chinese Journal of Environmental Law
Brill Academic Publishers / Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
(Through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2017
Chinese Journal of Global Governance
Brill Academic Publishers
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2015
Chinese Journal of International Law
Boulder, Colo. : World Academy Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2002
Westlaw CHINESEJIL from 2002 (vol. 1)
Westlaw Canada CHINESEJIL from 2002 (vol. 1)
Print Call Number: K3 .H548 from v.1 to 5 (2002-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.5, no.3, dated November 2006.
Chinese Law and Government
Taylor and Francis
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1968
Chinese Law & Policy Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (2005-2007) as Chinese law & Policy Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (2005-2007)
Chinese Law & Religion Monitor
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
Chinese Social and Political Science Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 24 (1916-1941) All Published
Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs
[Baltimore, Md.] : Published by Occasional Paper/Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, Inc. for the Chinese Society of International Law
Print Call Number: K3 .H554 from v.1 to 27 (1981-2009) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.28, 2010 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Chitty's Law Journal
Toronto : Jonah Publications
Title varies: Vols. 1-42 (1950-1994) as Chitty's Law Journal; Vol. 43 (1995) as Chitty's Law Journal Including Family Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 42 (1950-1994)
Print Call Number: K3 .H5556 from v.1 to 35 (1950-1987) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Chitty's Law Journal and Family Law Review
Boston : Jonah Pub. (U.S.A.)
Title varies: Vols. 1-42 (1950-1994) as Chitty's Law Journal; Vol. 43 (1995) as Chitty's Law Journal Including Family Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 49 (1950-2001) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .H5556 from v.36 to 49, no.1-2 (1988-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.49, no.2, dated 2001.
Chitty's Law Journal Including Family Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-42 (1950-1994) as Chitty's Law Journal; Vol. 43 (1995) as Chitty's Law Journal Including Family Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.43 (1995)
Christian Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
Christian Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 8 (1968-1979) All Published
Christian Legal Society Quarterly
Title varies: Vols. 1-2, no.1 91980-1981) as Christian Legal Society Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2, no.1 (1980-1981)
CIJL Bulletin
Geneva : Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Print Call Number: K3 .I5638 from no.25 to 26 (April, October 1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
CIJL Yearbook
Geneva, Switzerland : Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Print Call Number: K3 .I5638 from v.1 to 9 (1992-2000) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.9, dated 2000.
Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1992-1998) as Circles: Buffalo Women's Journal of Law and Social Policy; Vols. 7-16 (1999-2008) as Buffalo Women's Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1992-1998)
Citizenship Bulletin
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1-7 (1952-1953) as Citizenship Quarterly Bulletin
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1951-1959) All Published
Citizenship Quarterly Bulletin
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1-7 (1952-1953) as Citizenship Quarterly Bulletin
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, no.1 to 7 (1952-1953)
City University of Hong Kong Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2009
City-Hall Reporter and New York General Law Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1833) All Published
LexisNexis Academic CITYL 156233 from v.1, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CITYL from v.1 no.1, February 1995
Westlaw CITYL from v.1, 1995 -
Westlaw Canada CITYL from v.1, 1995 -
Civil Aeronautics Administration Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-5 (1940-1944) as Civil Aeronautics Journal All Published
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1940
Civil Aeronautics Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-5 (1940-1944) as Civil Aeronautics Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 5 (1940-1944) All Published
Civil Justice Quarterly
[London] : Published by Sweet & Maxwell in association with the Institute of Judicial Administration at the University of Birmingham
Print Call Number: K3 .I94 from v.1 to 30 (1982-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.31, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Civil Liberties Review, The
[New York, J. Wiley] American Civil Liberties Union
Print Call Number: K3 .I944 from v.1 to 5 (1973-1979) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Civil Practitioners' Case Companion
Quicklaw/LexisNexis UKCPCC from April 2000 - Spring 2001
Civil Procedure Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic CIVPLR 295730 from Varies by individual source
Civil Rights in the United States
American Jewish Congress; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1948 to 1953 All Published
Civil Rights Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1995-2002) All Published
Civil Rights Litigation
American Bar Association
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
Class Action Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic CLASLR 330090 from See individual coverage information
Class Action Reports
Washington, D.C. : Class Action Reports
Print Call Number: K3 .L277 from v.1 to 11 (1972-1988) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.11, dated 1988.
Clearinghouse Review
Washington, D.C. : National Clearinghouse for Legal Services
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1967
Print Call Number: K3 .L3264 from v.11 to 35 (1977-2002); v.36, no.3/4-9/10 (2002/2003), v.37 to 38 (2003-2005), v.39, no.1/2-9/10 (2005/2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.39, no.9/10, dated January/February 2006.
Cleveland Law Record
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1856-1857) All Published
Cleveland Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1878-1879) All Published
Cleveland State Law Review
Cleveland, Ohio : Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-18 (1952-1969) as Cleveland-Marshall Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1952
LexisNexis Academic CSLRV 144695 from v.41, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CSLRV from v.41, 1993
Westlaw CLVSLR from v.32, 1983
Westlaw Canada CLVSLR from v.32, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .L3874 from v.18, no.3 to v.40 (1969-1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.40, no.4, dated 1992.
Cleveland-Marshall Law Review
Cleveland : Cleveland-Marshall Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 18 (1952-1969)
Print Call Number: K3 .L383 from v.1 to v.18 no.1-2 (1952-1969) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Climate Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
Clinical Law Review
New York: New York University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1994
LexisNexis Academic CLINLR 151342 from v.1, Spring 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CLINLR from v.1, Spring 1995
Westlaw CLINICLR from v.1, 1994
Westlaw Canada CLINICLR from v.1, 1994
Print Call Number: K3 .L472 from 1994 to v.19 (1994-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.19, no.2, dated Spring 2013.
Clinical Legal Education Perspective
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1976-1978) All Published
Coal Mining Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1907-1908) All Published
Coastal Law Memo
Title varies: Nos. 1-4, 11-32 (1973-1988) as Ocean Law Memo; Nos. 1-5 (1980-1986) as Coastal Law Memo
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from no.1 to 5 (1980-1986)
Cogito: Multidisciplinary Research Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2009
Collection of Papers, Faculty of Law, Nis
University of Nis
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1962
Collective Bargaining Bulletin
Ottawa : Workplace Information Directorate, Human Resources Development Canada, Labour
Print Call Number: K3 .O343 from v.1 to v.7 (1998-2004), v.8, no.1-3 (Jan.-Mar. 2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.8, no.3, dated March 2005.
Collective Bargaining Review
Ottawa : Collective Bargaining Division, Labour Data Branch
Print Call Number: K3 .O343 from December 1965, 1996 to 1997, January 1998 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
College Counsel
Predecessor to Journal of College and University Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (1966-1972) All Published
College Law Digest
Predecessor to Journal of College and University Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 12 (1971-1982) All Published
Colonial Lawyer
Superseded by William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 20 (1967-1991) All Published
Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy
Niwot, CO : The University Press of Colorado for The Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law, Inc.
Yearbook 1996 to 2005
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1990
LexisNexis Academic COJIEL 152950 from v.6, no.2 Summer 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COJIEL from v.6 no.2, Summer 1995
Westlaw COJIELP from v.1, 1990
Westlaw Canada COJIELP from v.1, 1990
Print Call Number: K3 .O3437 from v.1 to 23 (1990-2012), v.24, no.1 (2013). All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Colorado Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (September 1880-August 1884) All Published
Colorado Law Reviews, Combined
LexisNexis Academic COLRV 148031 from 1982
Colorado Lawyer
Westlaw COLAW from v.12, 1983
Westlaw Canada COLAW from v.12, 1983
Colorado Natural Resources, Energy & Environmental Law Review
LexisNexis Academic COJIEL 152950 from v.6, no.2, Summer 1995
Colorado Technology Law Journal
LexisNexis Academic JOTLAW 294665 from v.3, 2004
Columbia Business Law Review
New York, N.Y. : Columbia University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1986
LexisNexis Academic COLBUS 7386 from 1986
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLBUS from 1986
Westlaw CLMBLR from 1986
Westlaw Canada CLMBLR from 1986
Print Call Number: K3 .O3446 from 1986 to 2013 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with 2013, no.3.
Columbia Human Rights Law Review
New York : Columbia University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1967-1971) as Columbia Survey of Human Rights Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1967
LexisNexis Academic COLHRT 158230 from v.26, no.3 Spring 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLHRT from v.26 no.3, Spring 1995
Westlaw CLMHRLR from v.15, 1984
Westlaw Canada CLMHRLR from v.15, 1984
Print Call Number: K3 .O345 from v.4 to 44 (1972-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.44, no.3, dated Spring 2013.
Columbia Journal of Asian Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-9 (1987-1995) as Journal of Chinese Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1987
LexisNexis Academic COLJAL 237724 from v.13, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLJAL from vol. 13, no. 1, Spring 1999
Westlaw CLMJAL from v.1, 1987 (selected coverage), vol. 8, 1994 (full coverage)
Westlaw Canada CLMJAL from vol. 8, 1994
Columbia Journal of East European Law
New York, NY : Columbia University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3, no.1 (2007-2009) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .O3459 from v.1 to 2 (2007-2008), v.3, no.1 (2009) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.3, no.1, dated 2009.
Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
[New York] School of Law, Columbia University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1974
LexisNexis Academic COLJEL 138386 from v.18, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLJEL from v.18, 1993
Westlaw CLMJEL from v.13, 1987
Westlaw Canada CLMJEL from v.13, 1987
Print Call Number: K3 .O346 from v.1 to 38 (1974-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.38, no.2, dated 2013.
Columbia Journal of European Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1994
LexisNexis Academic CJRNEL 164785 from v.3, 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CJRNEL from 1996
Westlaw CLMJEURL from v.3, 1996
Westlaw Canada CLMJEURL from v.3, 1996
Print Call Number: K3 .O3468 from v.1 to 19 (1994-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.19, no.3, dated Summer 2013.
Columbia Journal of European Law & CJEL Online
LexisNexis Academic CJRNEL 164785 from v.3, 1996/1997
Columbia Journal of European Law Online Supplement
Columbia Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.18, 2012
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1991
LexisNexis Academic COLJGL 222558 from v.7, no.2, 1998
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLJGL from v.7 no.2, 1998
Westlaw CLMJGL from v.1, 1991
Westlaw Canada CLMJGL from v.1, 1991
Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts
New York, N.Y. : Columbia University School of Law
Title vaires: Vols. 1-7 (1974-1983) as Art and the Law; Vols. 8-9 (1983-1985) as Columbia-VLA Art and the Law; Vols. 10-24 (1986-2001) as Columbia-VLA Journal of Law & the Arts
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1974
LexisNexis Academic COLART 221412 from v.22, no.4, Winter 1998
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLART from v.22 no.4, Winter 1998
Westlaw CLMJLA from 1991
Westlaw Canada CLMJLA from 1991
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems
New York : School of Law, Columbia University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1965
LexisNexis Academic CJLSP 148378 from Fall 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CJLSP from Fall 1994
Westlaw CLMJLSP from v.18, 1983
Westlaw Canada CLMJLSP from v.18, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .O3474 from v.1 to 46 (1965-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.46, no.4, dated Summer 2013.
Columbia Journal of Race and Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2011
Columbia Journal of Tax Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
LexisNexis Academic COLJTX 401777 from v.1, 2009
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
New York : Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association, etc.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1961
LexisNexis Academic COLJTL 408808 from v.33, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLJTL from v.33, 1995
Westlaw CLMJTL from v.21, 1983
Westlaw Canada CLMJTL from v.21, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .O3476 from v.1 to 51 (1961-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.51, no.3, dated 2013.
Columbia Journal of World Business
New York, NY : Columbia Journal of World Business
Print Call Number: K3 .O3478 from v.24 to 27 (1989-1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.27, no.3/4, dated Fall/Winter 1992.
Columbia Jurist
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1885-1887) All Published
Columbia Law Review
New York : School of Law, Columbia University
Columbia Law Review Sidebar - Online Companion to Columbia Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1901
LexisNexis Academic COLUM 7332 from v.82, October 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLUM from v.82, October 1982
Westlaw CLMLR from v.81, 1981
Westlaw Canada CLMLR from v.81, 1981
Print Call Number: K3 .O348 from v.1 to 110 (1901-2010) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.111, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Columbia Law Review Sidebar
Online Companion to Columbia Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.107, 2007
Columbia Law Times
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1887-1893) All Published
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review
Vols. 1-10 (1999-2009) are External to HeinOnline
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1999
LexisNexis Academic CSTLR 237723 from v.1, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CSTLR from v.1, 1999
Westlaw CLMSTLR from v.1 (1999)
Westlaw Canada CLMSTLR from v.1 (1999)
Columbia Survey of Human Rights Law
New York : Columbia University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1967-1971) as Columbia Survey of Human Rights Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1967-1971)
Print Call Number: K3 .O3487 from v.1 to 3 (1967-1971) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Columbia-VLA Art and the Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1974-1983) as Art and the Law; Vols. 8-9 (1983-1985) as Columbia-VLA Art and the Law; Vols. 10-24 (1986-2001) as Columbia-VLA Journal of Law & the Arts
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.8 to 9 (1983-1985)
Columbia-VLA Journal of Law & the Arts
[New York, N.Y.] : Columbia University School of Law and Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1974-1983) as Art and the Law; Vols. 8-9 (1983-1985) as Columbia-VLA Art and the Law; Vols.10-24 (1986-2001) as Columbia-VLA Journal of Law & the Arts
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.10 to 24 (1986-2001)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COLART from v.22 no.4, Winter 1998
Westlaw CLMJLA from 1991
Westlaw Canada CLMJLA from 1991
Comm/Ent, A Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law
San Francisco : University of California, Hastings College of the Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-5 (1977-1983) as Comm/Ent, A Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law; Vols. 6-10 (1983-1988) as Comm/Ent, Hastings Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 5 (1977-1983)
Print Call Number: K3 .O354 from v.1 to 10 (1977-1988) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Comm/Ent, Hastings Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-5 (1977-1983) as Comm/Ent, A Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law; Vols. 6-10 (1983-1988) as Comm/Ent, Hastings Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.6 to 10 (1983-1988)
Commercial Insolvency Reporter
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CCIR from November 1994
Commercial Law Bulletin
Title varies: Vols. 1-19, no.5 (1986-2004) as Commercial Law Bulletin; Vols. 1, no.1, v.20-26, no.3 (1986, 2005-2011) as Debt3
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 19, no.5 (1986-2004)
Commercial Law Journal
Chicago, Ill. : Commercial Law League of America
Title varies: Vol. 6, no.1-5 (1902), Vols. 6, no.6-27, no.7 (1902-1922), Vols. 27, no.8-28, no.8 (1922-1923), Vols. 28, no.9-35, no.7 (1923-1930); Merged with DePaul Business Law Journal to form DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.6 to 106 (1902-2001) All Published
LexisNexis Academic COMLJ 224653 from v.103, no.4, Winter 1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COMLJ from v.103 no.4, Winter 1998
Westlaw DPLBCLJ from v.96, 1991
Westlaw Canada DPLBCLJ from v.96, 1991
Print Call Number: K3 .O35812 from v.74 to 106 (1969-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.106, no.4, dated Winter 2001.
Commercial Law League Bulletin
Title varies: Vol. 6, no.1-5 (1902) as The League Bulletin; Vols. 6, no.6-27, no.7 (1902-1922) as Bulletin of the Commercial Law League of America; Vols. 27, no.8-28, no.8 (1922-1923) as Commercial Law League Bulletin; Vols. 28, no.9-35, no.7 (1923-1930) as Commercial Law League Journal. Merged with DePaul Business Law Journal to form DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.27, no.8 to 28, no.8 (1922-1923)
Commercial Law League Journal
Title varies: Vol. 6, no.1-5 (1902) as The League Bulletin; Vols. 6, no.6-27, no.7 (1902-1922) as Bulletin of the Commercial Law League of America; Vols. 27, no.8-28, no.8 (1922-1923) as Commercial Law League Bulletin; Vols. 28, no.9-35, no.7 (1923-1930) as Commercial Law League Journal. Merged with DePaul Business Law Journal to form DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.28, no.9 to 35, no.7 (1923-1930)
Commercial Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic COMLR 148673 from Varies by individual source
Commercial Law World
Title varies: Vols. 1-19, no.5 (1986-2004) as Commercial Law Bulletin; Vols. 1, no.1, Vol. 20-26, no.3 (1986, 2005-2011) as Debt3
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1986
Commercial Lending Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1985
Commercial Property
Quicklaw/LexisNexis UKCOMM from 2000
Committee Reports - Section of Mineral and Natural Resources Law
Chicago : American Bar Center
Print Call Number: K1 .M47157 from 1963 to 1967 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with volume dated 1967.
Committee Reports to be Presented at the Annual Meeting to be Held ...
[Chicago] : The Association
Print Call Number: K1 .M47158 from 1963 to 1973; 1975 to 1990 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with volume dated 1990.
CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1993
LexisNexis Academic CONSP 144192 from v.1, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CONSP from v.1, 1993
Westlaw COMLCON from v.1, 1993
Westlaw Canada COMLCON from v.1, 1993
Common Cause
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (1947-1951) All Published
Common Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2001
Common Law World Review
Sark, Channel Islands : Vathek Publishing
Title varies: Vols. 1-29 (1972-2000) as Anglo-American Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1972
LexisNexis Academic UKCLWR 255158 from January 2000
Quicklaw/LexisNexis UKCLWR from January 2000
Print Call Number: K3 .O35815 from v.30 to 41 (2001-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.41, no.4, dated 2012.
Common Market
The Hague
Print Call Number: K3 .O35816 from v.2 to 10 (1962-1970) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Common Market Law Review
Kluwer Law International
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Other library resources) from v.1, 1963
Print Call Number: K3 .O35817 from v.1 to 50 (1963-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.50, no.6, dated December 2013.
Commonwealth Law Bulletin
London : Commonwealth Secretariat
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1975
Print Call Number: K3 .O35818 from v.3 to 37 (1977-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.38, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Commonwealth Law Librarian
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1992-1993) All Published
Commonwealth Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1903-1909) All Published
Commonwealth Lawyer : The Journal of the Commonwealth Lawyers' Association
London, England : The Association
Print Call Number: K3 .O3582 from v.1 to 5 (1984-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.5, no.2, dated October 1993.
Communication Law and Policy
LexisNexis Academic COMLPO 222003 from v.4, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COMLPO from v.4 no.1, Winter 1999
Westlaw COMMLPOLY from v.6, 2001
Westlaw Canada COMMLPOLY from v.6, 2001
Communications and the Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 25 (1979-2003) All Published
Communications Law - Copyright Articles
LexisNexis Academic COMCPY 402314 from Varies by Law Review
Communications Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1983
Westlaw COMLAW from v.8, Fall 1990
Westlaw Canada COMLAW from v.8, Fall 1990
Community Property Journal
Beverly Hills, Calif. : Community Property Journal
Print Call Number: K3 .O3587 from v.1 to 14 (1974-1988) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Companion Course Notes
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1-4 (1910) as Companion Course Notes
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, no.1-4 (1910)
Companion Newsletter
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2003
Company and Securities Law Journal
Sydney : Law Book Co.
Print Call Number: K3 .O362 from v.1 to 29 (1982-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.30, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Company Lawyer
London : Oyez Pub. Ltd.
Westlaw COMPLAW from vol. 7, 1986
Westlaw Canada COMPLAW from vol. 7, 1986
Print Call Number: K3 .O397 from v.1 to 27 (1980-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.27, no.12, dated December 2006.
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa
Pretoria, Institute of Foreign and Comparative Law, University of South Africa
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1968
Print Call Number: K3 .O436 from v.1 to 26 (1968-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.26, no.4, dated November 1993.
Comparative Labor Law
Los Angeles : School of Law, University of California
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1976-1986) as Comparative Labor Law; Vols. 8-18 (1986-1997) as Comparative Labor Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (1976-1986)
Print Call Number: K3 .O437 from v.3 to 7 (1979-1986) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal
Champaign, IL : University of Illinois College of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1976-1986) as Comparative Labor Law; Vols. 8-18 (1986-1997) as Comparative Labor Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1976
LexisNexis Academic COMLAB 7381 from v.1, 1976
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COMLAB from v.1, Winter 1976
Westlaw CLLPJ from v.9, 1988
Westlaw Canada CLLPJ from v.9, 1988
Print Call Number: K3 .O437 from v.19 to 32 (1997-2011), v.33, no.1-2; 4 (2011/2012), v.34 (2012/2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.34, no.4, dated Summer 2013.
Comparative Labor Law Journal
Philadelphia : Wharton School
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1976-1986) as Comparative Labor Law; Vols. 8-18 (1986-1997) as Comparative Labor Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.8 to 18 (1986-1997)
Print Call Number: K3 .O437 from v.8 to 18 (1986-1997) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Comparative Law Yearbook
Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, Sijthoff & Noordhoff
Print Call Number: K3 .O456 from v.1 to 11 (1977-1989) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.11, dated 1989.
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, The
London : Graham & Trotman, Center for International Legal Studies
Print Call Number: K3 .O456 from v.12 to 34 (1990-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.35, 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Comparative Legal History
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
Compensation and Benefits for Law Offices
Quicklaw/LexisNexis IOCMBE from 1996
Westlaw CBLOFF from v.94-1, 1994
Westlaw Canada CBLOFF from v.94-1, 1994
Compensation Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 15 (1925-1932) All Published
Competition and Consumer Law Journal
LexisNexis Academic AU005O 267870 1353346225003 from v.16, 2008
Quicklaw/LexisNexis AU005O from 1995
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (2000-2005) as Journal of Network Industries
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2000
Competition Law & Policy Debate
Claeys & Casteels BV
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2015
Competition Law International
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
LexisNexis Academic IBACLI 390501 from v.1, 2005
Competition Policy International
LexisNexis Academic COMPIN 360262 from v.5, 2009
Compleat Lawyer
Chicago, IL : Section of General Practice, American Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-15, no.2 (1984-1998) as Compleat Lawyer; Vols. 15, no.3-Vol. 16 (1998-1999) as GP Solo & Small Firm
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 15, no.2 (1984-1998)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis GPSOLO from Winter 1996
Westlaw COMPLEAT from v.13, 1996
Westlaw Canada COMPLEAT from v.13, 1996
Print Call Number: K3 .O462 from v.1 to 14 (1984-1997), v.15, no.1-2 (1998) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Complex Crimes Journal
Chicago, Illinois: American Bar Association, Section of Litigation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1997 to 1989 All Published
Computer & Internet Law - Copyright Protection Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTCPY 402318 from Varies by Law Review
Computer & Internet Law - Digital Millennium Copyright Act Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTMIL 402322 from Varies by Law Review
Computer & Internet Law - Digital Millennium Copyright Act Prohibited Conduct Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTCON 402316 from Varies by Law Review
Computer & Internet Law - International Trademark Protection Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTITP 402320 from Varies by Law Review
Computer & Internet Law - Patent Protection Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTPTP 402324 from Varies by Law Review
Computer & Internet Law - Trade Secret Protection Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTTRS 402328 from Varies by Law Review
Computer & Internet Law - Trademark Protection Articles
LexisNexis Academic INTTPT 402326 from Varies by Law Review
Computer and Internet Lawyer
formerly the Computer Lawyer
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CPLAWR from 1990
Westlaw CILW from v.7 no.5, 1990
Westlaw Canada CILW from v.7 no.5, 1990
Computer and Telecommunications Law Review
Westlaw Canada COMPTLR
Computer Law Bibliography
Los Angeles, Calif. : Center for Computer/Law
Print Call Number: K33 .C65 from 1979 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Computer Law Review and Technology Journal
Dallas, Tex. : Southern Methodist University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1997-2000, Vols. 6-10 (2001-2006) as Computer Law Review and Technology Journal
Internet online version from Summer 1996
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1997 to 2000, v.6 to 10 (2001-2006)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CLRTJ from no.2, Spring 1998
Westlaw CLRTJ from 2000
Westlaw Canada CLRTJ from 2000
Print Call Number: K3 .O484 from 1999; v.6 to 10 (2001-2006) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.10, no.3, dated Summer 2006.
Computer Lawyer
continues as the Computer & Internet Lawyer
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CPLAWR from January 1990
Westlaw CLW from v.7 no.5, 1990
Westlaw Canada CLW from v.7 no.5, 1990
Computer/Law Journal
[Los Angeles] Center for Computer/Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-11 (1978-1992) as Computer/Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 11 (1978-1992)
Print Call Number: K3 .O48 from v.1 to v.11 (1978-1993), v.12, no.1-2 (1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Computers and Law
St. Leonards, N.S.W. : Centre for Legal Information and Publications, College of Law
Print Call Number: K3 .O487 from no.13 to 86 (1990-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.86, dated December 2013.
Concordia Law Review
Concordia University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
Conferinta Internationala de Drept, Studii Europene si Relatii Internationale
Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2013
Conflict Resolution Quarterly
Title varies: 1983-1989 as Mediation Quarterly; Vols. 7-18 (1989-2001) as Mediation Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1983
Connecticut Bar Journal
Westlaw CTBJ from v.57, 1983
Westlaw Canada CTBJ from v.57, 1983
Connecticut Insurance Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1995
LexisNexis Academic CTINSL 152734 from v.1, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CTINSL from Spring 1995
Westlaw CTILJ from 1995
Westlaw Canada CTILJ from 1995
Connecticut Journal of International Law
Hartford, Ct. : Connecticut Journal of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1985
LexisNexis Academic CJIL 140712 from v.8, Spring 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CJIL from v.8, Spring 1993
Westlaw CTJIL from v.1, 1985
Westlaw Canada CTJIL from v.1, 1985
Print Call Number: K3 .O5543 from v.1 to 26 (1985-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.27, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Connecticut Law Review
Worcester, Mass. : University of Connecticut Law Review
Online Companion: Connecticut Law Review CONNtemplations
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1968
LexisNexis Academic CONNLR 138398 from v.25, 1992
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CONNLR from v.25, Fall 1992
Westlaw CTLR from v.15, 1983
Westlaw Canada CTLR from v.15, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .O5545 from v.1 to 45 (1968-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.45, no.5, dated July 2013.
Connecticut Law Review CONNtemplations
Online Companion to the Connecticut Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.39, 2007
Connecticut Law Reviews, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic CTLRV 151765 from 1982
Connecticut Law Tribune
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CLT from January 1991
Connecticut Probate Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1985-1996) as Connecticut Probate Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1985-1996)
Westlaw CTPRLJ from v.4, 1989
Westlaw Canada CTPRLJ from v.4, 1989
Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2001
LexisNexis Academic CTPILJ 274853 from v.3, 2003
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CTPILJ from v.3 Fall 2003
Constitutional Commentary
[Minneapolis, MN] : University of Minnesota Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1984
LexisNexis Academic CONCOM 151716 from v.12, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CONCOM from v.12, 1995
Westlaw CONSTCOM from v.2, 1985
Westlaw Canada CONSTCOM from v.2, 1985
Print Call Number: K3 .O5674 from v.1 to 29 (1984-2014) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.29, no.3, dated Summer 2014.
Constitutional Court Review
Juta and Company, Ltd.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2008
Constitutional Forum
Edmonton : University of Alberta Centre for Constitutional Studies
Internet online version from v.1 (1989)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1989
Print Call Number: K3 .O56745 from v.1 to 14 (1989-2005), v.15, no.1; 3 (2006), v.16 to 19 (2007-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased in print with v.19, no.3, dated 2011.
Constitutional Law Journal
Newark, N.J. : Seton Hall Law School
Print Call Number: K3 .O5675 from v.1 to 6 (1990-1996), v.7, no.1 (Fall 1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Constitutional Law Law Reviews
Constitutional Law Law Reviews file is a group file of full-text law reviews
LexisNexis Academic CONLLR 174409
Constitutional Law Review
Constitutional Court of Georgia
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (2009-2016) as Constitutional Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (2009-2016)
Constitutional Review
Buffalo, Dennis
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 13 (1917-1929) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .O5676 from v.1 to 13 (1917-1929) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Constitutional Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
Construction Law International
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2006
LexisNexis Academic IBACON 390497 from v.3, 2008
Construction Law Journal
Westlaw CONSTLJ from v.2, 1986
Westlaw Canada CONSTLJ from v.2, 1986
Construction Law Reports
(Articles only)
Westlaw CONSTRLR-ART from 2002
Westlaw Canada CONSTRLR-ART from 2002
Construction Lawyer (ABA)
Chicago, Ill. : American Bar Association's Forum Committee on the Construction Industry
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1980
Westlaw CONSLAW from v.7, 1987
Westlaw Canada CONSLAW from v.7, 1987
Print Call Number: K3 .O5678 from v.1 to 20 (1980-2000) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.20, no.4, dated October 2000.
Consultant's Digest
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (1991-1997) All Published
Consumer Finance Law : Quarterly Report
Peapack, N.J. : Conference on Consumer Finance Law, Editorial Office
Westlaw CONFLQR from v.47, 1993
Westlaw Canada CONFLQR from v.47, 1993
Print Call Number: K3 .O5758 from v.38, no.3-4 (1984), v.39 to 47 (1985-1993), v.48, no.1-3 (1994) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.40, no.3, dated Summer 1994.
Consumer Journal
Los Angeles : Loyola University of Los Angeles Law School
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1972) as Loyola Consumer Protection Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1972-1974) All Published
Consumer Law Today
Quicklaw/LexisNexis GB03WF from 1999
Consumer News
[Washington] U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare
Print Call Number: K25 .N5744 from v.7 to 8 (1977-1978), v.9, no.1-12 (January 1-June 15, 1979) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.9, no.12, dated June 15, 1979.
Consumers Union News Digest
Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Consumers Union of United States, Inc.
Print Call Number: K3 .O5785 from v.1 to 13 (1976-1988) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.13, no.3, dated February 1988.
Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2008
Contemporary Drug Problems
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1971
Contemporary Issues in Law
London, England : Cavendish Publishing Ltd.
Print Call Number: K3 .O5789 from v.1 to 10 (1955-2010) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.11, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2009
Con-texto: Revista de Derecho y Economia
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1998
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1915 to 1939 All Published
Conveyancer and Property Lawyer: A Quarterly Journal Containing Precedents and Articles
London : Sweet & Maxwell
Westlaw CONVPL from 1986
Westlaw Canada CONVPL from 1986
Print Call Number: K3 .O584 from new series: v.1 to 76 (1936-2012) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.76, dated 2012.
Cooley Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1982-1990) as Cooley Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (1982-1990)
Westlaw TMCOOLLR from v.4, 1987 to v.7, 1990
Westlaw Canada TMCOOLLR from v.4, 1987 to v.7, 1990
Copp's Land Office Bulletin
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1889-1890) All Published
Copp's Land Owner
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 18 (1874-1892) All Published
Geneva [etc., World Intellectual Property Organization]
Print Call Number: K3 .O697 from 1965 to 1994 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Copyright New Media Law & e-commerce News
continues Copyright and New Media Legal News
Internet online version from 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CA03KP from 1999
Copyright & New Media Law Newsletter
LexisNexis Academic CA03KP 281472 1353356246691 from v.1, 1997
Copyright and New Media Legal News
continued by Copyright, New Media Law and e-commerce News
Internet online version from 1996 - 1999
Copyright Bulletin
Paris : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Print Call Number: K3 .O6976 from v.1 to 34 (1967-2000) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.34, no.4, dated October-December 2000.
Copyright Law - Constitutional Protections Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYCON 402179
Copyright Law - Conveyances Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYCNV 402175
Copyright Law - Criminal Offenses Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYCRM 402194
Copyright Law - Digital Millennium Copyright Act Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYDMC 402196
Copyright Law - Duration & Renewal Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYDRN 402198
Copyright Law - Formalities Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYFRM 402269
Copyright Law - Owner Rights Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYOWR 402257
Copyright Law - Ownership Interests Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYPOW 402261
Copyright Law - Publication Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYPUB 402271
Copyright Law - Subject Matter Articles
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYSMA 402253
Copyright Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by Law Review
LexisNexis Academic CPYLRV 402250
Copyright Law Symposium
New York City : American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from no. 1 to 41 (1938-1998) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .O6978 from no.5 to 10; 13 to 41 (1943-1997) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with no.41, dated 1997.
Copyright World
London : LLP Limited
Print Call Number: K3 .O698 from no.102 to 127 (August 2000-February 2003); no.129 to 131 (April-June 2003); no.133 to 138 (September 2003-March 2004); no.140 to 146 (May-December 2004, January 2005); no.148 to 152 (March-July/August 2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.152, dated July/August 2005.
Cornell International Law Journal
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Society of International Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1968
LexisNexis Academic CORINT 12489 from v.26, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CORINT from v.26, Winter 1993
Westlaw CNLILJ from v.16, 1983
Westlaw Canada CNLILJ from v.16, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .O763 from v.1 to 46 (1968-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.46, no.3, dated Fall 2013.
Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic CJOLPP 165270 from v.5, no.2, Winter 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CJOLPP from v.5 no.2, Winter 1996
Westlaw CNLJLPP from v.1, 1992
Westlaw Canada CNLJLPP from v.1, 1992
Print Call Number: K3 .O7634 from v.1 to 10 (1992-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.10, no.3, dated Summer 2001.
Cornell Law Forum: Faculty edition
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1974
Cornell Law Forum: Student edition
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1949
Cornell Law Journal
Ithaca, N.Y. : College of Law, Cornell University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1894) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .O764 from v.1, no.1 (June 1894) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cornell Law Quarterly
Ithaca, N.Y. : [Cornell University, College of Law]
Title varies: Vols. 1-52 (1915-1967) as Cornell Law Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 52 (1915-1967)
Print Call Number: K3 .O765 from v.1 to 52 (1915-1967) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cornell Law Review
Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University, Cornell Law School
Title varies: Vols. 1-52 (1915-1967) as Cornell Law Quarterly. Cornell Law Review Online (Online Companion to Cornell Law Review)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1915
LexisNexis Academic CORLR from v.68, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CORLR 7333 from v.68, November 1982
Westlaw CNLLR from v.68 no.3, 1983
Westlaw Canada CNLLR from v.68 no.3, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .O765 from v.53 to 75 (1967-1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cornell Law Review Online (Online Companion to Cornell Law Review)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.98, 2013
LexisNexis Academic CORLR 421304 from v.98, 1993
Corporate & Business Law Journal
Adelaide, S. Aust. : University of Adelaide, Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 11 (1988-1999) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .O7657 from v.1 to 11 (1988-1999) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.11, no.2, dated 1999.
Corporate Business Taxation Monthly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 11 (1988-1999)
Corporate Counsel's Annual
Albany, N. Y., M. Bender
Print Call Number: K3 .O766 from 1966 to 1977 All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Corporate Examiner, The
New York : Corporate Information Center, National Council of Churches
Print Call Number: K3 .O768 from v.5 to 8; v.19 to 25; 27 to 29 All volumes are located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.29, dated 1980. Volumes are irregular and incomplete.
Corporate Finance
London : Euromoney Publications PLC
Print Call Number: K3 .O7684 from no.51 to 74 (1989, 1990/1991) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with no.74, dated January 1991.
Corporate Governance eJournal
External to HeinOnline
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2005
Corporate Governance Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (2005-2007) All Published
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Oxford: Basil Blackwell
Print Call Number: K3 .O7692 from v.1 to 13 (1993-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.13, no.6, dated November 2005.
Corporate Legal Times
continued by InsideCounsel
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CORPLT from December 1991
Westlaw CORPLT from September 1991
Westlaw Canada CORPLT from September 1991
Corporate Practice Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (1928-1932) All Published
Corporate Reorganizations, Combined with American Bankruptcy Review
Corporate Reorganizations: A Monthly Magazine ... and American Bankruptcy Review: A Monthly Magazine ... merged to form Corporate Reorganizations, Combined with American Bankruptcy Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from A1 to A6 (1937-1947) All Published
Corporate Reorganizations: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Law of Corporate Reorganizations, Railroad Reorganizations and Municipal Relief
Merged with American Bankruptcy Review: The Monthly Magazine for Lawyers, Bankers, and Business Men to form Corporate Reorganizations, Combined with American Bankruptcy Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4, no.1 (1934-1937) All Published
Corporate Taxation
New York, NY : Warren, Gorham & Lamont
Print Call Number: K3 .O776 from v.27, no.4 (October 2000), v.28 to 40 (2001-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.40, no.6, dated November/December 2013.
Corporation Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic CORPLR 152401
Corporation Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic CORPLR 152401 from Varies by individual source
Corporation Law Review, The
Boston, Warren, Gorham & Lamont
Print Call Number: K3 .O772 from v.1 to v.8 (1978-1985) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.8, dated 1985.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 25 (1931-1960) All Published
Counsel : The Journal of the Bar of England and Wales
London [England] ; Senate of Inns of Court and the Bar
Print Call Number: K3 .O857 from v.1 to 2 (1985-1987), 1988 to 1993, 1994 (January/February-March/April; July/August-November/December), 1995 to 2011 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Counsellor: The New York Law School Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 5 (1891-1896) All Published
County and Local Government Magazine
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1889-1890) as County Council Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4 (1889-1891) All Published
County Council Magazine
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1889-1890) as County Council Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1889-1890)
County Courts Gazette
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1912-1917) All Published
Court Review
American Judges Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-9, no.1 (1961-1968) as Municipal Court Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1961
LexisNexis Academic COURTR 248050 from v.35, 1998
Quicklaw/LexisNexis COURTR from v.35 no.1, Spring 1998
Court Uncourt
STA Law Firm
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2014
Courts, Health Science and the Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1990-1991) All Published
CPA Practice Management Forum
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2005
Cream of the Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1905-1907) All Published
Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2011
LexisNexis Academic CRICLJ 399115 from v.1, 2011
Creighton Law Review
Omaha, Neb. : School of Law, The Creighton University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1968
LexisNexis Academic CRTLR 138424 from v.26, June 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CRTLR from v.26, June 1993
Westlaw CRLR from 1982
Westlaw Canada CRLR from 1982
Print Call Number: K3 .R343 from v.1 to 38 (1968-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.38, no.4, dated June 2005.
Crime and Delinquency
New York, N.Y. : National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Print Call Number: K3 .R5243 from v.6, no. 3/4 (1960), v.7 to 43 (1961-1997) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.43, no.4, dated October 1997.
Crime and Justice: A Review of Research
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1979
LexisNexis Academic CRJUST 167082 from v.22, 1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CRJUST from v.22, 1997
Westlaw CRIMEJ from v.18, 1993
Westlaw Canada CRIMEJ from v.18, 1993
Crime, Histoire and Societes = Crime, History and Societies
Geneva : Librairie Droz, S.A. : International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice
Print Call Number: K3 .R557 from v.1 to 9 (1997-2005) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.9, no.2, dated 2005.
Crime Law and Justice Annual
Buffalo, N.Y.: W.S. Hein
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1972-1973) as Crime Law and Justice Annual
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1972-1973) All Published
CRIMEN: Casopis za Krivicne Nauke
Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade and Institute of Comparative Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2010
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1991
Criminal Defense
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 11 (1973-1984) All Published
Criminal Justice
Chicago, Ill. : American Bar Association, Section of Criminal Justice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 12 (1973-1985) All Published
LexisNexis Academic CRMJUS 226341 from Spring 1999
Westlaw CRIMJUST from v.1, 1986
Westlaw Canada CRIMJUST from v.1, 1986
Print Call Number: K3 .R562 from v.1 to 15 (1986-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.15, no.4, dated Winter 2001.
Criminal Justice and Behavior
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1974
Criminal Justice Ethics
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1982
Criminal Justice History : An International Annual
New York : Crime and Justice History Group : distributed by John Jay Press
Print Call Number: K3 .R5622 from v.1 to 19 (1980-2003) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with v.19, dated 2003.
Criminal Justice Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-14 (1976-1992) as Criminal Justice Journal; Vols. 15-17 (1993-1995) as San Diego Justice Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 14 (1976-1992)
Criminal Justice Policy Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1986
Criminal Justice Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1976
Criminal Justice Systems Review
Buffalo, N.Y.: W.S. Hein
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1972-1973) as Crime Law and Justice Annual
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 2 (1972-1974) All Published
Criminal Law Brief
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2006
LexisNexis Academic CRIMLB 352314 from January 2007
Criminal Law Bulletin
New York, etc. : [s.n.]
Westlaw CRIMLAWBUL from v.40, issue 1
Westlaw Canada CRIMLAWBUL from v.40, issue 1
Print Call Number: K3 .R5624 from v.1 to v.28 (1965-1992) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.28, no.4, dated July/August 1992.
Criminal Law Forum: An International Journal
Camden, N.J. : Society for the Reform of Criminal Law and Rutgers University School of Law
Archival material. No longer published.
LexisNexis Academic CRIMLF 155841 from v.5, 1994 to v.8, no.3 1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CRIMLF from v.5 no.1, 1994
Westlaw CRIMLF from v.2, 1990
Westlaw Canada CRIMLF from v.2, 1990
Print Call Number: K3 .R5625 from v.1 to 8 (1989-1997); v.10 to 25 (1999-2014) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.25, no.3-4, dated September-December 2014.
Criminal Law Journal
[Sydney] : Law Book Co.
Print Bora Laskin: Call Number: K3 .R5626 from v.1 to 35 (1977-2011) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From v.36, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Criminal Law Magazine
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1880-1885) as Criminal Law Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 6 (1880-1885)
Criminal Law Magazine and Reporter
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1880-1885) as Criminal Law Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 18 (1880-1896) All Published
Criminal Law Practitioner
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2013
Criminal Law Quarterly
Agincourt, Ont. [etc.] : Canada Law Book [etc.]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1958
Print Call Number: K3 .R5634 from v.1, 1958 All volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Criminal Law Quarterly
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1962-1963) as Criminal Law Quarterly; Vols. 2-9 (1963-1970) as American Criminal Law Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1962-1963)
Criminal Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1886) All Published
Criminal Law Review, The
London : Sweet & Maxwell
Westlaw from January 1986
Print Call Number: K3 .R565 from 1954 to 2012 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. From 2013 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.
Criminal Reports
(Articles only)
Westlaw CR-ART from 1998
Westlaw Canada CR-ART from 1998
New York : New York University School of Law, for the American Society of Criminology
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1963-1970) as Criminologica
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 7 (1963-1970)
Print Call Number: K3 .R5664 from v.1 to 7 (1963-1970) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
[Montréal] : Presses de l'Université de Montréal
Print Call Number: K3 .R56642 from v.8 to v.13 (1975-1980) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.13, dated 1980.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 (1927) All Published
[Beverly Hills, Calif.] : Sage Publications
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1963-1970) as Criminologica
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1963
Print Call Number: K3 .R5664 from v.8 to 30 (1970-1992); v.32 to 51 (1994-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.51, no.4, dated November 2013.
Criminology & Public Policy
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2001
Criminology : Crime, Espionage, the Law
Longfield, Eng. : Sentinel Press
Print Call Number: K3 .R5666 from v.1, no.1-6 (May/June 1963); v.2, no.7-10 (November/December 1964) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Criminology and Penology Abstracts
Amsterdam : Kugler Publications
Print Call Number: K3 .R5668 from v.20 to 24 (1980-1984) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.24, no.6, dated November/December 1984.
Crit: A Critical Studies Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2008
Criterion Journal on Innovation
Criterion Economics, L.L.C.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
Critical Criminology : An International Journal
Richmond, B.C. : Critical Criminology
Print Call Number: K3 .R576 from v.7, no.1-2 (Spring-Autumn 1996) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.7, no.2, dated Autumn 1996.
Critical Social Policy
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1981
Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences Yearbook
Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
Croatian and Comparative Public Administration
Institute for Public Administration
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1999-2010) as Croatian Public Administration
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1999
Croatian Annual of Criminal Law and Practice
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-22 (1994-2015) as Croatian Annual of Criminal Law and Practice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 22 (1994-2015)
Croatian Annual of Criminal Sciences and Practice
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-22 (1994-2015) as Croatian Annual of Criminal Law and Practice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1994
Croatian Arbitration Yearbook
LexisNexis Academic CROAYB 156583 from v.1, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CROAYB from v.1, 1994
Croatian Public Administration
Institute for Public Administration
Title varies: Vols. 1-10 (1999-2010) as Croatian Public Administration
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 10 (1999-2010)
Cross-Border Journal for International Studies
Galati University Press; University of Galati
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2016
Crown's Newsletter
Toronto : Ontario Crown Attorneys' Association
Print Call Number: K3 .R686 from 1975 to 1990; 1990, no.3; 6; 1993 to 1996 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with volume dated 1996.
CTC Reporter, The
New York : United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
Print Call Number: K3 .T3746 from v.1 to 30 (1976-1990) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
CT-Connecticut Law Journal
LexisNexis Academic CTRGST 152642 from v.LVI, no.35, Feb. 28, 1995
Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2009
Cumberland Law Review
Birmingham, Ala., Cumberland School of Law of Samford University
Title varies: Vols. 1-5 (1970-1975) as Cumberland-Samford Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1970
LexisNexis Academic CUMLR 140713 from v.24, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CUMLR from v.24, 1993
Westlaw CUMLR from v.14, 1983
Westlaw Canada CUMLR from v.14, 1983
Print Call Number: K3 .U523 from v.7 to v.23 (1976-1993) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.23, no.3, dated 1992/1993.
Cumberland-Samford Law Review
Birmingham, Ala., Cumberland School of Law, Samford University
Title varies: Vols. 1-5 (1970-1975) as Cumberland-Samford Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 5 (1970-1975)
Print Call Number: K3 .U523 from v.1 to 5 (1970-1975) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Cumulative Digest of International Law and Relations
Title varies: Vols. 1-4, no.17 (1930-1935) as Cumulative Digest of International Law and Relations
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 4, no.17 (1930-1935)
CUNY Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1996
LexisNexis Academic NYCLR 222005 from v.2, 1998
Curierul Fiscal
CH Beck Publishing House
(Full text through U of T Resources - from Hein) from 2006
Curierul Judiciar
C.H. Beck Publishing House
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 2009
Current Australian and New Zealand Legal Literature Index
Sydney : Law Book Co.
Print Call Number: K33 .C866 from 1973 to 1987 All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Publication ceased with volume dated 1987.
Current Comment and Legal Miscellany
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3, no.4 (1889-1891) All Published
Current Index to Legal Periodicals
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from 1945
Current Issues in Criminal Justice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1989
Current Law and Social Problems
[Toronto] University of Toronto Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 3 (1960-1963) All Published
Print Call Number: K3 .U773 from v.1 to 3 (1960-1963) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Current Legal Problems
London : Stevens & Sons
Print Call Number: K3 .U775 from v.1 to 44 (1948-1991), v.45, pt.1-2 (1992) to v.49, pt.1-2 (1996), v.50 to 66 (1997-2013) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.66, dated 2013.
Current Legal Theory
Internet online version from Internet online version from 1999
Current Legal Theory : International Journal for Documentation on Legal Theory
Leuven, Belgium : Acco
Print Call Number: K3 .U7774 from v.1 to 16 (1983-1998) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Current Legal Thought
New York : [s.n.]
Print Call Number: K3 .U778 from v.2 to 14 (1935-1948) All volumes located offsite at Downsview.
Current Legal Thought
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1 to 14 (1935-1948) All Published
Currents: International Trade Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1991
LexisNexis Academic CURENT 239690 from v.8, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CURENT from v.8. no.1, Summer 1999 to Summer 2000
Westlaw CURNTS from v.8. 1999
Westlaw Canada CURNTS from v.8, 1999
Cybaris: An Intellectual Property Law Review
Mitchell Hamline School of Law IP Institute
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2010
Cyber Strategies : At the Frontier of Law and Business
Chicago, IL : CCH, Inc.
Print Call Number: K3 .Y347 from v.1 to 3 (1999-2001) All volumes located offsite at Downsview. Subscription cancelled with v.3, no.2, dated Winter 2001.
Cyberspace Law Journal : An Occasional Publication
Internet online version from December 1997
Cyberspace Lawyer, The
Quicklaw/LexisNexis CYBLAW from 1997
Cyprus Human Rights Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 2012