Database of Law Journals - T

This database includes direct links to all full-text law journals on either Quicklaw/Lexis-Nexis, Westlaw, Westlaw Canada, Hein Online or the Internet as well as a list of the library's print holdings.

Users with Quicklaw/LexisNexis passwords cannot access journals on LexisNexis; Quicklaw/LexisNexis does not allow direct access to individual journals. Users with a WestlawNext password, can access journals on both WestlawNext and Westlaw.

Items marked (Full text through U of T Library Resources) are available only to the University of Toronto Community. Some databases include only selected coverage.

U of T acquires new resources constantly. This list is updated regularly but to ensure you have not missed any journals made available through the U of T library system, make sure you also search the library catalogue.

Table,The : Being the Journal of the Society of Clerks-at-the-Table in Commonwealth Parliaments. 
London : Butterworth 
Print Call Number:  from v.24 to 25 (1955-1956)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Tasmanian University Law Review
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1958-1963) as Tasmanian University Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 (1958-1963)

Tax Adviser
LexisNexis Academic  TAXADV 3802  from v.1, 1987
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TAXADV  from Jan 1987

Tax Executive
Arlington, VA, etc. : Tax Executives Institute
Title varies: Vol. 4 (1951-1952) as Official Bulletin of Tax Executives Institute, Inc. (Volumes 1-3 Never Published)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.4, 1951
Print Call Number:  K24 .A932  from v.4 to 44 (1951-1992), v.45, no.1-5 (January/February-September/October 1993)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.45, no.5, dated September/October 1993.

Tax Journal
LexisNexis Academic  GB041N 280249 1361829576156  from January 2003

Tax Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 (1884-1885) All Published

Tax Law Review
New York : School of Law, New York University.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1945
Westlaw  TAXLR  from v.44, 1988
Westlaw Canada  TAXLR  from v.44, 1988
Print Call Number:  K24 .A946  from v.1 to 55 (1945-2002), v.56, no.1-3 (2002/2003); v.57 to 65 (2003-2011)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.65, no.4, dated Summer 2012.

Tax Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TAXLR 148682  from Varies by individual source

Tax Lawyer
Washington : Section of Taxation of the American Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-15 (1947-1962) as Bulletin; Vols. 16-20 (1962-1967) as Bulletin of the Section of Taxation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1947
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TAXLAW  from Fall 1981
Westlaw  TAXL  from v.35, 1982
Westlaw Canada  TAXL  from v.35, 1982
Print Call Number:  K24 .A953  from v.21 to 58 (1967-2005)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.58, no.4, dated Summer 2005.

Tax Magazine
Solomon Publishing House
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 2014

Tax Magazine
Title Varies: Vols. 1-8, no.8 (1923-1930) as National Income Tax Magazine; Vols. 8, no.9-8, no.10 (1930) as National Tax Magazine; Vols. 8, no.11-16 (1930-1938) as Tax Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.8, no.11 to 16 (1930-1938)

Tax Policy and the Economy
University of Chicago Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1987

[London, Taxation Pub. Co., etc.]. Staples, Ronald .
Print Call Number:  K24 .A956  from v.39 to 163 (1947-2009); v.165 to 166 (2010)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  From v.164, 2009 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.

Taxation International
London : Tolley Pub.
Print Call Number:  K24 .A9564  from 1988 to 1990  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Publication ceased with issued dated September 1990.

Taxation Magazine
LexisNexis Academic  GB041Q 280248 361894046595  from October 2001

Taxes: The Tax Magazine.
[Chicago] Commerce Clearing House
Title varies: Vols. 1-8, no.8 (1923-1930) as National Income Tax Magazine; Vols. 8, no.9-8, no.10 (1930) as National Tax Magazine; Vols. 8, no.11-16 (1930-1938) as Tax Magazine
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1923
Print Call Number:  K24 .A962  from v.1 to 20 (1923-1942); v.25 (1947); v.28 to 87 (2009), v.88, January-June; July-December (2010), v.89 (2011)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  From v.90, 2012 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.

Technology and Practice Guide
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 2 (1997-1998) All Published

Teises Apzvalga Law Review
Vytautas Magnus University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.6, 2010

Tel Aviv University Law Review
Title varies: as Iyunei Mishpat
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1971

Tel Aviv University Studies in Law
[Tel Aviv] : Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 15 (1975-2000) All Published
Print Call Number:  K24 .E428  from v.1 to 6 (1975-1984)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.6, dated 1983-1984.

Telecommunications Policy
[Guildford, Eng.] : IPC Science and Technology Press [etc.]
Print Call Number:  K24 .E432  from v.8 to 25 (1984-2001); v.26, no.3-11 (April-December 2002), v.27 to 29 (2003-2005)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.29, no.11, dated December 2005.

Telecoms Law Today
London, UK : Informa Publishing
Print Call Number:  K24 .E533  from v.1 (2001/2002), v.2, no.1-2 (February-March 2002)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Telehealth Law
Markham, Ont. : LexisNexis Butterworths
Print Call Number:  K24 .E542  from v.5 (2004/2005), v.6, no.1 (September 2005)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.6, no.1, dated September 2005.  v.4, no.3, onwards are available via

Clifton, N.J : Law & Business, Inc.
Print Call Number:  K24 .E545  from v.1 to 4 (1984-1987), v.5, no.1-8; 10 (January-August; October 1988)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 2 (1788-1789) All Published

Temple Environmental Law and Technology Journal
Philiadelphia, Pa. : Temple University School of Law
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1982) as Outlook Environmental Journal; Vol. 2 (1983) as Outlook Environmental Law Journal; Vols. 3-23 (1984-2004) as Temple Environmental Law and Technology Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.3 to 23 (1984-2004)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TETJ  from v.13, Spring 1994
Westlaw  TMPELTJ  from v.3, 1984
Westlaw Canada  TMPELTJ  from v.3, 1984
Print Call Number:  K24 .E5462  from v.3 to 22 (1984-2004), v.23, no.1 (Fall 2004)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Temple International & Comparative Law Journal
Philadelphia, Pa. : Temple University, School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1985
LexisNexis Academic  TICLJ 140729  from v.7, Spring 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TICLJ  from v.7, Spring 1993
Westlaw  TMPICLJ  from v.4, 1990
Westlaw Canada  TMPICLJ  from v.4, 1990
Print Call Number:  K24 .E564  from v.1 to 26 (1985-2012)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.26, no.2, dated Fall 2012.

Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law
Philadelphia, PA : Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1982) as Outlook Environmental Journal; Vol. 2 (1983) as Outlook Environmental Law Journal; Vols. 3-23 (1984-2004) as Temple Environmental Law and Technology Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1982
LexisNexis Academic  TELTJ 149603  from v.13, Spring 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TETJ  from v.13, Spring 1994
Westlaw  TMPELTJ  from v.3, 1984
Westlaw Canada  TMPELTJ  from v.3, 1984
Print Call Number:  K24 .E565  from v.24 to 31 (2005-2012)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.31, no.3, dated Winter 2012.

Temple Law Quarterly
Philadelphia, Pa. : Temple University, School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-60 (1927-1987) as Temple Law Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 60 (1927-1987)
Print Call Number:  K24 .E566  from v.1 to 12 (1927-1938)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Temple Law Review
Philadelphia, P.A. : Temple University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-60 (1927-1987) as Temple Law Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1927
LexisNexis Academic  TEMPLE 139129  from v.66, Spring 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TEMPLE  from v.66, Spring 1993
Westlaw  TMPLR  from v.61, 1988
Westlaw Canada  TMPLR  from v.61, 1988
Print Call Number:  K24 .E5662  from v.61 to 66 (1988-1993)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.66, no.4, dated Winter 1993.

Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic  TPCRLR 142676  from v.2, Fall 1992
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TPCRLR  from v.2, Fall 1992
Westlaw  TMPPCRLR  from v.1, 1992
Westlaw Canada  TMPPCRLR  from v.1, 1992

Temple University Law Quarterly
Philadelphia : Temple University School of Law
Print Call Number:  K24 .E5668  from v.13 to 18 (1938-1944)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Tennessee Bar Journal
LexisNexis Academic  TNBARJ 258816  from December 2002
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TNBARJ  from v.38 no.11, November 2002
Westlaw  TNBJ  from v.19, August 1983
Westlaw Canada  TNBJ  from v.19, August 1983

Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2004
LexisNexis Academic  TNJOLP 290728  from v.1, 2004
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TNJOLP  from Volume 1, No. 1, Fall 2004

Tennessee Journal of Practice & Procedure
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1997
LexisNexis Academic  TNJPP 224658  from v.1 to 7, no.2 (1997-2006) No Longer Published
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TNJPP  from v.1 no.1, Spring 1997

Tennessee Journal of Race, Gender, & Social Justice
University of Tennessee College of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-2, no.1 (2012-2014) as RGSJ: Tennessee Journal of Race, Gender, & Social Justice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2012

Tennessee Law Review
Knoxville : Tennessee Law Review Association, etc.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1922
LexisNexis Academic  TENLR 7418  from v.38, Fall 1970
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TENLR  from v.50, Fall 1982
Westlaw  TNLR  from v.50, 1983
Westlaw Canada  TNLR  from v.50, 1983
Print Call Number:  K24 .E567  from v.1 to 80 (1922-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.80, no.4, dated Summer 2013.

Tennessee Law Reviews, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TNLRV 142687  from 1982

Tennessee Legal Reporter
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1877-1878) as Tennessee Legal Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 (1877/1878)

Territorial Sea
Portland, Me. : Marine Law Institute, University of Southern Maine.
Superseded by Territorial Sea Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 9 (1980-1989) All Published
Print Call Number:  K24 .E775  from v.6 to 8 (1986-1988), v.9, no.1 (Spring 1989)  

Territorial Sea Journal
Supersedes Territorial Sea
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 2 (1990-1992) All Published

Territorial Sea Journal : A Legal and Policy Journal on U.S. Ocean and Coastal Law
Portland, ME : Marine Law Institute, University of Maine School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v. 1 (1990) to v. 2 (1992) All Published
Print Call Number:  K24 .E7752  from v.1 to 2 (1990-1992)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Terrorism : An International Journal
New York, Crane, Russak
Print Call Number:  K24 .E776  from v.1 to 10 (1977-1987)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.10, dated 1987.

Terrorism in the United States
[Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 1988 to 2001  All Published

Texas A&M Journal of Property Law
Texas A&M University School of Law
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1 (2012) as Texas Wesleyan Journal of Real Property Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2012

Texas A&M Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2013

Texas Bar Journal
LexisNexis Academic  TXBARJ 155946  from v.59, January 1996
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TXBARJ  from January 1996
Westlaw  TXBJ  from v.60 no.2, 1997
Westlaw Canada  TXBJ  from v.60 no.2, 1997

Texas Environmental Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-3, no.6 as Newsletter of the Water & Air Conservation Law Section; Vols. 3, no.8-4 (1973-1974) as Newsletter of the Environmental Law Section; Vols. 5-7 (1974-1977) as State Bar Section Report: Environmental Law; Vols. 8-10, no.2 (1977-1979) as Environmental Law Newsletter; Vols. 10, no.3-37 (1980-2007) as State Bar of Texas Environmental Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1971
LexisNexis Academic  TEXELJ 386690  from Fall 2007

Texas Forum on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1993-2002) as Texas Forum on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 7 (1993-2002)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TFCLCR  from v.2 no.1, Winter 1995
Westlaw  TXFCLCR  from v.2, 1995
Westlaw Canada  TXFCLCR  from v.2, 1995

Texas Hispanic Journal of Law & Policy
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1994, 1996-1997) as Hispanic Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1994
LexisNexis Academic  TXHJLP 167089  from v.1, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TXHJLP  from v.1 no.1, 1994
Westlaw  TXHJLP  from v.1, 1994
Westlaw Canada  TXHJLP  from v.1, 1994

Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal
Internet online version from v.1 no.1, Winter 1993
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic  TXIPLJ 146184  from v.1, Winter 1991/1992
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TXIPLJ  from v.1, Winter 1992
Westlaw  TXIPLJ  from v.1, 1992
Westlaw Canada  TXIPLJ  from v.1, 1992

Texas International Law Forum
[Austin, Tex. : University of Texas International Law Society]
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1965-1971) as Texas International Law Forum
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 6 (1965-1971)
Print Call Number:  K24 .E8225  from v.1 to 6 (1965-1971)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Texas International Law Journal
Austin, Tex. : University of Texas School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1965-1971) as Texas International Law Forum
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1965
LexisNexis Academic  TEXILJ 146185  from v.29, spring 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TEXILJ  from v.29, Spring 1994
Westlaw  TXILJ  from v.20, 1985
Westlaw Canada  TXILJ  from v.20, 1985
Print Call Number:  K24 .E8226  from v.7 to 48 (1971-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.48, no.3, dated Summer 2013.

Texas Journal of Business Law
Westlaw  TXJBL  from v.32, Fall 1995
Westlaw Canada  TXJBL  from v.32, Fall 1995

Texas Journal of Oil, Gas, and Energy Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2006
LexisNexis Academic  TXJGEL 377246  from Fall 2007
Westlaw Canada  TJOGEL  from v.1, 2006

Texas Journal of Women and the Law
University of Texas School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-23 (1992-2014) as Texas Journal of Women and the Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 23 (1992-2014)
Westlaw Canada  TXJWL  from v.1, 1992

Texas Journal of Women, Gender, and the Law
Austin, Tex. : University of Texas at Austin, School of Law Publications, Inc
Title varies: Vols. 1-23 (1992-2014) as Texas Journal of Women and the Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1992
LexisNexis Academic  TXJWL 224648  from v.6, no.2, Spring 1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TXJWL  from v.6 no.2, Spring 1997
Westlaw  TXJWL  from v.1, 1992
Westlaw Canada  TXJWL  from v.1, 1992
Print Call Number:  K24 .E823  from v.1 to 22 (1992-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.22, no.2, dated Spring 2013.

Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1993-2002) as Texas Forum on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1993
LexisNexis Academic  TFCLCR 159587  from v.2, Winter 1994/1995
Westlaw  TXJCLCR  from v.2, 1996
Westlaw Canada  TXJCLCR  from v.2, 1996

Texas Law and Legislation
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1947) as Texas Law and Legislation; Vols. 2-45 (1948-1992) as Southwestern Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1947

Texas Law Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 3 (1882-1885) All Published

Texas Law Review
[Austin, Texas Law Review Publications, etc.]
Texas Law Review See Also - Online Companion to Texas Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1922
LexisNexis Academic  TEXLR 7355  from v.62, 1983
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TEXLR  from v.62, October 1983
Westlaw  TXLR  from v.60, 1981
Westlaw Canada  TXLR  from v.60, 1981
Print Call Number:  K24 .E832  from v.1 to 89 (1922-2011)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  From v.90, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.

Texas Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 6 (1883-1886) All Published

Texas Law Review See Also
Online Companion to Texas Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.85, 2006

Texas Law Reviews, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TXLRV 142688  from 1983

Texas Lawyer
Westlaw  TEXLAW  from January 1998
Westlaw Canada  TEXLAW  from January 1998

Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic  TXRESL 268509  from v.1, no.4, Spring 2003
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TXRESL  from v.1, 2003
Westlaw  TXRESL  from v. 3, 2002
Westlaw Canada  TXRESL  from v. 3, 2002

Texas Review of Law & Politics
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1997
LexisNexis Academic  TRLAWP 168092  from v.2, 1997
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TRLAWP  from v.2 no.1, Fall 1997
Westlaw  TXLRP  from 1997
Westlaw Canada  TXLRP  from 1997

Texas Southern Intramural Law Review
Houston, Tex. : Texas Southern University School of Law
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1970-1971) as Texas Southern Intramural Law Review; Vols. 2-6 (1971-1981) as Texas Southern University Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 (1970-1971)
Print Call Number:  K24 .E837  from v.1 (1970/1971)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Texas Southern University Law Review
[Houston : Texas Southern University School of Law]
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1970-1971) as Texas Southern Intramural Law Review; Vols. 2-6 (1971-1981) as Texas Southern University Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.2 to 6 (1971-1981)
Print Call Number:  K24 .E8384  from v.2 to 6 (1972-1981)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal
Title varies: Vol. 1-6 (2000-2005) as Texas Tech Journal of Texas Administrative Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic  TTALJ 265522  from v.2, no.2, Summer 2001
Westlaw Canada  TXTALJ  from v.1, 2000

Texas Tech Journal of Administrative Law
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TTALJ  from v.2 no.2, 2001

Texas Tech Journal of Texas Administrative Law
Title varies: Vol. 1-6 (2000-2005) as Texas Tech Journal of Texas Administrative Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 6 (2000-2005)
Westlaw  TXTJTXAL  from v.1, (2000) - v. 6 (2005)
Westlaw Canada  TXTJTXAL  from v.1, (2000) - v. 6 (2005)

Texas Tech Law Review
Lubbock, The School of Law, Texas Tech University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1969
LexisNexis Academic  TTLR 139170  from v.24, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TTLR  from v.24, 1993
Westlaw  TXTLR  from v.13, 1982
Westlaw Canada  TXTLR  from v.13, 1982
Print Call Number:  K24 .E842  from v.1 to 24 (1969-1993)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.24, no.4, dated 1993.

Texas Wesleyan Journal of Real Property Law
Texas A&M University School of Law
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1 (2012) as Texas Wesleyan Journal of Real Property Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, no.1 (2012)

Texas Wesleyan Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1994
LexisNexis Academic  TWLREV 151723  from v.1, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TWLREV  from v.1 no.1, Spring 1994
Westlaw  TXWLR  from v.1, 1994
Westlaw Canada  TXWLR  from v.1, 1994

The Advocate
Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas
LexisNexis Academic  TXLITS 355719  from v.46, 2009

The Bar
Morgantown, W. Va. : West Va. Bar Association
Title varies; Vols. 1-8 (1894-1901) as The West Virginia Bar; Vols. 9-24 (1902-1917) as The Bar; Vols. 25-51 (1917-1949) as West Virginia Law Quarterly and The Bar
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.9 to 24 (1902-1917)
Print Call Number:  K2 .A6557  from v.3 to 24 (1896-1917)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Publication ceased with v.24, no.6, dated June/July 1917.

The Forum
Strasbourg, Council of Europe
Title varies: Vols. 1-20 (1965-1985) as The Forum; Vols. 21-37 (1985-2002) as Tort and Insurance Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 20 (1965-1985)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  INSLJ  from v.17, 1982 to v.20, 1985
Westlaw  TILJ  from v.17, 1982 to v.20, 1985
Westlaw Canada  TILJ  from v.17, 1982 to v.20, 1985
Print Call Number:  K6 .O7856  from 1978 to 1985  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

The Forum
Title varies: Vols. 1-12 (1897-1908) as The Forum; Vols. 13-107 (1910-2003) as Dickinson Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 12 (1897-1908)

The Law Society's Gazette
[the weekly journal for British solicitors]
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  UKLSG  from January 1986

Thémis Revue Juridique
Montréal : Faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal
Print Call Number:  K24 .H454  from v.1 to 15 (1951-1965)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Themis: Az ELTE Allan-es Jogtudomanyi Doktori Iskola Elektronikus Folyoirata
ELTE Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 2004

Themis-Revue de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 5 (1879-1884) All Published

Theoretical Inquiries in Law
Internet online version from v.1 no.1, 2000
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic  TIL 246886  from v.1, 2000
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TIL  from v.1, January 2000
Westlaw  THEORILAW  from v.1, 2000
Westlaw Canada  THEORILAW  from v.1, 2000
Print Call Number:  K24 .H456  from v.1 to 12 (2000-2011)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.12, no.2, dated July 2011.

Theory and Practice of Jurisprudence
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2011

Theory and Practice of Legislation
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2013

Third Branch
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1968

Third World Legal Studies
[New York, N.Y.] : International Third World Legal Studies Association.
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 1982 to 2003 All Published
Print Call Number:  K24 .H572  from 1990 to 1997; 2000-2003  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with volume dated 2000-2003.

Thomas Jefferson Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-14 (1976-1992) as Criminal Justice Journal; Vols. 15-17 (1993-1995) as San Diego Justice Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1976
LexisNexis Academic  TJLR 144686  from v.1, Summer 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TJLR  from v.1, Summer 1993 to v.3 no.2, 1995
Westlaw  TJLR  from v.18, 1996
Westlaw Canada  TJLR  from v.18, 1996

Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practical and Clinical Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1997
Westlaw  TMCJPCL  from v.1, 1997
Westlaw Canada  TMCJPCL  from v.1, 1997

Thomas M. Cooley Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1982-1990) as Cooley Law review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1982
LexisNexis Academic  TMCLR 148397  from v.11, 1994
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TMCLR  from v.11, 1994
Westlaw  TMCOOLLR  from v.8, 1991
Westlaw Canada  TMCOOLLR  from v.8, 1991

Thurgood Marshall Law Review
Houston, Tex. : Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University
Title varies: Vol. 1 (1970-1971) as Texas Southern Intramural Law Review; Vols. 2-6 (1971-1981) as Texas Southern University Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1970
LexisNexis Academic  TMARLR 160150  from v.21, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TMARLR  from v.21 no.1, Fall 1995
Westlaw  THUMARLR  from v.9, 1983
Westlaw Canada  THUMARLR  from v.9, 1983

Tijdschrift voor Constitutioneel Recht (TvCR)
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 2010

Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis/Legal History Review
Legal History Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1918

Tilburg Foreign Law Review
Tilburg, The Netherlands: Tilburg University Faculty of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1991-2007) as Tilburg Foreign Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 13 (1991-2007)

Tilburg Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-13 (1991-2007) as Tilburg Foreign Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1991

Tokyo Gazette
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 5 (1937-1941) All Published

Toledo Journal of Great Lakes' Law, Science and Policy
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 1998, v.2 to 5 (1998-2003) All Published
LexisNexis Academic  TJGLL 173371  from 1998 to Fall 2003 No Longer Published
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TJGLL  from 1998

Toledo Law Review
LexisNexis Academic  UTLR 12162  from v.24, Fall 1992

Toledo Legal News
Title varies: Vol. 1, no.1-21 (1894) as Toledo Legal News
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, no.1-21 (1894)

Tolley's Employment Law Newsletter
LexisNexis Academic  GB0428 280099 1361899871129  from March 1998

Tolley's Journal of Child Law
Surrey, England : Tolley Pub. Co
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1988-1991) as Journal of Child Law; Vols. 4-6 (1992-1994) as Tolley's Journal of Child Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.4 to 6 (1992-1994)
Print Call Number:  K24 .O5538  from v.4 to 5 (1992-1993)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.5, no.4, dated 1993.

Tolley's Journal of Media Law and Practice
Title varies: Vol. 1-12, no.2 (1980-1991) as Journal of Media Law and Practice
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 16 (1980-1995) All Published

Tolley's Practical NIC Newsletter
Archive material up to 2011
LexisNexis Academic  GB040X 281585 1361899871130  from 1999 to 2010 Archival Material

Tolley's Practical Tax Newsletter
LexisNexis Academic  GB0410 281558 1361899871130  from January 1999

Tolley's Practical VAT Newsletter
LexisNexis Academic  GB0411 281035 1361899871130  from January 1999

Tort and Insurance Law Journal
Chicago, Ill. : Tort and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-20 (1965-1985) as The Forum; Vols. 21-37 (1985-2002) as Tort and Insurance Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.21 to 37 (1985-2002)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  INSLJ  from Fall 1985
Westlaw  TTIPLJ  from 1982
Westlaw Canada  TTIPLJ  from 1982
Print Call Number:  K24 .O7734  from v.21 to 37 (1985-2002)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Tort and Medical Yearbook
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 2 (1961-1962) All Published

Tort Law Review
North Ryde, N.S.W. : Law Book Co. Ltd
Print Call Number:  K24 .O7745  from v.1 to 3 (1993-1995); v.4, no.3 (November 1996), v.5, no.1-2 (March-July 1997); v.6 to 8 (1998-2000); v.9 (July-November 2001), v.10 to 18 (2002-2010)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  From v.19, 2011 onwards, all volumes located at Bora Laskin Law Library.

Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal
Title varies: Vols. 1-20 (1965-1985) as The Forum; Vols. 21-37 (1985-2002) as Tort and Insurance Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1965
LexisNexis Academic  INSLJ 3306  from Fall 1981
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  INSLJ  from Fall 1985
Westlaw  TTIPLJ  from v.17, 1982
Westlaw Canada  TTIPLJ  from v.17, 1982

Torts Law Journal
LexisNexis Academic  AU005R 267873 1361899871131  from v.1, 1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  AU005R  from v.1, September 1993

(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1998

Total Quality Management and Business Excellence
continues Total Quality Management

Touro Environmental Law Journal
Internet online version from v.1, 1995 only

Touro International Law Review
Title varies: Vols. 1-4 (1988-1993) as Touro Journal of Transnational Law
Internet online version from v.6, 1995
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 10 (1988-2000) All Published
Westlaw  TOUROILR  from v. 5, 1994 -
Westlaw Canada  TOUROILR  from v. 5, 1994 -

Touro Journal of Transnational Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 4 (1988-1993)

Touro Law Review
Internet online version from v. 12, no.1 1995 only
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1985
LexisNexis Academic  TOURO 243936  from v.16, no.2, Winter 2000
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TOURO  from v.16 no.2, Winter 2000
Westlaw  TOUROLR  from v.4, 1988
Westlaw Canada  TOUROLR  from v.4, 1988

Toute la doctrine du Québec
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  CAG068 353739  from Varies by source

Trade and Development : An UNCTAD Review
Geneva : United Nations
Print Call Number:  K24 .R223  from no.1 to 6 (1979-1985)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Trade Marks Journal
Ottawa : [Trade Marks Office]
Print Call Number:  K24 .R322  from v.6 to 24 (1959-1977)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.24, dated 1977.

Trade Secrets Law - Civil Actions Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRSCVA 402280  from Varies by Law Review

Trade Secrets Law - Federal & State Regulation Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRSFSR 402277  from Varies by Law Review

Trade Secrets Law - Misappropriation Actions Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRSMIS 402283  from Varies by Law Review

Trade Secrets Law - Protected Information
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRSPRT 402285  from Varies by Law Review

Trade Secrets Law - Protection of Secrecy Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRSSEC 402288  from Varies by Law Review

Trade Secrets Law Review Articles, Combined
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRSLRV 402274  from Varies by Law Review

Trade, Law and Development
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2009

Trademark Law - Conveyances Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDCVA 402305  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Federal Unfair Competition Law
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDUCL 402303  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Foreign & International Protections
Varies by/source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDFIP 402300  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Infringement Actions Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDIAA 402296  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Likelihood of Confusion Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDCNF 402292  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Protection of Rights Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDPRA 402298  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Special Marks Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDSPA 402307  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Subject Matter Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDSMA 402294  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - Trademark Counterfeiting Act
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDTCA 402311  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law - U.S. Trademark Trial & Appeal Board Proceedings Articles
Varies by source, see individual source descriptions
LexisNexis Academic  TRDTTA 402309  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Law Review Articles, Combined
LexisNexis Academic  TRDLRV 402290  from Varies by Law Review

Trademark Reporter
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1911
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TMR  from 1941
Westlaw  TMARKR  from v.89, 1999
Westlaw Canada  TMARKR  from v.89, 1999

Trademark World
London, England : LLP Limited
Print Call Number:  K24 .R3224  from no.129 to 189 (August 2000-July/August 2006)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with no.189, dated July/August 2006.

Transactions for the Year
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1915-1917) as Problems of the War; Vols. 4-29 (1918-1943) as Transactions of the Grotius Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 44 (1915-1959) All Published

Transactions of the Grotius Society
London : Sweet and Maxwell
Vols. 1-44 (1915-1959) All Published; Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1915-1917) as Problems of the War; Vols. 4-29 (1918-1943) as Transactions of the Grotius Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.4 to 29 (1918-1943)
Print Call Number:  K7 .R6758  from v.1 to 44 (1915-1959)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Publication ceased with v.44, dated 1958/1959.

Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 6 (1902-1932) All Published

Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1999
LexisNexis Academic  TRTJBL 256759  from v.1, 1999
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TRTJBL  from v.1 no.1, Fall 1999
Westlaw  TTNJBL  from v.1 no. 1, 1999 -
Westlaw Canada  TTNJBL  from v.1 no. 1, 1999 -

Ottawa : Vanier Institute of the Family
Print Call Number:  K24 .R366  from v.8 to 23 (1978-1993)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.23, no.4, dated December 1993.

Transnational Corporations
New York, N.Y. : United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
Previous Volumes in Storage - Current Issues at Bora Laskin: Call Number:  K24 .R367  from v.1, Feb. 1992

Transnational Dispute Management
[Leidschendam, The Netherlands] : MARIS.
Internet online version from 2003

Transnational Environmental Law
Cambridge University Press
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2012

Transnational Human Rights Review
York University, Osgoode Hall Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2014

Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1991
LexisNexis Academic  TRANLC 156581  from v.5, 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TRANLC  from v.5 no.1, Spring 1995
Westlaw  TRNATLCP  from v.1, 1991
Westlaw Canada  TRNATLCP  from v.1, 1991
Print Call Number:  K24 .R3676  from v.1 to 22 (1991-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.22, no.3 ,dated Fall 2013.

Transnational Lawyer
Title varies: Vols. 1-18 (1988-2005) as Transnational Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 18 (1988-2005)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TRANSL  from v.8 no.1, Spring 1995
Westlaw  TRNATLAW  from v.1, 1988 - v.18, 2005
Westlaw Canada  TRNATLAW  from v.1, 1988 - v.18, 2005

Transnational Legal Theory
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2010

Transportation Law Journal
[Denver, etc.] University of Denver College of Law [etc.]
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1969
LexisNexis Academic  TRANLJ 7419  from v.12, 1982
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TRANLJ  from v.12, 1982
Westlaw  TRANLJ  from v.13, 1983
Westlaw Canada  TRANLJ  from v.13, 1983
Print Call Number:  K24 .R368  from v.1 to 40 (1969-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.40, no.2, dated 2013.

Travail Québec
Québec : Service des communications
Print Call Number:  K24 .R4734  from v.11 to 15 (1975-1979)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Publication ceased with v.15, no.2, dated September/October 1979.

Travel Law Journal
Title varies: 1994-1999 as Travel Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 1994 to 1999

Treaty Information Bulletin
Title merged with United States Department of State Press Releases to form Department of State Bulletin
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from no.1 to 117 (1929-1939) All Published

Title varies: Vols. 1-23, no.2 (1967-1991) as Natural Resources Law Newsletter; Vols. 23, no.3-26 (1991-1995) as SONREEL News; Vols. 27-30 (1995-1999) as Looking Ahead
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1967

Trends in Law Library Management and Technology
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1987

Trends in State Courts
National Center for State Courts
Title varies: 1988-2003 as Reports on Trends in the State Courts; 2004-2012 as Future Trends in State Courts
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from 1988

Trent Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 12 (1977-1988) All Published

Washington Association of Trial Lawyers of America
Westlaw  JTLATRIAL  from v.33 no.11, 1997
Westlaw Canada  JTLATRIAL  from v.33 no.11, 1997
Print Call Number:  K24 .R522  from v.4 to 42 (1967-2006); v.43, no.2; 6; 8-12 (February; June; August-December 2008), v.44 (2008)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.44, no.12, dated December 2008.

Trial Advocate Quarterly
Westlaw  TRIALAQ  from v.23, 2004
Westlaw Canada  TRIALAQ  from v.23, 2004

Trial Excellence
American Society of Trial Consultants
Title varies Vols. 1-15, no.6 (1989-2003) as Trial Excellence
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 15, no.6 (1989-2003)

Trial Judges' Journal
[Chicago, Ill.] : The Conference
Title varies: Vols. 1-10, no.1 (1962-1971) as Trial Judges' Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 10, no.1 (1962-1971)
Print Call Number:  K24 .R524  from v.1 to 9 (1962-1970), v.10, no.1 (January 1971)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Tribal Law Journal
External to HeinOnline
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2000
LexisNexis Academic  TRIBAL 254360  from v.1, Fall 2000
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TRIBAL  from v.1, Fall 2000

Trinity College Law Review
Dublin : Dublin University Law Society
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1998
Print Call Number:  K24 .R562  from v.1 to 4 (1998-2001)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.4, dated 2001.

Trinity Law Review
Trinity Law School, Trinity International University
Title varies: Vols. 1-7 (1981-1988) as Simon Greenleaf Law Review; Vol. 8 (1988-1989) as Simon Greenleaf Review of Law and Religion
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein) from v.1, 1981
Westlaw  TRTYLR  from v.12, (2004)
Westlaw Canada  TRTYLR  from v.12, (2004)

Trust Companies
Title varies: Vols. 1-67 (1904-1938) as Trust Companies
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 67 (1904-1938)

Trusts & Estates Journal
London: Informa Professional Publishing Ltd
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  GB042T  from 1999

Trusts and Estates
[Atlanta, etc. : Communication Channels, etc.] Banking Publicity Assn. of the United States
Title varies: Vols. 1-67 (1904-1938) as Trust Companies
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1904
Print Call Number:  K24 .R877  from v.1 to 11 (1904-1910); v.14 to 24 (1912-1917); v.27 to 87 (1918-1948); v.90 to 145 (1951-2006)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.145, no.12, dated December 2006.

Tsinghua China Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2009

Tulane Civil Law Forum
[New Orleans : Tulane School of Law]
Title varies: Vols 1-7 (1976-1992) as Tulane Civil Law Forum
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 7 (1976-1992)
Print Call Number:  K24 .U526  from v.1 to 7 (1973-1992)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Tulane Environmental Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1988
LexisNexis Academic  TELJ 139128  from v.6, Winter 1992
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TELJ  from v.6, Winter 1992
Westlaw  TLNELJ  from v.1, 1988
Westlaw Canada  TLNELJ  from v.1, 1988

Tulane European & Civil Law Forum
New Orleans : Tulane Law School
Title varies: Vols 1-7 (1976-1992) as Tulane Civil Law Forum
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1973
LexisNexis Academic  TECLF 160146  from v.10, Fall 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TECLF  from v.10, Fall 1995
Westlaw  TLNECLF  from v.8, 1993
Westlaw Canada  TLNECLF  from v.8, 1993
Print Call Number:  K24 .U52612  from v.8 to 28 (1993-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.28, dated 2013.

Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law
New Orleans, LA : Tulane Law School
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1993
LexisNexis Academic  TJICL 152498  from v.3, Spring 1995
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TJICL  from v.3, Spring 1995
Westlaw  TLNJICL  from v.2, 1994
Westlaw Canada  TLNJICL  from v.2, 1994
Print Call Number:  K24 .U5262  from v.1 to 21 (1993-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.21, no.2, dated Spring 2013.

Tulane Journal of Law & Sexuality
New Orleans, La; Published and edited by students of the Tulane University School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-6 (1991-1996) as Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian and Gay Legal Issues; Vols. 7-20 (1997-2011) as Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Legal Issues
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1991
Print Call Number:  K24 .U52624  from v.21 to 22 (2012-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.22, dated 2013.

Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property
New Orleans, La. : Tulane University School of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1999
LexisNexis Academic  TJTIP 244683  from v.3, Spring 2001
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TJTIP  from v.3, Spring 2001
Westlaw  TLNJTIP  from v.3, 2001
Westlaw Canada  TLNJTIP  from v.3, 2001
Print Call Number:  K24 .U5263  from v.1 to 6 (1999-2004)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.6, dated Spring 2004.

Tulane Law Review
New Orleans : Tulane Law Review Association
Title varies: Vols. 1-3 (1916-1918) as Southern Law Quarterly
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1916
LexisNexis Academic  TULLR 7356  from December 1969
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TULLR  from v.57, November 1982
Westlaw  TLNLR  from v.57 no.3, 1982
Westlaw Canada  TLNLR  from v.57 no.3, 1982

Tulane Law School Annual Institute on Federal Taxation
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1951-1952) as Tulane Tax Institute; Vol. 3 (1954) as Proceedings of the Tulane Tax Institute; Vols. 4-24 (1955-1974) as Proceedings of the Annual Tulane Tax Institute; Vols. 25-41 (1975-1991) as Tulane Tax Institute
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1951

Tulane Maritime Law Journal
[New Orleans, La.] : Tulane University, School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-11 (1975-1986) as Maritime Lawyer
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1975
LexisNexis Academic  MARLAW 7344  from v.5, Spring 1980
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  MARLAW  from v.5, Spring 1980
Westlaw  TLNMLJ  from v.12, 1987
Westlaw Canada  TLNMLJ  from v.12, 1987
Print Call Number:  K24 .U5268  from v.12 to 16 (1987-1992)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.16, no.2, dated 1992.

Tulane Tax Institute
Title varies: Vols. 1-2 (1951-1952) as Tulane Tax Institute; Vol. 3 (1954) as Proceedings of the Tulane Tax Institute; Vols. 4-24 (1955-1974) as Proceedings of the Annual Tulane Tax Institute; Vols. 25-41 (1975-1991) as Tulane Tax Institute
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 2 (1951-1952); v.25 to 41 (1975-1991)

Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law
Tulsa, Okla. : University of Tulsa College of Law
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 16 (1993-2009) All Published
LexisNexis Academic  TJCOMP 151351  from v.14 to16 (2006-2009) No Longer Published
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TJCOMP  from v.2, Fall 1994
Westlaw  TLSJCIL  from v.1, 1993
Westlaw Canada  TLSJCIL  from v.1, 1993
Print Call Number:  K24 .U5716  from v.1 to 16 (1993-2009)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Publication ceased with v.16, no.2, dated Spring 2009.

Tulsa Law Journal
[Tulsa, Okla.] : University of Tulsa School of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-36 (1964-2001) as Tulsa Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1 to 36 (1964-2001)
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TULSLJ  from v.29, Winter 1993
Westlaw  TLSLJ  from v.18, 1982
Westlaw Canada  TLSLJ  from v.18, 1982
Print Call Number:  K24 .U572  from v.1 to 36 (1964-2001)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.

Tulsa Law Review
Tulsa, Okla. : University of Tulsa College of Law
Title varies: Vols. 1-36 (1964-2001) as Tulsa Law Journal
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 1964
LexisNexis Academic  TULSLR 144696  from v.29, Winter 1992/1993
Quicklaw/LexisNexis  TULSLR  from v.29, 1992
Westlaw  TLSLR  from v.28 no.4, 1993
Westlaw Canada  TLSLR  from v.28 no.4, 1993
Print Call Number:  K24 .U573  from v.37 to 48 (2001-2013)  All volumes located offsite at Downsview.  Subscription cancelled with v.48, no.3, dated Spring 2013.

Turkish Commercial Law Review
Turkish Commercial Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2015

Turkish Commercial Law Review Online
Turkish Commercial Law Review
(Full text through U of T Library Resources - from Hein)  from v.1, 2015

Twin plant news : TP
[El Paso, Tex. : Nibbe, Hernandez and Associates]
Print Call Number:  K24 .W5675  from v.6, no.4-12 (November 1990-July 1991), v.7 (1991/1992), v.8, no.1-5 (August-December 1992)