Access Policies
Print: The print collection of the Bora Laskin Law Library is freely accessible for anyone to use within the Library. Only users with a valid UofT Library Card can borrow materials.
Online: Due to licensing restrictions, access to many commercial online resources is limited to members of the Faculty of Law or the University of Toronto community.
Use of Library Materials
The Bora Laskin Law Library is primarily a reference and research library. It is important that primary legal materials always be available for study and research. For this reason, print reports, statutes, and journals do not circulate. As well, books must not be stockpiled in carrels or on tables. Each morning, the Library will be cleared and all materials will be reshelved.
Security & Personal Belongings
Do not leave personal belongings unattended in the Library. Thefts do occur so we advise keeping purses, wallets, and other valuables with you at all times.