John Bolan

John joined the Bora Laskin Law Library in 2010 and is the Instructional & Reference Librarian. He is available to provide legal research instruction and advice to students and researchers in all programs at the law school and the wider U of T community. He is a graduate of Queens University’s Faculty of Law (LLB) and the University of Toronto’s Faculty of information (MISt) and has taught as an adjunct professor in the first year Legal Research and Writing program and the upper year Advanced Legal Research and Writing programs at the Faculty of Law, and presently co-teaches a course in legal literature at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information.  He enjoys legal citation and saltwater fishing and hopes to one day find a way to combine the two into a viable profession. You can find him by chance at the reference desk or by appointment in his office.

Head of Instructional Services
Office: P219