Looking Back, Moving Forward: International Approaches to Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

Looking Back, Moving Forward: International Approaches to Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
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This article addresses the importance of ending impunity for perpetrators of conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence. The author notes that, while members of the international community have recognized the need to address the climate of impunity, little progress has resulted from their commitment to addressing conflict-related sexual violence. Part I of the article provides a background on conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence. Part II outlines the importance of addressing impunity in building peace and putting an end to sexual and gender-based violence during conflict. Part III provides a history of mechanisms adopted by the international community aimed at addressing conflict related sexual and gender-based violence. In Part IV, the author sets out a proposal for addressing the problem of impunity, which involves the creation of a UN sponsored Womens Police Service, which would increase the resources available for peace operations and incorporate women as equal partners in the process.

Lesley Pruitt, Looking Back, Moving Forward: International Approaches to Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (2012) 33:4 J Wom Pol & Poly 299.