Women's Human Rights Resources Database

This database lists hundreds of resources -- articles, documents and links -- related to international women's rights law and Canadian women's rights law. Annotations describe the content of each resource. Users can search by keyword and author as well as browse by women's rights topic. Full-text documents or links to full-text documents are provided where available.
Search Results for content type Link categorized with Social and Economic Rights
Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) , Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) aims toimprove women's lives through policy and institutional change. The work of AWID concentrates primarily on issues concerning gender, development and human rights and the organization facilitates the exchange of information and development of activist networks. The work of AWID is regularly organized around specific themes, including women and economic change. Resources on the site include extensive listings of reports and analysis of AWID on a variety of women's rights issues and links to other relevant reports by member organizations.


BRIDGE (Development and Gender) , BRIDGE (Development and Gender)
BRIDGE is an information service specializing in gender and development, located at the Institute of Development Studies in the United Kingdom. BRIDGE supports gender mainstreaming efforts by bridging the gaps between theory, policy and practice. Their publications include reports, bibliographies, a bulletin, glossaries and reviews. Of particular interest are a number of reports on gender, trade liberalization and development.


Center for Economic and Social Rights , Center for Economic and Social Rights
The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) addresses issues of social justice through the framework of advocating for economic and social rights. The website includes basic information on the content of economic and social rights under international law. Resources available on the website include submissions by CESR to the United Nations and independent publications of the Center, with a particular focus on Latin America and the Middle East. Although few of the resources focus exclusively on women, gender considerations are often included within broader reports.


Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions , Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Established in 1994 and based in the Netherlands, the mandate of the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) is to advocate for economic, social and cultural rights in a global context, with particular emphasis on the right to adequate housing. Some of COHRE's main actvities include legal advocacy and training, research and publications, monitoring, and prevention of forced evictions. The extensive resources available on this website include databases concerning litigation on housing rights and guidelines for utilizing the mechanisms of the United Nations. The site also includes a section entitled Women and Housing Rights, with research papers available and information on a list-serve focused on women and forced evictions.


Poverty and Gender , Development Gateway
Development Gateway is an independent organization which began under the auspices of the World Bank. The website aims to facilitate the sharing of resources through allowing individuals to post resources on development and poverty reduction. The website has a specific topic page on poverty and gender consisting of an annotated list of relevant resources which is often updated with new information. Resources include reports from non-governmental organizations and information on meetings and conferences.


The Poverty and Human Rights Centre , The Poverty and Human Rights Centre
The mandate of the Poverty and Human Rights Centre includes promoting social and economic equality through a human rights framework. Activities of the Centre promote legal and institutional reform to fulfill Canada's international human rights commitments. The website includes an online library which can be searched for material relating to economic and social rights, including specific resources focussed on gender. The site also contains a factum library, including facta, pleadings and other litigation documents from Canadian cases relating to economic and social rights. [Descriptors: Social and Economic Rights, Canada]


The World Bank , The World Bank
The World Bank, a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), is the world's largest source of development assistance. The Bank also undertakes substantial research on issues relating to development, population and poverty reduction. There are extensive resources on the website, many focused specifically on issues of gender, development and rights. Resources can be searched by specific country situations or keywords. The site also contains overview material on development issues relevant to women, including the World Development Report.


United Nations Development Program Gender Publications , United Nations
This website provides information on the promotion of gender equality by the United Nations Development Program. Many of the resources address some of the key areas of work for UNDP, including poverty reduction. Resources on the website include toolkits on incorporating a gender perspective into development policies. The site contains links to working papers and conference papers addressing different aspects of gender and development. The site also contains a list of links to other relevant websites.


Discretionary Justice and Social Welfare , University of Toronto Faculty of Law
This website includes listings of Canadian cases addressing economic and social rights and, for some cases, provides links to decisions. Several of the cases listed are relevant for women's economic and social rights. The website also provides links to other relevant litigation materials from these cases, including facta. There is also a virtual library containing academic papers and reports on various issues in poverty law, several which are particularly relevant for women. [Descriptors: Social and Economic Rights, Canada]


Women in Development Europe (WIDE) , Women in Development Europe (WIDE)
WIDE is a coalition of women from EU member states who work in the area of gender, development, economics and trade. The network seeks to influence both European and international policies by monitoring legislation and conducting gender analysis of trade and development policies. This web site provides access to WIDE's position papers and reports.