Asylum for Trafficked Women: Escape Strategies Beyond the T Visa

Asylum for Trafficked Women: Escape Strategies Beyond the T Visa
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
13(1) HASTINGS WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL, 77-116 (2002).
The author discusses asylum law as a way to assist trafficked women in the US. She discusses the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 and notes that anti-trafficking legislation tends to frame trafficking as a criminal or immigration issue while marginalizing women's human rights. In order to more effectively protect women's human rights, she maintains that anti-trafficking approaches should be women-centered. While the author finds the T visa to be one form of protection for trafficked women facing deportation, she argues that asylum law should also be used to protect the human rights of these women by granting them refugee status. [Descriptors: Migration - Trafficking, International - North America]