Commission on Unalienable Rights and the Effort to Erase Reproductive Rights as Human Rights

Commission on Unalienable Rights and the Effort to Erase Reproductive Rights as Human Rights
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
4(1) HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW, 1-17 (2019)

This article addresses the underlying concerns associated with the American Administration’s effort to examine human rights through the Commission on Unalienable Rights, created in July 2019. Namely, the article considers the problematic governing structure of the Commission, which includes a chair and members with well-known and extreme positions opposing reproductive rights. The article refutes the Administration’s attempt to undermine established human rights by creating a false narrative of confusion regarding their status and legitimacy. The author stresses that the Commission represents yet another effort by the Administration to erase reproductive rights from the global discourse. Finally, the article investigates the domestic attack on sexual and reproductive health, through the Commission’s formation, to probe an underlying interest in the destabilization of individual rights.