Early Marriage: A Gender-Based Violence and a Violation of Women's Human Rights in Nigeria

Early Marriage: A Gender-Based Violence and a Violation of Women's Human Rights in Nigeria
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
7(3) JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND LAW, 35-40 (2014)
This article examines the high rate of child marriage in Nigeria, where it is only the girl who is a child in the partnership. The authors highlight that the practice of child marriage is prevalent despite the Nigerian government's attempts to make this practice illegal. Moreover, the practice of child marriage continues in the face of Nigeria's various international human rights obligations where the Nigerian government has agreed to reduce the rates of child marriage. However, the author argues that there is room for optimism because the work of human rights groups who have spoken out against child marriage and publicized its terrible consequences has resulted in a dramatic decrease in child marriage in parts of Nigeria.