Equity and Equality for Women: Ratification of International Covenants as a First Step

Equity and Equality for Women: Ratification of International Covenants as a First Step
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"Since the goal of equality for women has not yet been achieved, the implementation of a constitutional theory of equality, informed by feminist principles, should be pursued. The traditional strategies for implementing equality have been litigation under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and the enactment of a constitutional amendment to specifically prohibit sex-based discrimination. A third approach, particularly appropriate at this time, is the ratification of the international and United Nations human rights conventions pertaining to legal rights of women. This article will assess the Equal Protection Clause as it pertains to equal rights for women, the viability of the Equal Rights Amendment and the urge for the ratification of the Women's Convention as a method for achieving equity for women." [Article Abstract.]