Female Circumcision: A Critical Appraisal

Female Circumcision: A Critical Appraisal
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
10 HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY, 437-86 (1988).
This article seeks to determine at what point the 'tradition' of female circumcision becomes a human rights violation justifying pressure from foreign cultures to end this 'tradition'. The author describes four basic forms of circumcision and examines the circumstances under which they occur, and discusses various justifications for the practice. Female circumcision as it was practiced in Western culture is also examined. In addition, the author focuses on the conflict between the human rights perspective and a view of cultural sovereignty as it pertains to female circumcision, and advocates an application of human rights on a universal basis. Finally, the author examines the attempts at change which have been made and recommends several avenues for improvement. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Female Genital Cutting, International]