Identifying factors of sexual violence against women and protection of their rights in Bangladesh

Identifying factors of sexual violence against women and protection of their rights in Bangladesh
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This article discusses sexual violence against women as a form of gender-based discrimination and human rights violation within the context of Bangladesh. By reviewing various sources such as articles, books, statistics, reports and other related literature, Subrata Banarjee identifies a number of factors contributing to sexual violence against women including patriarchal social structures, forced marriages, cultural practices, and barriers in access to justice. Banarjee discusses both the social and psychological effects that sexual victimization has on women in Bangladeshi society, families, hospitals, and courts, and the ways in which the criminal justice system is limited in its address of these concerns. Lastly, Banarjee advocates for legal reforms to reduce rape and sexual assault by implementing government interventions such as laws and policies, as well as public awareness campaigns using mass media and other community-based methods.