, A Methodology to Ensure that States Adequately Apply Due Diligence Standards and Processes to Significantly Impact Levels of Violence Against Women Around the World

, A Methodology to Ensure that States Adequately Apply Due Diligence Standards and Processes to Significantly Impact Levels of Violence Against Women Around the World
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
40(1) HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY, 1-36 (2018)

This article alleges that due diligence is essential to reducing the prevalence of violence against women (VAW) worldwide. First, the article examines current international and state mechanisms for recognizing and documenting VAW. The article then assesses the international legal approach to gender discrimination and VAW. The article offers and explains a due diligence-based “7P response” for states to apply in combatting VAW: (1) prevention, (2) protection against, (3) promoting awareness, (4) probing, (5) prosecuting, (6) punishing, and (7) providing redress. The article emphasizes the importance of complete data collection for accurately assessing the impact of due diligence on VAW. The article concludes by emphasizing that only a universal implementation process and oversight mechanism will adequately complement due diligence standards.