Out of the Shadows: Migrant Women's Reproductive Rights under International Human Rights Law

Out of the Shadows: Migrant Women's Reproductive Rights under International Human Rights Law
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The central concern underlying this article is the reproductive health of migrant women. This article addresses migrant women's reproductive rights under international law, the barriers they face in exercising those rights, and the international legal standards national governments must uphold to ensure migrant women's enjoyment of these inalienable rights. These legal standards include ensuring access to information about pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, access to reproductive health services, and protection from sexual violence, abuse, and trafficking. This article does not address refugees or internally displaced persons whose situation arises out of emergency situations and who may be under the protection of relief or aid bodies. Part I introduces the issue. Part II discusses the feminization of migration. Part III identifies principal sources of law for migrant women's reproductive rights. Part IV discusses central issues affecting migrant women's reproductive health. Part V provides recommendations for national governments and the international community.