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This article discusses the incontrovertible and overwhelming evidence of sexual violence in the majority of armed conflicts today. The article also notes however that women are increasingly playing a role in wartime violence. The author identifies that there is a real need to include women at all levels of peace-making and peace-building if a lasting peace and climate of reconciliation is to be achieved. In order to highlight this point, the author discusses Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) that aims to increase women's participation in and access to conflict resolution and to establish remedial measures for those victimized by war and criminal activity. The author also reviews the two ensuing UN reports and their recommendations. Finally, the article addresses the culture of impunity that has accompanied sexual violence and the role the ad hoc tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR) have played in helping redress this deficiency along with the projected role of the newly established International Criminal Court (ICC). The article concludes that without more progress and the participation of women in the post-conflict period, difficulties will remain in achieving "gender justice".