Sexuality and Women's Rights in Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka

Sexuality and Women's Rights in Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka
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This paper discusses that the discourse of sexuality and sexual autonomy is often promoted to a lesser extent than other human rights in armed conflict situations due to its contested and “controversial” nature. This paper investigates the complex sexual choices of widows and sex workers in Sri Lanka in the context of militarisation, war, and ethnic conflict. Due to the increased prevalence of sexual violence, harassment, and importance of sexual chastity of Sri Lankan women negotiating bodily integrity and sexual autonomy during periods of war is critical. The article highlights that particularly widows and sex workers that have the responsibility of maintaining the household negotiated self-determination in spite of the pressure faced on them by the community. The article ends with solidifying the importance of advocating for sexual autonomy with the same fervor as other human rights to secure this right during and post-armed conflict