The United Nations and the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Human Rights : A Work in Progress

The United Nations and the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Human Rights : A Work in Progress
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
33(1/2) CANADIAN WOMEN STUDIES, 27-36 (2018)

This article explores steps the United Nations has taken to promote and protect women’s enjoyment of human rights within the human rights framework since its inception. This article also investigates why these strategies have yet to lead to the desired outcome. The UN first granted women the same rights as men in 1945, then adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women, then attempted to promote and protect women’s rights in its human rights framework. Some argue that when executed properly, the last strategy in combination with previous strategies, can promote and protect women’s human rights effectively. Individuals at world conferences in 1975 and 1985 voiced criticism for dealing with women’s issues only by a specialized women’s treaty. Eventually, in the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, lobbyists of women’s rights placed women’s human rights on the agenda of the general human rights conference. 171 States acknowledged that human rights of women had to be integrated into the mainstream of UN system-wide activity. The article concludes that, despite these strides, much more work is to be done in this realm.