Unsettled Integration : Pre- and Post-Migration Factors in Congolese Refugee Women's Resettlement Experiences in the United States

Unsettled Integration : Pre- and Post-Migration Factors in Congolese Refugee Women's Resettlement Experiences in the United States
Title of Journal: 
Journal Citation: 
59(6) INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL WORK, 875-889 (2016)

This article examines the difficulties, challenges and merits faced by adult Congolese refugee women resettled in the United States. The article’s aim was to provide information to political and social institutions so those institutions can better understand the situation. The author begins by explaining the state of affairs in the Democratic Republic of Congo that precipitated migration to the US, before delving into data collections methods. The survey is mainly conducted through qualitative research with interviews consisting of open-ended questions that took place in major US cities. The study reveals a myriad of barriers and disadvantages faced by the participants and highlights the importance of understanding how pre-migration factors inform post-migration settlement experience, especially under the context of social work.