Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence An Analytical Inventory of Peacekeeping Practice (2007)

Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence An Analytical Inventory of Peacekeeping Practice (2007)
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
This report by UN Women examines efforts to combat sexual violence during times of armed conflict and makes recommendations for peacekeepers to improve these efforts. The report notes the importance of the military in this regard, as the first responder to most crises. The report argues that sexual violence is the least condemned war crime, and that it is thus crucial that it receive increased attention. The report proposes the installation of ceasefire monitors during times of declared ceasefire, noting the prevalence of rape at those times. The report also recommends the creation of specialized tasks to be instituted in military installations based on preventive physical protection, joint protection, quick impact projects, and community liaisons. The report draws a clear distinction between gender balance and gender capacity, arguing that increasing the involvement of women will not suffice without training for all those involved with peace-keeping efforts.