Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: Republic of Moldova

Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee: Republic of Moldova
Document Type: 
International Conventions and Declarations
4 November 2009, CCPR/C/MDA/CO/2
The UN Human Rights Committee (the Committee), in its concluding observations of the country report for the Republic of Moldova, recognizes the State party's recent support of victims of domestic violence in their courts, but expresses concern at continued domestic violence and lack of judiciary intervention and shelter capacity. The Committee recommends that the State party enforce the laws on domestic violence and provide increased support to victims in the form of additional shelters, access to free counselling, and other necessary supports. The Committee also recommends that the judicial and law enforcement staff, local authorities, as well as, medical and social workers be trained on and sensitized to the issue of domestic violence. It is further recommended that statistics and reports related to the State party's successes and failures in this area be maintained and provided to the Committee in the future.