Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Articles 16 and 17 of the Covenant: Concluding Observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Cyprus

Consideration of Reports Submitted by States Parties under Articles 16 and 17 of the Covenant: Concluding Observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Cyprus
Document Type: 
International Conventions and Declarations
12 June 2009, E/C.12/CYP/CO/5
The Committee, in its concluding observations to the country report for Cyprus, expresses concern about the prevalence of widespread domestic violence against women and children and the alarming fact that this type of violence largely goes unreported. The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a strategy to address domestic violence, allocate sufficient human and economic resources to support the strategy, and provide shelters for victims of domestic violence.