New York: UNICEF, May 2000.
This document examines progress made by
girls and women since the 1995 Beijing conference, and discusses issues that
need to be tackled for further gains to be made. The document addresses 10
issues: (1) the survival of females from pre-birth to womanhood; (2) discrimination
against girls in early childhood; (3) the education of girls; (4) the challenges faced
by adolescent girls; (5) maternal mortality; (6) the prevention of HIV/AIDS in girls
and women; (7) violence against girls and women; (8) girls and women in armed
conflict; (9) trafficking in girls; and (10) child labour. For each issue, the document
describes key problems, sets out the relevant commitments in the
Beijing Platform for Action (PFA), and provides examples of actions taken by UNICEF
to implement these commitments.