The Convention on the Protection of the Rights
of Migrant Workers and Members of Their
Families was adopted by the UN General Assembly
on December 18, 1990 and entered into force on
July 1, 2003. The purpose of the Convention is
to protect the rights of migrant workers who
are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse due to
their uncertain status in the country in which
they are working. Although women are not
mentioned specifically within the Convention,
the Convention does recognize the principles
within the Convention on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women. The Convention
establishes a set of binding international
standards that concern the treatment, welfare
and basic rights of all migrants, both
documented and undocumented, in addition to the
obligations and responsibilities to which the
States that send and receive migrants must
adhere. [Descriptors: Key Treaties and Texts,
Migration - Labour Migration, International]