Protocol No. 12 to the [European] Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Protocol No. 12 to the [European] Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Document Type: 
International Conventions and Declarations
On 26 June 2000, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Protocol No. 12 to the European Convention on Human Rights which provides for a general prohibition of discrimination. The Protocol will be opened for signature by Member States in Rome on 4 November 2000. Its entry into force requires 10 ratifications. The original non-discrimination provision of the European Convention (Article 14) is of a limited nature because it only prohibits discrimination in the enjoyment of one of the other rights guaranteed by the Convention. The new Protocol removes this limitation and guarantees that no-one shall be discriminated against on any ground by any public authority.