Resolution Adopted by the Commission on Human Rights on Elimination of Violence Against Women

Resolution Adopted by the Commission on Human Rights on Elimination of Violence Against Women
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
U.N. Doc E/RES/2003/75 (April 23, 2003)
This Commission on Human Rights resolution places emphasis on a States' duty to promote and protect the rights of women and girls and discusses the due diligence standard for States. In the report, the Commission also urges States to integrate a gender perspective into all efforts to end impunity and into commissions of inquiry and commissions for achieving truth and reconciliation. States are also requested to provide gender-sensitive training to all actors in peacekeeping missions involving victims, as appropriate, and to integrate a gender perspective into national immigration and asylum policies. The resolution further urges international cooperation among States and the UN system to conduct systematic research on VAW, as well as, on the impact and effectiveness of policies and programmes for combating this type of violence. The Committee also calls upon States to include sex- and age- disaggregated data in reports submitted in accordance with the provisions of relevant UN human rights instruments. Finally, States are called upon to consider establishing national mechanisms, including national indicators, to monitor and evaluate measures implemented to eliminate VAW.