State Obligations to Respect, Protect, and Fulfil the Human Rights of Sex Workers

Corporate Author: 
State Obligations to Respect, Protect, and Fulfil the Human Rights of Sex Workers
Document Type: 
Information from Non-Governmental Organizations
POL 30/4062/2016
A crucial vote to protect the human rights of sex workers was passed on August 11, 2015 in Dublin at Amnesty International's decision-making forum, the International Council Meeting (ICM). Delegates from around the world authorized the International Board to develop and adopt a policy on the issue. The International Council requested that the International Board adopt a policy that seeks attainment of the highest possible protection of the human rights of sex workers, through measures that include the decriminalization of sex work. The policy will be capable of flexible and responsive application across and within different jurisdictions. On the day Amnesty International voted to pursue a policy to protect the human rights of sex workers, Deputy Europe Director Gauri van Gulik responded in the "Q & A" article to what it means and the need for sex workers to have human rights. Note that the first link is to the policy itself while the second link is to the "Q & A" response.