Summary of Actions Undertaken or Planned by UN Women Regarding Indigenous PeoplesIssues: Follow up to the Twelfth Session and Preparation for the Thirteenth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Summary of Actions Undertaken or Planned by UN Women Regarding Indigenous PeoplesIssues: Follow up to the Twelfth Session and Preparation for the Thirteenth Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
This report is a summary of UN Women's progress in promoting and including indigenous issues in its policy, programming, and coordination, and in demonstrating a commitment to promote the rights of Indigenous women and girls. Currently, UN Women works to develop the skills and access of Indigenous women to the labour market, financial institutions, decision-making spheres, political participation, and entrepreneurship. The report focuses specifically on UN Womens contributions in the areas of human rights, ending violence against women, civil society advisory groups, and the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). An example of these contributions is the UN Women's Fund for Gender Equality, which aims to deliver resources directly to civil society actors who are contributing to the improvement of Indigenous women and girls' lives. This report accounts for the 14 grants made since 2009, through which the Fund has invested approximately $8 million in initiatives related to indigenous issues. The report concludes with an overview of programs that currently receive grant funding from UN Women.