WHO Statement on Progestogen-only Implants

Corporate Author: 
WHO Statement on Progestogen-only Implants
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
WHO/RHR/15.20 (2015)
This statement explains the WHO's position on progestogen-only implants as a method of contraception. It briefly details various progestogen-only implant systems and describes their mechanisms of action and considers the advantages of this method of contraception. The statement mentions that the United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children endorsed contraceptive implants in 2012. The authors dismiss concerns about the effectiveness of progestogen-only implants for women living with HIV and are taking certain antiretroviral drugs. Progestogen-only implants remain highly effective in reducing pregnancy risk in HIV infected women. The authors do not suggest restrictions for the use of progestogen- only implants for women living with HIV, and state that women living with HIV who take antiretroviral drugs are generally able to use these implants. The WHO recommends that every individual should have the right to make informed choices concerning contraception.