Whose Right to Life? Women's Rights and Prenatal Protections under Human Rights and Comparative Law

Whose Right to Life? Women's Rights and Prenatal Protections under Human Rights and Comparative Law
Document Type: 
Information from Non-Governmental Organizations
This document provides a comprehensive toolkit to understand how states can protect the value of prenatal life while respecting womens fundamental rights. The toolkit sets out international and comparative legal standards for interpreting right to life protections, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the European Convention on Human Rights. The toolkit also identifies how relevant human rights, public health, and scientific evidence support legal protections to guarantee women's rights. In the report, the Centre identifies this support as a crucial step in protecting the right to life and ensuring the health and well-being of women and their children. Through illustrative case studies, the Centre argues that, where States protect a right to life before birth without regard for women's rights, inconsistencies in law arise that jeopardize women's fundamental rights while doing little to protect prenatal life or existing children.