Women, Peace and Security, "At a Glance"

Women, Peace and Security, "At a Glance"
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
(UN Department of Public Information, 2003)
This "At a Glance" report was published two years on from Resolution 1325 (2000) (Women, Peace and Security). The report provides a summary of the key elements of the study that received its mandate from the Security Council and was designed to identify the gender aspect of peace and security issues and to discuss the response of the UN system and the ongoing challenges it faces. The study was issued by the UN in October 2002. This report on the study covers the topics of: the impact of armed conflict on women and girls; the international legal framework; peace processes; peacekeeping operations; humanitarian operations; reconstruction and rehabilitation; and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. The report concludes with the study's recommendations for concrete action to ensure greater attention to gender perspectives in all these areas of work.