Women2000 and Beyond: Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: United Nations Response

Women2000 and Beyond: Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: United Nations Response
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
(Publications of the Division for the Advancement of Women, April 1998)
This issue of Women2000 and Beyond examines the steps taken by the UN to address the position of women in situations of armed conflict since World War II. Following the introduction (Part I), Part II examines the nature of sexual violence during armed conflict and how the UN addressed - or failed to address - wartime sexual violence during its early years. Part III discusses the activity of the 1990s from the Persian Gulf War and the creation of the UN Compensation Commission through the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and their respective tribunals. Part III also discusses the 1993 Vienna Conference on human rights, the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, the various reports of the Special Rapporteur and the Fourth World Conference on Women. The report concludes with a series of recommendations and explores how the issue of sexual violence in armed conflict can be advanced in the 21st century.