Women's Human Rights Resources Database

This database lists hundreds of resources -- articles, documents and links -- related to international women's rights law and Canadian women's rights law. Annotations describe the content of each resource. Users can search by keyword and author as well as browse by women's rights topic. Full-text documents or links to full-text documents are provided where available.
Search Results for content type Document categorized with Reproductive Rights
A History of Governmentally Coerced Sterilization: The Plight of the Native American Woman
This article chronicles the specific human rights violation of coerced sterilization and its impact upon the First Nations. The author presents the history of coerced sterilization in North America, and connects this policy to arguments of genocide being perpetrated against Indigenous Peoples. The first part of this article focuses on the history of enforced sterilization against First Nations peoples, while the latter part of the article raises international law defences to halt this practice. The author argues that rather than representing a past problem, coerced sterilizations have in fact increased in recent years, despite international developments aimed at protecting Indigenous peoples' rights. [Descriptors: Indigenous Women, Reproductive Rights - Reproductive Freedom, International]


Abortion Laws of the World
This page of the Annual Review of Population Law web site links to the abortion laws of over 60 countries. The countries are listed alphabetically - users can simply click on the name of the country they are interested in to be linked to the full text of the relevant law. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Abortion, International]


From Promises to Delivery: Putting Human Rights at the Heart of the Millennium Development Goals (2010) , Amnesty International
This report focusing on the Millennium Development Goals features sections on womens human rights and indigenous women. The report notes that women account for 70 percent of people living in poverty, due in part to lack of sexual and reproductive health services. The report notes that indigenous women experience increased discrimination in some countries where they experience significantly higher rates of violence and less access to police protection and the justice system, and that there is often a disparity in health maternal risks between indigenous and non-indigenous women. The report draws attention to the states failure to protect human rights defenders and the detrimental effect that failure has on womens rights in general. Among its recommendations, the report suggests that states fulfill their obligations under international human rights law by identifying and addressing gender discrimination within their institutional frameworks.


Otto, Dianne , Women, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights , Amnesty International
This paper provides a human rights analysis of gender-specific factors that make women vulnerable to contracting HIV/AIDS and influence the consequences of contracting the virus. It analyzes social and human rights factors such as gender-based violence, traditional practices, violence against women in conflict, lack of economic independence, sex work, and injected drug use. Intersecting discriminatory categories such as ethnicity, sexual orientation and age are also discussed. The last section of the paper reviews prevention and treatment strategies and advocates a multi-pronged approach which incorporates education, social empowerment, antiretroviral provision programs, prevention of gender-based violence and promotion of human rights. The paper ends with recommendations for governments. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Anker, Deborah E. , Using Rights and the Law to Reduce Women's Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS: A Discussion Paper
This paper explores the extent to which the AIDS epidemic is linked to social and economic inequalities and proposes that national and international response strategies be founded on considerations of these inequalities. The paper aims to outline specific rights-based strategies designed to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS upon women. Section II of the paper examines the specific nature of women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Section III considers the role of international human rights in providing a framework through which to address the particular needs of women. The remainder of the paper reviews case law from South Africa to demonstrate areas of potential advancement within the national and international advocacy efforts. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Bigge, David M., von Briesen, Amelie , Fatal Vulnerabilities: Reducing the Acute Risk of HIV/AIDS among Women and Girls
This article attempts to demonstrate and analyze the rapidly rising numbers of women and girls with HIV/AIDS in African nations. It sets out different steps that can be taken to ensure the protection of young women and girls from the disease, particularly the role the US might play in slowing down or halting the epidemic. The author focuses on sexual violence as a means of spreading the disease, and the lack of economic independence that frequently leads to commercial sex, in which the women and girls are ill-equipped to negotiate for condom use. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International - Africa]


Cairo Programme of Action
The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in 1994 in Cairo, adopted a Programme of Action which emphasizes that advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and the elimination of all forms of violence against women are cornerstones of population and development-related programmes (principle 4). Governments were called upon to take full measures, including preventive action and rehabilitation of victims, to eliminate all forms of exploitation, abuse, harassment, and violence against women, adolescents and children. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Charlesworth, Hilary , HIV/AIDS and Aboriginal Women, Children and Families: A Position Statement , Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
The author of this position paper argues for better provision of HIV/AIDS services for Aboriginal women in Canada. She begins with a statistical report of the number of Aboriginal women who are HIV positive. She then discusses various factors that exacerbate Aboriginal women's vulnerability to HIV infection including poor socioeconomic conditions, sexual and physical violence, low self-esteem, high levels of injection drug use, and low levels of HIV testing and treatment. Additionally, the author argues that Aboriginal women are stigmatized and discriminated against by their communities when they disclose their HIV positive status. She describes the barriers that Aboriginal women prisoners with HIV face, including poor access to information, services and support. She concludes with a discussion on the lack of research in this field. [Descriptors: Indigenous Women, Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


Cagatay, Nilufer, Elson, Diane , Testing of Pregnant Women with HIV , Canadian AIDS Society
In this position paper, the Canadian AIDS Society argues that HIV testing should be offered to all pregnant women rather than only to women who are perceived to be at risk for HIV; selective testing should be avoided because it is overly reliant on the treatment provider and may reinforce stereotypes. The need to provide pregnant women with information about pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and alternative treatments is also emphasized. The paper then provides an overview of the situation of HIV testing, as of 1998, across provinces and territories, and raises related concerns such as toxicity, standards of care, alternative treatments and prevention. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


Farha, Leilani , Geneva98: Law, Ethics and Human Rights , Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
This special edition newsletter reproduces nine of the presentations made at the 12th World AIDS Conference in Geneva (1998). The presentations discuss legal, ethical and human rights issues related to HIV/AIDS. Several of the presentations discuss the need for a human rights framework in order to understand the underlying causes of women's vulnerability to contracting HIV/AIDS. Other presentations call for a more assertive activist community, and express dismay at the reduction of funds for prevention and care programs. Finally, some presentations focus on specific case studies. The newsletter also includes a selection of abstracts that were presented at the Conference. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Isaac, Thomas, Maloughney, Mary Sue , Rapid HIV Screening at the Point of Care: Legal and Ethical Questions , Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
This report discusses whether rapid HIV screening tests should be used by health care professionals. The authors maintain that rapid testing on pregnant women who are unaware of their HIV status at the time of labour, should be delayed until there is further research. They argue that while rapid testing would allow mothers to take preventative measures to reduce mother to child transmission during birth, it also raises concerns of higher chances of 0 positives, inadequate counselling, screening without the mother's consent, and lower protection of confidentiality. The authors highlight concerns that women's rights may be neglected in the rush to prevent transmission, especially when being in labour may complicate informed consent and women may be pressured into testing. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


Women , Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
This section of the online discussion paper "HIV/AIDS and Discrimination" introduces the subject of Canadian women and discrimination against them associated with HIV/AIDS. It discusses women's vulnerability to HIV infection, focusing on gender inequalities and violence against women. With respect to HIV testing and counselling, the author notes that women face difficulty as they are not viewed as a high-risk category, they are often discriminated against by race or ethnic origin, and physicians tend to restrict testing to pregnant women. Barriers to prevention and care for lesbian women are also discussed. The author ends by highlighting the psychosocial and socioeconomic needs of women with HIV/AIDS; specifically, the gender imbalances between men and women in terms of social stigma, financial need and access to treatment. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


McGill, Eugenia , Canadian Human Rights Commission Policy on HIV/AIDS , Canadian Human Rights Commission
The Canadian Human Rights Commission's policy on HIV/AIDS recognizes and combats discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS in the workplace. It states that everyone has the right to equality and to be treated with dignity and without discrimination, regardless of HIV/AIDS status. While the policy does not explicitly address rights issues for women with HIV/AIDS, it applies equally to men and women and discusses HIV/AIDS in the context of equality rights and nondiscrimination. The Commission maintains that HIV-free status should not be considered an occupational requirement unless it is essential to safe, efficient and reliable job performance. Pre- and post-employment HIV testing is not condoned by the Commission as such testing could lead to discrimination against individuals with HIV-positive status. The Commission also states that it will improve public education and encourage workplace policies to reduce misunderstandings about HIV/AIDS. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


Abortion Laws in the Post-Cairo World Changes and Recommendations for Action , Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
This document is a briefing paper that examines changes in abortion laws that have occurred since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The first section on legislative developments briefly summarizes the developments in national abortion laws that have occurred since the ICPD. Seven countries that have liberalized their abortion laws and two countries that have restricted their abortion laws since 1994 are discussed. The second section of the paper provides recommendations for action by governments, NGOs, and international donors. Actions focus on the removal of legal and regulatory barriers to abortion. Actions are suggested for both countries in which abortion laws are restrictive and those in which they are more liberal.


Adolescent Reproductive Rights: Laws and Policies to Improve Their Health and Lives , Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
This briefing paper focuses on certain issues that are universal to all adolescent girls - such as education, contraception, sexual violence, HIV/AIDS, abortion, and access to reproductive health care - and those that are of particular regional significance such as early marriage and female circumcision/female genital mutilation. The paper identifies the international legal standards that are relevant and recommends a critical legal and policy measure that all governments should strive to achieve. Finally, this paper presents a comprehensive summary of post-International Conference on Population and Development laws or policies that represent a "best practice". [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Hoq, Laboni Amena , Bringing Rights to Bear: An Analysis of the Work of UN Treaty Monitoring Bodies on Reproductive and Sexual Rights , Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
This report reviews the establishment of human rights and sexual rights within the international legal system. The analysis focuses on the incorporation of reproductive and sexual health considerations by six United Nations human rights treaty-monitoring committees. The report considers two categories of reproductive rights: the right to reproductive health care and the right to reproductive self-determination. Chapter 2 reviews the treaty-monitoring system and outlines potential future advancements by the monitoring committees in supporting reproductive and sexual rights. The remaining chapters are divided into sub-sections relating to substantive reproductive and sexual rights. The review of each specific right contains an analysis of the general comments, recommendations and concluding observations of the six Committees. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Reproductive Rights 2000 Moving Forward , Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
This comprehensive report examines the status of women's reproductive rights since the 1995 Beijing Conference, focusing particularly on eight critical areas: 1) population, reproductive health and family planning; 2) contraception, including emergency contraception; 3) abortion; 4) HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases; 5) harmful traditional practices affecting reproductive health, including female circumcision and female genital mutilation; 6) rape and other sexual violence; 7) marriage and family law; and 8) reproductive rights of adolescents. In its introduction, the report presents a brief history of reproductive rights in the international arena. In covering each of the eight critical areas, the report presents numerous examples of diverse policies adopted by various countries and subsequently offers recommendations for policy reforms. It concludes by noting that elements of coercion, discrimination, and violence are frequently faced by women in the context of reproductive rights violations; emphasizing the inter-dependent nature of reproductive rights and other human rights; and attributing the trend of increased recognition of women's reproductive rights since the Beijing Conference primarily to the efforts of women's rights advocates. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Women of the World: Law and Policies Affecting Their Reproductive Lives: Anglophone Africa , Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
This report details the factual content of national laws and policies in key areas of reproductive health and women's empowerment in seven Anglophone African nations: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. For each country, the report covers laws enacted by legislatures, legal principles developed by courts, and relevant policies issued by government entities such as ministries, administrative agencies, and official councils or commissions. International sources of law in each country are also discussed. The report concludes with an analysis of the status of the laws affecting reproductive health rights, a discussion of regional trends, and a description of regional models of laws and policies that promote reproductive rights. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Abortion Worldwide: Seventeen Years of Reform , Center for Reproductive Rights
The document provides a list of legal reforms relating to abortion instituted in various countries since the 1994 Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development. The vast majority of the legal reforms have broadened the circumstances under which abortion is legal, but there are some countries which have taken steps to legally restrict access to abortion. The article begins with the list of countries that have liberalized their abortion laws nation-wide, followed by the countries that have liberalized their abortion laws in particular regions only. Lastly, the document lists countries that have issued regulations to restrict access to abortion.


Female Genital Mutilation: A Matter of Human Rights: An Advocate Guide to Action , Center for Reproductive Rights
This resource is a guide for advocates working to stop FGM, intended to assist with engaging governments by holding them accountable under international human rights law. Characterizing FGM as a violation of the human rights of women and girls has significant consequences for both NGOs and governments. A multi-strategy approach receptive to the efforts of NGOs and international organizations must be guided by respect for the human rights of girls and women, and will promote social participation and economic empowerment as critical practices in establishing accountability for human rights violations. Regional coordination is essential in advancing policies to eliminate FGM, as is the adequate monitoring of national progress.


Valji, Nahla , Shadow Reports on Reproductive Rights , Center for Reproductive Rights
The Center for Reproductive Rights has produced or co-produced many shadow reports for international human rights treaty monitoring bodies such as the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (which monitors the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) and the Human Rights Committee (which monitors the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights). These reports are intended to "supplement or shadow" the reports of national governments when treaty monitoring bodies review government compliance with treaty obligations. Shadow reports are available for a number of different countries. They focus on various fundamental reproductive rights issues and highlight specific provisions of CEDAW. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa: An Instrument for Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Rights , Center for Reproductive Rights
This briefing paper outlines the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, which was ratified by 15 African governments in 2005. The protocol calls for broad protection for womens human rights, including their sexual and reproductive rights. Concrete suggestions are offered for womens health and rights advocates within and beyond Africa. Detailed information is also provided to help African women use the protocol to exercise their reproductive rights, as well as suggestions for governments to implement the protocols landmark provisions. The paper can also serve as a resource for advocates outside Africa who are seeking to establish similar guarantees. The topics covered by the protocol include reproductive health services, abortion, HIV/AIDS, sexual education, violence against women, and rights within marriage.


Lessard, Hester , The Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa: An Instrument for Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Rights , Center for Reproductive Rights
This document examines the innovations of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa, a protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights. The document addresses how the Protocol advances the rights of African women, specifically focusing on the issues of reproductive health and autonomy. The Protocol is described as a successful attempt at remedying the African Charters shortfall in addressing womens rights, by enunciating various rights already included in other international documents, while also including previously unrecognized rights. The previously unrecognized rights include, for example, a right to HIV/AIDS protection, to sexual education, and to freedom from genital mutilation. The document also describes how the Protocol seeks to protect the equal rights of women in marriage and protection of women from violence and discrimination in both the public and private spheres. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights, International - Africa]


Sassen, Saskia , Sex Work, HIV/AIDS and Human Rights in Central and Eastern Europe , Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network
This report is based on a study of organizations that work with sex workers in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It begins by analyzing the sex work industry and providing background information on HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) trends. The next section focuses on the impact of international human rights treaties, the different regulatory approaches that various countries have taken to sex work and to the human rights of sex workers. After an overview of existing services for sex workers in the region, the report ends with recommendations. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International - Europe]


Crooms, Lisa A. , Breaking the Cycle: Ensuring Equitable Access to HIV Treatment for Women and Girls
This report states that a gendered approach to HIV/AIDS treatment initiatives in resource-poor countries is necessary to address the gender inequities that make women and girls particularly vulnerable to contracting HIV/AIDS. The author begins by providing recommendations to make US policy towards HIV/AIDS more gender conscious. She then discusses the gendered dimensions of the disease, stating that "the AIDS crisis is fueled by women's social, economic, and biological vulnerabilities". The author emphasizes that the rising infection rate amongst females is in large part due to widespread human rights violations such as rape, sexual violence and coercion, cross-generational sex, income dependency, discriminatory access to education, health care, and property and inheritance rights. The document ends with a discussion on mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) programs and antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, focusing on the promising developments of ARV programs in Botswana and South Africa. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Fegan, Eileen V. , A Motherhood Issue: Discourses on Mothering Under Duress
This study, focused primarily on the province of British Columbia in Canada, examines the discourse on mothering under duress as evidenced by media reports, public policy and the individual experiences of women. Three cases in particular are examined: mothers experiencing mental health issues, mothers suffering domestic violence and mothers who engage in substance use. The authors note that a mother's rights tend to be viewed as subordinate to her child and argue that the mother-child unit should actually be granted rights beyond simply those of each individually. The authors outline a "mothering framework" to be used in developing policies surrounding mothering. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Safe Motherhood, Canada]


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC): Individual Country Reports
Individual country reports on FGM or FGC are used as factual background material by Immigration and Naturalization Service asylum adjudicators in the United States. They were developed and released by the Office of the Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues, US Department of State, on June 1, 2001. This document includes reports for: Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt,Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, The, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, Yemen. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Female Genital Cutting, International]


Fourth World Conference on Women Platform for Action (PFA)
The Platform for Action (PFA), which describes itself as "an agenda for women's empowerment," was adopted in 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women. It is not a legally binding international treaty or convention. The PFA sets out strategic objectives for countries to achieve and recommends actions that counties should take to achieve these objectives. The following is a non-exhaustive list of actions that have potential relevance to abortion issues. Chapter 4B deals with education and training of women: paragraph 83k recommends that governments and educational authorities remove barriers to sexual and reproductive health education where formal education programmes exist dealing with women's health. Chapter 4C deals with women and health: paragraphs 106a, b, e, f, and h-k; 107a,d, e, and g; 109i, 110a; and 111b recommend actions to be taken that have potential relevance to abortion issues. Chapter 4L deals with the girl-child: paragraph 281c recommends that governments and NGOs take steps to improve health education and health services-including reproductive and sexual programmes-that are appropriate for girls; paragraph 281e recommends that governments and NGOs ensure that girls have access to education and information on inter alia reproductive and sexual health and responsible family planning. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Abortion, International]


Gender Based Persecution as a Basis for Asylum: An Annotated Bibliography
The author notes that asylum has been extended in United States law to include some gender-based treatment, such as female genital mutilation (FGM), viewed as a type of persecution. The author points out that despite references to international norms suggesting what constitutes a refugee and the criteria of a "well-founded fear of persecution," US law has not moved beyond FGM to view general gender-based persecution as a ground for asylum. The author suggests that even this basis for asylum arose when American society "found it so outrageous as to criminalize it domestically." This extensive bibliography is itself a collection of annotations of recent literature from American and English secondary sources concerning the direction of US legislation and asylum case-law. [Descriptors: Migration - Refugees and Immigration, International - North America]


Gilchrist, Heidi , The Application of Human Rights to Reproductive and Sexual Health: A Compilation of the Word of International Human Rights Treaty Bodies, 3rd Edition
This report is designed to assist government departments and agencies as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in monitoring compliance with, and violations of, reproductive and sexual health rights. It is also designed to assist in the development of advocacy manuals, training programmes, and research. The report reviews six international human rights treaties relevant to the protection of reproductive and sexual health rights. Within the review of each treaty and convention, the report contains the full text of the instrument, general recommendations and comments by the treaty monitoring body, and relevant concluding observations by the monitoring committees. Information on concluding observations is organized in accordance with the specific country reports. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights, International]


Gottfried, Erika , HIV/AIDS as a Human Security Issue: A Gender Perspective
The author of this paper argues that HIV/AIDS presents a threat to human security. Part one discusses (a) the ways in which HIV/AIDS threatens human security; (b) the "negative synergy" between HIV/AIDS and poverty, HIV/AIDS and conflict, and HIV/AIDS and gender; and (c) the interaction between soldiers, youths and women. Part two contains recommendations and guiding principles in the areas of empowering women, training soldiers, and strengthening international commitment. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Green, Llezlie L , Gender and AIDS: Overview Report
This report discusses the importance of incorporating a gendered human rights framework when addressing HIV/AIDS issues. The author points to some of the key causes and impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic (social, economic, political, and demographic). The author also notes that current approaches to HIV/AIDS fail to take gender differences into account and to empower women. The report concludes by listing several recommendations aimed at transforming unequal gender relations through a mainstreamed, coordinated approach to gender and HIV, highlighting the need for collective action and destigmatisation. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


McIvor, Sharon Donna , HIV Testing and Pregnancy: Medical and Legal Parameters of the Policy Debate , Health Canada
This report includes a section analyzing whether a women's right to consent to and refuse medical treatment can be overridden to protect the health of her fetus. Through an examination of case law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the authors argue that a government-initiated mandatory HIV testing policy would give rise to constitutional challenges. The authors focus primarily on section 8 of the Charter (right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure) and maintain that a seizure of a woman's blood sample would not likely be considered reasonable, nor would infringement of the right be justified in a free and democratic society. The authors also discuss the constitutionality of replacing a policy of informed consent with one that automatically tests women unless they explicitly refuse. They argue that such a policy would likely violate section 7 (right to life, liberty and security of the person). The report includes recommendations as well as an appendix with information about testing policies across Canada. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


Millbank, Jenni , A Dose of Reality: Women's Rights in the Fight against HIV/AIDS , Human Rights Watch
This document reviews the spread of the AIDS epidemic, its disproportionate impact upon women and girls, and the failure of governments to enact appropriate policies to respond to this impact. The paper reviews key human rights issues including domestic violence, sexual abuse and the rights of property ownership and links the violations of these rights to the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. The report concludes by outlining key areas of legal reform, policy initiatives, and public education so governments could better respond to the impact of HIV/AIDS on women. The report also includes considerations for international organizations and donors. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Despite statements condemning the practice, the Turkish government has failed to adequately prohibit forcible viriginity control exams or to punish state agents who are involved. This report of Human Rights Watch follows from a mission to Turkey in 1993 to investigate this problem. It begins by briefly outlining the social and legal context within which this practice is found. It then outlines the international human rights norms which forced virginity control exams violate. The report then turns to discuss four aspects of this problem - abuse of women in custody, abuse by other state agencies, state participation in family-initiated virginity exams, and the role of the government and medical profession. The report concludes with recommendations for the Turkish government, Turkish health care professionals, the U.S. government, the European Union and the Council of Europe. Available for on-line order.


Global Report on Women's Human Rights , Human Rights Watch
"This report is a compilation of investigations by Human Rights Watch from 1990 to 1995 on women's human rights violations. It is based on the work of many staff members and consultants of the Women's Rights Project and the regional divisions of Human Rights Watch, who researched and wrote the initial reports from which the case studies in this volume are adapted". Chapter 7 of the report deals with reproductive and sexual rights in general. In addition, Chapter 7 contains a discussion and analysis of forced virginity exams in Turkey, as well as abortion law in Ireland and Poland. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Binder, Andrea , Policy Paralysis: A Call for Action on HIV/AIDS-Related Human Rights Abuses Against Women and Girls in Africa , Human Rights Watch
This report identifies the protection of women and girls as the key to addressing the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. The report notes the persistent negative impact of customary law upon women, particularly in the areas of domestic violence and property ownership and finds that legal and judicial remedies for women in these situations are insufficient. The report contains recommendations for policy responses to the gender-based human rights abuses which are linked to AIDS. The conclusion of the report states that African governments and donors must consider the protection of women and girls as a central element of the fight against AIDS.


The Safe Motherhood Action Agenda: Priorities for the Next Decade , Inter-Agency Group for Safe Motherhood
This document is the report of the Safe Motherhood Technical Consultation, which was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 18 to 23 October 1997, with participants from 65 countries. The document begins by briefly describing the Safe Motherhood Initiative, which marked its 10th anniversary in 1997. The document then presents programmatic lessons learned over the past decade with regard to the following ten "action messages": 1) advance safe motherhood through human rights; 2) empower women, ensure choices; 3) safe motherhood is a vital social and economic investment; 4) delay marriage and first birth; 5) every pregnancy faces risks; 6) ensure skilled attendance at delivery; 7) improve access to maternal health services; 8) prevent unwanted pregnancy and address unsafe abortion; 9) measure progress; and 10) the power of partnership. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


International Human Rights Standards, Reproductive Health and Abortion
This document presents a comprehensive overview of international human rights standards that are relevant to abortion and how they can be used as advocacy tools. Part I introduces the sources of international human rights standards and suggests ways that non-governmental organizations can promote state compliance with these standards. Part II focuses on sexual and reproductive rights, reviewing human rights standards that can be applied to abortion-related care. Part III presents case studies demonstrating how international standards can be applied to concrete cases. The appendices provide lists of international human rights standards that are important for reproductive health and the status of ratifications of these treaties. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Abortion, International]


Maternity Protection Convention (Revised) , International Labour Organization
The International Labour Organization's (ILO) Maternity Protection Convention, was revised at the General Conference of the ILO in June 2000. The new text entered into force on February 2, 2002. The Convention applies to employed women and includes protections relating to the health of pregnant or breastfeeding women, maternity leave, benefits and non-discrimination in employment. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights , International Planned Parenthood Federation
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights provides an ethical framework within which IPPF carries out its mission. It is an integral activity of Vision 2000, IPPF's Strategic Plan, which documents the most important issues, goals and programmatic challenges that the Federation and individual family planning associations must address in the coming years. The Charter is legal in character, as it is based on recognized international human rights law (UN charters, conventions etc.) which refer to relations between the state and its population and to state obligations to the population. In this Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, IPPF has taken some of these concepts, and has supplemented them with principles relating to sexual and reproductive health. By drawing on relevant extracts from international human rights instruments, the Charter demonstrates the legitimacy of sexual and reproductive rights as key human rights issues. Because this Charter is sourced in internationally recognized conventions, the task of identifying human rights violations is made easier. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Fact Sheet: Unsafe Abortion Around the World , International Planned Parenthood Federation
This fact sheet, produced by Planned Parenthood, presents statistics about unsafe abortions around the world and succinctly discusses such issues as why women choose abortion, factors that determine the safety of abortion, complications resulting from unsafe abortions, and how to prevent unsafe abortions. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Abortion, International]


Kneebone, Susan , Prevention, Treatment and Care in the Context of Human Rights: Expert Group Meeting on "The HIV/AIDS Pandemic and its Gender Implications"
This paper assesses the impact of HIV/AIDS on women through a human rights framework. The author begins by recgonizing the potential value of human rights in assisting women, but notes that even with the conceptual benefits, human rights advocacy must be utilized strategically. The paper reviews of the relationship between gender inequality and HIV/AIDS, and discusses vulnerability to infections, living with HIV/AIDS and the socio-economic impact upon women. The author provides an assessment of relevant human rights for addressing prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, and discusses how these rights should be framed to carry the greatest relevance. The conclusion includes recommendations for international agencies, states and civil society on legal and social measures to address gender inequality and HIV/AIDS. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Koshan, Jennifer , HIV Testing and Confidentiality: Final Report (section on Testing of Pregnant Women)
After a medical discussion of HIV testing of pregnant women and an assessment of testing policies in different provinces, this section of the report focuses on whether pregnancy affects a woman's right to consent to and refuse medical treatment. The author presents five arguments against mandatory testing: (1) it would likely be found unconstitutional; (2) voluntary programs have shown to be effective; (3) voluntary programs establish trust between physicians and patients that is key to women's compliance with their doctors' recommendations; (4) mandatory testing will increase distrust of the public health care system by women in communities disproportionately affected by HIV; and (5) mandatory testing disrespects women by treating them as a means to an end. The author also emphasizes the provision of counselling, to make women aware of the risks and benefits of testing and to enable them to make informed decisions. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


United Nations Centre For Human Rights, Fact Sheet No.23, Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children , Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
This fact sheet notes that early marriage is recognized as a harmful practice in part because it usually results in a denial of other rights (e.g.: education). The fact sheet acknowledges that although harmful traditional practices such as early marriage violate international human rights laws, "such practices persist because they are not questioned and take on an aura of morality in the eyes of those practising them". The fact sheet includes a "Plan of Action for the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children" prepared by the second United Nations Regional Seminar on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, held at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 4 to 8 July 1994 (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/10/Add.1 and Corr. 1); adopted by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in its resolution 1994/30 of 26 August 1994 (para. 3). [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International]


Orford, Anne , Dying of Sadness: Gender, Sexual Violence and the HIV Epidemic
The authors of this report examine sexual violence and its consequences for the HIV epidemic. They present a definition of sexual violence and evidence of its prevalence in the world, especially in conflict situations. The authors contend that people are contracting HIV in significant numbers due to sexual violence. They then offer strategies aimed at alleviating the problem of sexual violence at the local, national, and international levels. Strategies discussed include support for the victims, prosecution of perpetrators, as well as social and economic development. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Paxton, Susan, Wellbourn, Alice , "Oh! This one is infected!": Women, HIV and Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region
This paper discusses the various forces that contribute to women's disproportionate vulnerability to HIV infection, including biological, economic, social, cultural and "programmatic" (structural) factors. Drawing from testimonials of HIV-positive women, the authors also document discriminatory attitudes and actions against women with HIV status. They argue that as HIV affects women disproportionately, there is a need for a gender-based response: "[programs] need to be designed to challenge and transform those cultural norms that are harmful, enhance women's participation in decision-making and remove the social and cultural barriers to women's improved health and dignity". The paper concludes with a list of recommendations. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, International]


Quintero-Ramírez, Cirila , HIV/AIDS on Rise for Canadian Women: Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support Programs and Policies do not Address Needs of Girls and Women
The focus of this article is the increasing rate of HIV/AIDS infection amongst Canadian women. The author points to a number of factors that put women at greater risk for contracting HIV, including an increased physical susceptibility to infection as well as social or cultural factors that may limit a women's ability to choose safe sex practices. The author describes how Canadian women infected with HIV face a lower survival rate due a decreased likelihood of receiving proper diagnoses and inadequate access to healthcare, amongst other reasons. The author makes a call for more research on this issue and for more focus on the root causes of women's vulnerability, including poverty and discrimination. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - HIV/AIDS, Canada]


Reduction of Maternal Mortality
This joint statement represents a consensus between the World Health Organization, the United Nations Populations Fund, and the World Bank and "is an example of the common purpose and complementarity of programmes supported by the four agencies and designed to reduce and prevent maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity". Reaffirming that safe motherhood is a human right, the joint statement outlines policy and legislative actions that the three international agencies view as essential to the reduction of maternal mortality. It also includes social and community interventions that are to run parallel to actions taken in the health sector. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Safe Motherhood, International]


Ritz, Kerri L. , A Handbook for Advocacy in the African Human Rights System: Advancing Reproductive and Sexual Health Law
This publication focuses on the use of the African regional human rights system to protect reproductive and sexual health rights. The introduction reviews the merits of using a human rights approach to these issues and discusses a number of specific reproductive and sexual health concerns facing African women. Part I establishes reproductive and sexual health rights within an African context. Part II provides the full text of key African human rights documents. Part III provides additional resources relevant for regional mechanisms, including resolutions from the African Commission on Human and People's Rights and documents from international bodies and conferences. Part IV contains an extensive annotated bibliography with listings specifically focused on both reproductive and sexual health rights in African and general human rights under international law. [Descriptors: Reproductive Rights - Overview, International - Africa]

