Students and Faculty from Other Universities

This page sets out the services that the Bora Laskin Law Library provides to the students and faculty from other Universitities

Access to the Bora Laskin Law Library

Visitors from other academic institutions do not need special documentation or permission to use the library. Access to the print collection of the Bora Laskin Law Library is open to all persons Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Access to electronic resources is limited to registered law students due to licensing restrictions. Only persons with valid library cards may borrow material. Patrons without valid library cards who wish to read short-term loan (Course Reserves) material within the library must leave valid I.D. with the circulation desk when they borrow this material from behind the circulation desk. The I.D. will be returned when the material is returned to the desk.

Library hours

Check out our Hours and Location web page.

Library cards

Graduate students and faculty members from other universities may purchase a card for direct borrowing privileges.  Apply for a library card by presenting valid identification from your home university at the Robarts Library.

Undergraduates and college students at other post-secondary institutions, as well as high school and elementary school students, are not eligible to become borrowers.


Fines are charged at the rate of 0.50/day per book; no fines are charged for the first day a book is overdue. Fines on Short Term Loan books are 0.50/hour. Fines for recalled books are $2.00/day per book. Library privileges are withheld when the block limit is reached, until fines are paid.

Lost library books are subject to a $145.00 replacement charge. The library reserves the right to charge fines in addition to the replacement cost.

Photocopying and printing

Copying and printing costs 10 cents per page. Our copier accepts visitors cards. Cards can be purchased at the circulation desk for $5.00 with debit or credit cards only. The cards come with a pre-loaded value of $4.25 ($0.75 charge for the card). Once you have purchased the card, you can add value to it online or at any Guest Card & Cash Loading Station.

 Where do I get reference and research help?

The reference desk is staffed from Monday to Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. (tel: (416) 978-1073).

Use the online U of T catalogue to look for books in our library. There is no separate catalogue for just the Bora Laskin Law Library; the catalogue shows the listings of all campus libraries. To locate books held by our library, select the advanced search option and then  choose "Law  (Bora Laskin)"from the library drop down menu. If you cannot find a book at the Bora Laskin Law Library, you may want to check the York University Library Catalogue (4700 Keele St.) or the Great Library Catalogue (130 Queens St. E., Osgoode Subway station) to see if either of those libraries has it.A limited amount of Canadian caselaw can be accessed for free on the Internet at CANLII. Our library's website also provides links to Canadian legislation.

Where do I find past Exams

Past exams are available in hard copy in the library at call number KF292 .T64 U54. There are no sample exam answers available.