Building on Achievements: Women's Human Rights After Beijing

Building on Achievements: Women's Human Rights After Beijing
Document Type: 
Documents by United Nations Bodies and Agencies
May 2000.
This document reviews the progress made from 1995 to 2000 in realizing the commitments made by governments at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing. The document begins by discussing the following basic principles and standards that were reaffirmed at the Beijing Conference: (1) women's rights ashuman rights, (2) the universality and indivisibility of all human rights, and (3) equality and non-discrimination. The document then highlights recent developments made with regard to four key issues: (1) reproductive health rights; (2) gender equality and property, land rights and inheritance; (3) gender equality and the family; and (4) trafficking in women and children. Finally, the document discusses steps taken by UN entities to implement the Beijing Platform for Action and steps that should be taken in the future.