U.N. Doc A/HRC/7/6/Add.5 (February 25, 2008)
This report, submitted to the Human Rights
Council, proposes indicators to measure
VAW and State response towards ending such
violence. In addition to adherence to the
due diligence standard to prevent VAW,
States are asked to support research,
collect data and compile statistics
regarding VAW and encourage research on
its causes and consequences. States are
also urged to establish and use VAW
indicators so that interventions designed
to combat violence are based on accurate
data. The report identifies some key
attributes of good indicators: specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant and time-
framed. This report proposes indicators
for measuring grave VAW, femicide and
tolerance. Indicators for measuring
state-responses can include institutional
indicators, process indicators and
tracking promising practices. This report
offers ways in which these indicators can
be implemented and concludes by
reiterating the necessity of an evidence-
based approach to eliminate VAW.