Database of Law Journals Available Electronically and at the Bora Laskin Law Library

Database of Law Journals Available Electronically and at the Bora Laskin Law Library

This database includes direct links to all full-text law journals on either Quicklaw, LexisNexis, Westlaw, WestlawNext Canada, HeinOnline or the Internet, as well as a list of the library's print holdings.

Users with Quicklaw/LexisNexis passwords cannot access journals on LexisNexis; Quicklaw/LexisNexis does not allow direct access to individual journals. Users with a WestlawNext password, can access journals on both WestlawNext and Westlaw.

Items marked (Full text through U of T Library Resources) are available only to the University of Toronto Community. Some databases include only selected coverage.

U of T acquires new resources constantly. This list is updated regularly but to ensure you have not missed any journals made available through the U of T library system, make sure you also search the library catalogue.


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